::Salvation City:: First u need info: Salvation city is set on Ghost Town. I used Brute Captains Parched Solace as a canvas(thanks for letting me ). The zombies start in the cave, and the human in the warehouse. There are 25% zombies in the start, and the have pistols+swords. The humans have shotguns and pistols. The weapons never re-spawn. The game time limit is set to 12 minutes. The story: Since the flood arrived at Earth(lets say the year is 2357), the planet has been almost obliterated by the horrific parasite. But the humans built strongholds and safehouses to defend themselfes. Now, many of the bunkers and strongholds are destroyd, and only one city remains. This city is the most fortified one, therefore the name Salvation City. Now it is time for you to save humanity. This is our last stand. <— Game type. I used Parched Solace as a canvas, since the map has some awsome merging. The humans start in the warehouse, and the zombies in the cave. The humans will have to make it to the armories, thus there are other safe places on the map. One of the armories is in the middle building on the second floor. The armory is reachable through the entrance next to the bridge. To get to the other armory, you will have to go through a teleporter inside the warehouse. Safe places, such as the armories, are lit up by mancannons. They are very useful then it gets dark. Oh yes, after two minutes it gets darker and darker. Since there are so many pics, I had to make a slideshow: Small Slideshow Large Slideshow The pics: Since this map is so old, I have to direct you to version 2: Salvation city 2 Parched Solace Note: Brute did all the merging on this map
If youre going to post a map, you need to embed pics as soon as possible. People are just going to complain and tell you it doesnt meet the standards. So get all your pics together before posting the map.
This map looks really good. I will download for sure. Although you have a slideshow, I'd recommend you embed some pictures as well.
Oh the gametype must've been deleted. It's so old you know.... I've made a link to v2 instead 'cuz there's no need downloading the sucky version. Thanks anyway for reminding me!