Remake Wizard

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BedCedric, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Round and round ...and round.

    This is my final version of Wizard from Halo CE.

    Assault Rifle x2
    DMR x2
    Shotgun x2
    Magnum x2
    Plasma Rifle x1
    Needle Rifle x1
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x4






    #1 BedCedric, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2013
  2. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    This really looks phenomenal with the use of forge pieces. I can tell you put lots of thought into everything, as the geometry of the forge objects are proportional in every way. However, I have one piece of advice, you are lacking cover on the top platforms that have ramps leading to them. There is supposed to be a door frame at the end of the ramp. It doesn't provide much cover, but it provides just the right amount. I will try to link a pic so you have a better idea of what I'm saying. Click here.
    I also found a warlock pic (halo 2 version), but only half the door frame object is showing. Click here. As you can see, Halo 2's version uses even less cover, so you can be creative with it. I hope you have enough budget though...
    #2 PeteTacular 42, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  3. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your comment.
    I chose not to include the elements of the platform in the map for aesthetic reasons & limited objects. I think that choice does not interfere with original gameplay.
    #3 BedCedric, Jan 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  4. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    I have to agree with Pete. even that small amount of cover will largely change gameplay, and so to leave it out will possibly cripple this map's functionality as an accurate remake. Though all in all, it looks remarkably well made
  5. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I mean we wouldn't be commenting if we didn't think it looked great. I think just putting a column or two (for width) would do the trick if you didn't want to go all out. I'm just envisioning a scenario where someone is at top center shooting at person walking up ramp. Instead of falling down for cover, person could hold ground and try shooting back. Same kind of scenario if someone's shooting from base.
    #5 PeteTacular 42, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  6. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    This is a very cool version of Wizard. I really like some of the use of forge pieces to fit Wizard well though I already have my favorite version that was made specifically for me by Mac xL. He definitely has some of the best remakes and this version definitely is up there along with it. I would say competes (in a good way) with his, though i'm slightly bias to a map that was made for me. Nice job man, i'll be looking for more from you :)
  7. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your comments. It's nice to have good reviews =)
    Pete & Patsteirer, I'll try to find a solution to include elements of the platform.
    Blueprint, I saw the remake made by Mac xL, his map is very nice!
    #7 BedCedric, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  8. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    While taking a look at your map in forge, I also realized that there is no place beneath center structure. I think it works out well the way it is though because the map feels a little smaller in scale, and if you did have space underneath, it would feel too enclosed (good compromise). I guess I'm drawn to this particular remake because the aesthetics are unique. That Halo CE looking door looks awesome, great work!
    I'm glad you're actually considering my advise about the cover on platform- good to hear that I could help improve on someone's creation.
  9. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Send me a message on my GT if you want to play on this map in SWAT ;p
  10. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    The only reason I'm not downloading is because the version of Wizard currently downloaded to my xBox is the version Bungie will be using in their classic playlist, known as Magus. I will say that visually, your's looks a bit cleaner, particularly in your use of Y platforms to create the overhangs in the center structures and the Halo:CE styled aesthetics; however, I must adress concerns that things don't exactly look to scale, along with the many other Wizard remakes that use similar structures as you did here. That said, this is just an analysis based on your pictures (nice Shop btw) and you should take my opinion as a grain of salt. I haven't downloaded it, so I can't tell for sure, but it Looks great!
    #10 Br4k3d0wN, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  11. BedCedric

    BedCedric Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    -Map completely redone in such a way as to get closer to the original.

    I hope you enjoy! Have fun!
    #11 BedCedric, Nov 3, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012

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