This map is certainly very impressive. Seems very dominating architecturally which might have been the intent. Too few people use the aesthetics to define a mood of the map and yours does nicely. Reminds me a little of hatofwin's series of maps. I'd like to see a machinima done on this.
That "dominating" quality was definitely what I was aiming for. I'm glad I pulled that off successfully And as for the machinima, the first episode is in progress and it does, in fact, feature this map right off the bat.
amazing! I love this map, im thinking i can use this as a place where we can test covi guns? may i use it?
It's a lot more open inside than I expected. Not a big fan of the fact that you can just hop off the stairs some 6 Stories up and fall to the lobby. But otherwise, I'm blown away. Good job.
Thanks! That's understandable about the whole falling thing. It was tough to cover everything up with the budget constraints and everything.
I got a chance to check this map out in person with a few people the other day. To say the least from the moment which I took 5 steps on that bridge-I was impressed. It got even better once I took a closer look on the inside. I have to applaud your craftsmanship and creativity. This is the sort of out-side-the box forging which gets you a permanent spot on peoples' hardrives. p.s. Someone said "this is sweet, who made it", and I remembered you gamertag. They they saw the name of the map very ironic with your gamertag and you got a few UUUHHHs and AHHHs from the croud. Nice work!
Thank you, kind sir! That's very good to know that you and your group enjoyed the aesthetics. I'm in the process of changing a few things on the mid-levels in order to take up more floorspace and make it a fun map for Infection.
I don't have my XBOX with me right now, but when i get back on i cant wait to check out this map. I bet it would make an awesome machinima- some humans raid the placec trying t discover what the place is up to and what secrets there hiding (maybe some hall of fame in the background?)
Holy Blam! dude... I personally am not a fan of the juicy effect however it fits nicely on this map and on its observational table. Also some say that it would be a great infection map however after running around in forge world (as the spartan) I feel that one team would have an unfair advantage with the various power weapons concentrated at the top. Moreover even in infection (as many have indicated for their preferred gametype) the map would be too large to traverse or even find anyone. The aesthetics on the other hand blow me away. I have been downloading various aesthetic maps for ideas and this in particular map was so well designed I have no idea where to start. Moving on before I start ranting though... a little more constructive criticism. If you do decide to make the map competitive you must first set all of your weapons to normal not phased. If you leave it phased, it causes some glitching problems when the weapon is dropped otherwise. If you place the weapon in phase mode then go back, and without grabbing it, change the setting to normal, the weapon will continue to hover and will actually re-spawn in that position. i hope that this helps you with the map. Hi my name is sjirr and I approve this message.
Wow. This has got to be one of the best aesthetic maps. I especially love the logo design on the wall and the 3d representation and just the entire forging of the bulding. I've never seen anything like this, great job!
Grif otage Review hub signup review My review of Artifex Industries for Review hub (I'm not official) When I first spawned on the map i was blown away with the amount of detail. I walked around the first floor lobby and was amazed at the design. The floor was majority smooth, besides on small places were different objects touched but I didn't mind it. From the lobby you can tell there is more to come on higher levels. The little things are what count From the waiting benches,The top floor desk, and many other features this map will make you believe everyone just left for lunch. Weapons still on tables, and the hanger door wide open. Even the not so little. The cyro pod room brings you back to Halo CE, The open pod is even designed with a look of empty. I could picture staff awaking to a zombie infection, or zombies them selves awaking from the pods. Each object has a unique touch to the map. objective plates were used as a metal cage around the red light first seen in the lobby. Even the juicy effect had a role too besides being a hidden ball of magic. The map is very interesting and well developed. A few designs were overused is some places like the sword stand. Originality: 3 The map is unique and has properties that i have never seen before. Amazing job. Aesthetics:16 Well designed and has many ways of access to different levels. So many tiny objects and items really stand out and feels like a real structure. Definitely a long lasting map that will be talked about. Average rating: 9.5 That concludes my review for Review Hub signup Btw for the rating criteria images, those links are broken.