Ok, we all know how fun Halo 3 was untill its sucessor Halo: Reach came out. But Bungie left some things behind that were fun and helped make the game what it was. From Weapons to Equipment, Armour to Custom Games... What do you miss from Halo 3?
brute shot. smg. FFA on guardian. the chopper. tougher vehicles. the old security helmet. sandtrap, rat's nest, avalanche, the pit. carbine. the missle pod. 2 flag with the elephant bases. the flamethrower on construct.... I was a pyro. flame and brute grenades, trip mines. Elite armor customization things i don't miss: the BR. half of big team games being ruined because its 3 vs 8. getting nothing when you lose. foundry. VIP in matchmaking. the old territories (4 rounds). The laser being on almost every vehicle map.
The BR is enough on its own to miss the game. However, I also missed The Pit, Guardian, Narrows, Heretic, Construct, and Citadel. Those were all epic maps. What you should have done is ask what we missed from Halo 2. Then I could give you a much longer list. I've waited for almost 4 years and STILL no Headlong remake to date.
I can't understand missing the BR. the DMR is such a superior weapon! of course, I loathe the BR with all of my soul. so there is that. oh and how could I forget double xp weekends? though I'm sure double cR weekends will happen sometime.
I like the BR simply because it is a classic weapon. I don't think the BR is superior to the DMR in any way, I just like it because it is a great weapon (despite being outranged by the DMR) and it has been an epic weapon since Halo 2. I like it because it also gives better montage momemts than the DMR, thanks to its 4-shot, rather than 5-shot, death.
Incendiary Grenades and Spike Grenades. The Carbine and ESPECIALLY Beam Rifle. A number of the Brute weapons - I don't care if the Brute Shot is similar to Concussion Rifle... I loved the model. And heck, say I wanted to forge something with a Brute theme. A lot of the vehicles are missed. I even miss things that would be somewhat redundant if brought into Reach - deployable cover for one thing, regen for another. Shield leech would have also been nice to keep. I dunno, I'm a ***** for variety, even at the cost of redundancy (and yes, that sounds like an oxymoron).
to the people who say that the dmr is better to play with it is but from a technical standpoint (as in sheild strenth and everything) br would win hands down but thats not the point i miss gardian, apla zombie (incredibly slow queen with super fast minions - classic) the pit, most maps from halo 3, custom game settings and the campaign
I miss: - some of the maps (especially Guardian, Valhalla and Avalanche, but also Standoff, The Pit and Construct) - equipment, particularly the power drain and trip mine - the last gasp of the dual wield - camo power-ups that were worth a BLAM! - lots of forge items, like spools, fence walls, and pallets I don't miss: - trying to forge with no large objects, no easy phasing/geomerging, and objects that would move around unless you pinned them in place with weapon holders - the 1-50 rank system - certain other maps (especially Sandtrap - never played a game on that map that wasn't one team absolutely dominating the other, for whatever reason - but also Snowbound and Isolation)
I really miss some of the classic weapons, BR, Spike Grenades, Incendiary Grenades, Beam Rifle, and Especially Dual Wielding. I would literally kill a man to be able to play Reach on Valhalla, or to Forge in Valhalla with this forge 2.0. I honestly don't know why they didn't build valhalla into forgeworld. It would've made so many people so very happy.
Bungie, I love you, but Reach makes me disappoint. Halo 3 was superior in my views based on the customs, campaign, and maps. Forge 2.0 is great, but the glitches in it are unacceptable. Theater's the same, though...
*cough* The 1-50 rank system is still in Halo: Reach. You just cannot see it, so its impossible to boost. You are still being paired up with people around your skill level. The only things I miss were the BR, just because of how it felt, and some of the maps. Valhalla, The Pit, Sandtrap, and Avalanche have a lot of good memories. Well, every map from Halo 3 has some good memories.
Hayabusa shoulders Hornets Scout shoulders Sandbox Foundry SMG Carbine Mauler Destructible Grav Lift Flood Pallets on a Forge map Of course these are my MAIN ones!