Introduction A new face in ForgeHub

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alzarahn, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Alzarahn

    Alzarahn Member
    Senior Member

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    I am Alzarahn. I am a new member here, some of you might know me from XForgery. I see that the websites are quite similar and I should have little trouble getting started here. The community does seem quite a bit bigger, though. I can only hope I get the same welcome and support here that I get at my alternate community. I hope to find some good maps and to share some of my own.
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome aboard, man. Good to have you.
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why hello there Alzarahn. I'm a member of XForgery also, though I'm not very active on that site, whereas I'm fairly active here. I have 1 map on XForgery, my best one, Burn. Anyways, yeah the sites seem to be about the exact same in format... I found it kinda of odd. As if one copied the other... But I don't know.

    Random Links:

    Testers Guild - Post your maps here to get feedback on them

    Reach Custom Content - Post your maps here for us to see them :D

    Anyways, I look forward to seeing some of your maps! Also, if you need anything else feel free to send me a message here.

    *Edit: Danget Rorak, you beat me... -.-
  4. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Hi, welcome to the site. I don't want to sound like I'm being mean, but your signature is currently against the rules. You cannot link to Xforgery in your signature. I know how it sounds. I know you are just trying to show us the maps you've made, but rules are rules. Once you've posted the maps on the site you can link them in your signature. I'm just telling you before a mod does. Have fun on the site =)
  5. Alzarahn

    Alzarahn Member
    Senior Member

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    Gotcha, it's no big deal. I did not see a rule against it anywhere so I did not know better. In any case it's fixed now.
  6. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Welcome! Seeing as most things have been covered, I was surprised to see that no one warned of the most dangerous part of the site. Her name is stevo and she lurks in the darkest corners of the forum, just waiting to pounce on (and then eat) unsuspecting members.

    You've been warned.
  7. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Could a actual mod please confirm this? I have never seen such a rule. I remember being able to place links to other sites in your sig as long as your not directly trying to advertise it.

    Alzarahn, I suggest you look into the way this site works. Its most definitely different. They look similar, though. I can't say much more.

    Anyway, post your maps if you haven't already. They are all amazing.
  8. Alzarahn

    Alzarahn Member
    Senior Member

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    0_o Why am I envisioning that giant spider scene from Lord of the Rings? Heh

    I will be posting more of my maps here in due time, so I'm not too concerned about it. =) I am sure this site has it's differences, it's more apparent in some ways than others. In any case, I'll be trying my best to follow the rules and keep in the green.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    <enters a giant spider>


    As for the Xforgery link rule not being displayed. It comes under 'advertising'. You can't link to any external site that advertises any products (which basically means you can just link common sites like youtube, facebook etc...)
    #9 Stevo, Jan 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  10. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just wanted to give an official word, I mean I don't want to sound redundant, but yes I will confirm, XF links in signature is against the rules. Welcome to ForgeHub and I hope you enjoy your stay. Please keep in mind we have very sensitive spam rules, so feel free to check out our site rules when you get a chance. Happy forging!
  11. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Wilkommen, wanted to extend a hello after playing customs (enjoyable coincidence). Welcome aboard! You certainly have a talent for Forge and hopefully you find ways to increase your wealth of knowledge here.
  12. Alzarahn

    Alzarahn Member
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. =) I'd be glad to play some customs with everyone if you have free time, my gamertag is Alzarahn.
  13. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    Wello. You see that? Wello? I just made a new word for you. It's a mixture of welcome and hello. use it in your stay here at Forgehub, it's a magical wonderland full of unique vocabulary and lulz.

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