Came aross this dude while playing Grifball. Check this guy out. It's insane. Definitely the highest progress I've ever seen. : Reach : Service Record NOTE: He's played just over a total of 8 days.
He's boosted so much campaign that the amount he has is completely unrespectable. He's not the highest though, I can tell you that much. Go to HaloCharts.
You're right some one showed me someone higher. Unless someone has 100% completion then this guy is the highest: : Reach : Service Record Something about this seems too good to be true though...
Yeah, I know. It also says he's played for over 18 days. That's so much. I thought I played too much and I've only totaled 2 days.
threads like these pop up every couple weeks or so, and everyone oohs and ahhs at how much a person has boosted. i dont get it.
that guy is a high rank, and i can't find his commendation completion but his armory completion is really high, the highest armory ive seen is like 84 till now