For a minigame, it sure is intense. The fact that you have to actually communicate with your teammates to complete your tasks makes this a great game for most parties. Play together, or die alone.
He essentially can't. But you're on the same team, and if you want to win, you wouldnt send more than one person into the BR box.. mostly cause theres only one BR (which i don't think respawns, since players have infinite ammo).
extreamly team oriaentated more than any other game because i guy cant just go off on his own and hope to get all the kills he must rely on his team.
Looks like an awesome minigame, definately dling. What if two ppl go through the teleporte, is it set up that only one can go through or what?
Yes, it's set up so that only 1 guy can go through the BR teleporter. Mostly. I have seen two people make it up to the BR, but it was during a particularly laggy game with a bunch of weird stuff happening. In any case, if you want to win, you'd best only send 1 guy to the BR spot. It's your own fault if you play with people (noobs) who sprint to the middle teleporter screaming "I've got BR, I've got BR!!!!"
I TOLD YOU TO MAKE THIS AND YOU DID!!! now make me a working rocket, with an actual landing platform and destination lol. this is a lot of fun, even though i probably had the most deaths on my team during testing, it was a great experience.
Just so everybody knows, I will be hosting a small tournament (teams of 4) on this map/gametype in the near future. There will be prizes. Don't try to sign up until I post something more official, though. Oh, and I will be playing, with an elite team of noob-combo death-dealers, so you guys had better practice. Also, new panorama picture is up now.
Your second image is great, it makes me want to take better pictures of my maps. The actual game is awesome too. The couple of curve balls you tossed in there (stickies, regenerator/power drain, the man cannons) do a good job of giving the players the different options needed to make a map interesting.
Looks interesting although it looks alot like the average arena style maps. It is much better interlocking than average ones but it is kind of plain. Although the greanade spawns are creative with the teleporters under them. 4/5 though overall.
this looks really cool great job.....i love the idea by the way very creative...i cant really fully rate this though because my bungie account doesn't work so i cant dl it but great job man and I'm sure id give it a 5/5 if i played it.
how do you make a one person sender node? and PM me when Ican sign up for the tournament 5/5 for the anti noob place