Hex Created by shortkidpena Recommended Players: 2-16 Required Gametype: Race This map is called Hex, in case you hadn't noticed from the title, and I've been pondering why it has such a nomenclature. Is it "Hex" because of its hexagonal centre with six track deviations? Or is it "Hex" because it will have you cursing the other drivers as they attempt to crash into you? Or is it "Hex" because the game is so downright crazy and chaotic (in a good way) that you will be screaming out "What the Hex going on here?!" - You may be thinking the same about this write up. Perhaps it's best I explain the map further. Hex is a race map, and from the overview picture you'd be excused for thinking it appears average, but you'd be oh so wrong because this map is anything but average. You see, in a traditional race track there is only one way around the course; you go from start to finish and there's just one long line of drivers heading unidirectionally. Hex is nothing like that. In this map you all start facing the centre and are able to travel around the track in any direction you wish. The chances of you finding a driver heading the same direction as you are slim. The chances of you crashing head-first into another driver however are extremely likely. It's like shortkidpena has managed to control chaos itself, which is a paradox and should freak you out even more! With Hex you will want as many people as possible in your party. The track design itself is wide and forgiving, and is not intended to provide a challenge; the other racers are intended as the challenge. Rather than a map with fixed scenery obstacles, you are faced with the ever-changing obstacle of other racers trying to take you off the road and into watery oblivion. It's in a large party where this map really comes alive and becomes something unique and hilariously fun that you will want to keep on your hard drive for a long time indeed. Download Hex You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
this doesnt suprise me, its definately the most unique race map i've seen so far. It feels like one of those hot wheel tracks from the good ol days. Its nice to see the features coming out a little quicker, but i guess i cant blame you for being lax during the holidays.
I was going to say the EXACT same thing! I'm curious how the scoring works though, I'll have to give'r a download to find out!
ZOMG a race map. Good job shortkidpena although the concept of a figure eight is not new the execution of this one is just excellent. I just love how versatile this track is. I have fun games on this track with mongooses, ghosts, warthogs, hell I've even had a wraith game on this. Another thing about this map is just how well it caters to everyone. Not good at racing? Fine just try to knock off the other people. Good at racing? Then avoid the people trying to knock you off and get as many checkpoints as possible. I always pick this map at least once whenever I'm hosting a party and it generally is well liked.
Congratulations short kid for having a feature and yet the first featured race map ever on reach. Damn thats a smooth map
I love this race track. It is a lot of fun going in one direction, and then just completely changing your path while at the same time making it more difficult for other racers going in the opposite direction. This is the perfect racetrack to play with a large party as it becomes chaotic and this map definitely deserved the feature here and on XF.
This is a really fun map, I remember playing it a long time ago. It was a frequent game choice for custom parties. Congrats to the creator. I am wondering though if this is feature material. It's a load of fun but so are a bunch of other maps on the forums. I do think it gets rather repetitive too. I can't quite put my finger on it but for some reason I don't think it equals most of the other featured maps. I don't wanna sound like a jerk cause this is a great map and the maker should be proud. But was surprised to see this as the feature.
Keep an eye out for this guy pena. he's a forge genius and he doesnt even realize it congrats on the feature bro! i have to say i'm a Hex pro winning a big 50 lapper
hehehe, I nominated this map to boodahcrayun A very well deserved feature indeed and one of the most original race tracks in Reach to date. Congrats.
really good to see what appears to be a backlog of features finally getting released. i think its a great and encouraging thing for the community. heres to hoping that features remain this frequent, as we all continue to poop out amazing maps! congratulations Pena, this one is definitely deserving.
He didn't notice it until I brought it up for feature. No credit to thee. and Pena already knows I love this map lol
I think it was decent, but there would be about thirty other race maps that I would have picked over this one for a feature. I can see how you might have picked it considering it's originality. I can't really complain though, it's nice to see a map other than a competitive map here. Congrats on the feature.
This map is awesome, I've been waiting for something this chaotic and fun to come along. Let's hope more race tracks take inspiration from this instead of the boring old thing. Interesting you should complain about the feature selection yet you haven't nominated a single one This goes for everyone. If you don't like the features, yet you haven't nominated any for feature, don't complain.
Nah, I give up with giving my advice on this web site. No one really ever listens to me anyway, so why should I waste my time. I like tracks that are more linear, and I don't find that style "boring", as you say. Again, I am happy for the map creator. I am not trying to bring down his glory. It just seems that the staff can't always rely on what the community thinks or says. Most members don't have the time or patience to test every map.
The featured maps are here to satisfy to the majority of the community, not just the anal, competitive racers. Every game I played on with this was actually quite competitive, because not only do you need to handle your mongoose well, but you need carisma to handle the straglers and trolls in the party to take out your competition. This map has many different gameplay aspects that you can't see through the pictures. Out of all the tracks this is the best in my eyes, it deserves the feature.