JETPACK TOWER pretty much says it all. Nothing complicated or hard to figure out so test your Jetpack skills because it's either fly or die. It's a very tall symmetrical vertical map with vehicle mancan lift-offs and then... your on your own. You can move up or down in the center column, but can be a nade magnet if you time it wrong. There is something different about a vertical fight, we found it a fun change of pace to play... and a lot of laughs. It's a long free fall from the top. No game types set or weapons placements because we play just FFA Forge games and set up all weapons (Sniper/DMR), ammo, nades and abilities before hand. So, set it up as you like. However, I have set Jetpacks up at the 4 spawning points. Without one side
This map look VERY interesting! Ill have to give it a download to get a better look. Very simple idea, but a very complex layout. (if you know what i mean) lol. Anyway, good map! JGarb Forge
Thanks. The friends I play with like playing using Jetpacks a lot so I thought I would build a skill tester. I first built it without the center column but it was way to open for Snipers from above. Now, you get more than 2 players in there you don't know where they are going to show up from. Yeh, I don't make a lot of fancy, tricky maps but I try to make maps that are different. The map I'm working on now is absolutely worthless to fighting but you'll get a huge laugh when you see it. I think I'll call it OVER POWERED, my redneck outboard. HA!
Thanks pete. I've got quite few DL's on this map since it came out and it's a fun map for a change of pace from horizontal play. And, a bit of a challenge for anyone's Jetpacking skills. ROCK
lol I looked at the first few pictures of the outside and thought "heh, doesn't look tough" and then I saw the inside and my face drooped down and I was like "HOOOOLLLLYYYY!!!" xD nice one
Thanks Loscocco. I appreciate the comment and checking out my map. I think this is my most DLed map so far. It'll test your Jetpacking skills for sure. ROCK