
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by styxman34, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "Not unlike other Forerunner structures, its purpose is unknown, though its recent history reveals too much."

    YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge Map - Parabolic

    Parabolic is a small/medium symmetrical map, recommended for smaller groups no larger than 8 for teams, 10 for FFA. It has a fairly simple design, with influences from citadel from Halo 3. Slayer variants such as SWAT or snipers are recommended, though it supports all gametypes except Invasion, and race variants.

    There are 4 floors on this map:

    Bottom Floor: Mainly a long, wide corridor with the shotgun in the middle. On the sides are grav-lifts taking you to the main floor.

    Main Floor: Composed of two sub-levels: the courtyard, the area in the middle slightly lower than the rest of the floor; and the outer floor, which runs along the entire map. Near each corner there is either a sniper rifle and 2 plasma grenades, or a DMR and a health pack. Just on top of the lift exits are the two assault rifles. On each end, there is a jump pad that takes you to the bridge on the 3rd floor. Each is color coded corresponding to the side that it is on.

    3rd Floor: The 3rd floor is just on top of the tunnel, long hallways on the main floor, and on the bridges that can be accessed by the jump pads. It holds a DMR at either side

    The Bridge: A arched bridge. Nothing more. On the peak, it holds the rocket launcher. just above this, it has a roof, with fusion coils hanging from it to help take care of anybody that's camping up there from lower levels.

    Supported Gametypes
    • Slayer Variants
    • CTF Variants
    • Assault Variants
    • Infection Variants
    • Territories Variants
    • Stockpile Variants
    • King of the Hill Variants
    • Headhunter Variants
    • Oddball Variants

    Weapons (Spare Clips/Respawn Time)
    • 4x DMR (2/30)
    • 2x Assault Rifle (2/30)
    • 2x Sniper Rifle (1/120)
    • 1x Shotgun (1/120)
    • 1x Rocket Launcher (1/180)
    • 4x Plasma Grenade (NA/15)

    Overview (mouse-over for weapon locations):

    Bottom Floor:

    Grav-Lift/Shotgun Spawn:

    Lift Exit:


    Sniper Hallway:

    Red Base/ Jump Pad:

    View Of 3rd Floor:


    Rocket Spawn:

    Any constructive criticism is appreciated.

    Download Parabolic
    #1 styxman34, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    The upper walkways look a little open, is that a deathway (pathway) there, or is there some cover im missing?
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Looks like a risk/reward for trying to get the Rockets.

    I love the aesthetics on this map though. Something about it feels very Halo CE to me, which I like.
  4. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Which walkway do you mean? The 3rd floor, with the crates? It is a pretty open map, but it is best for snipers or SWAT, because of all of the long sight lines.

    Edited by merge:

    This is the first time I have gotten good remarks for the aesthetics on one of my maps. And I agree, when I was walking through it in forge, it just felt like something from Halo 2 or CE.
    #4 styxman34, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    An ultimately good design suffers from an uninteresting weapon layout. I recommend throwing the casual players a bone too.
  6. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What would you recommend? It is a competitive map, but I guess it could have a casual side to it.
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    It can still be a competitive map while still holding weapons that are somewhat casual. Maybe some of the following:

    - Plasma Repeaters/rifles
    - Plasma pistols
    - needlers
  8. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Those were something I considered in making it, but they really didn't fit, in terms of space, and how they went with the map.
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    What's the purpose of the fusion coils above the rocket launcher?

    Do you have any gameplay pics to help us visualize sight lines and stuff?

    Have you tested it at all? It looks like the shotgun might not be too useful.
  10. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The purpose of the fusion coils is to help out the players that might be getting destroyed by a sniper that's camping on the bridge. It will at least do a little damage depending on where they are, therefore descoping them.

    I don't have any gameplay screenshots, but the sightlines are mostly around the edge of the map, and in the center. It is very similar to Citadel.

    I don't like maps where one weapon becomes too useful. It makes it unbalanced, unless there are two of them (in my opinion). The shotgun can be easily countered in a map like this, but it can also be a force in several situations.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    The floor seems really visually distracting with all of the windows and everything. Maybe it's just me, but I think it'd be cool if you went with a more minimal effect like maybe a coliseum wall if you could fit them in. At the moment the unnecessary detail at the bottom distracts from the necessary detail at the top, imo.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow man this map is awesome! There are a load of features I like about this map. The bridge is really nice and I like the tunels on there side with inclines, have seen it used on other maps, but not tried myself. Expertly presented and loads of gametypes. Great work , nice forging
  13. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
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    Pretty high praise coming from one of the best forgers on here.
    I liked the bridge as well. It was the first time I had tried something of that nature, and it worked out pretty well.
    I had been wanting to use the tunnels on their sides for quite some time. I experimented with the design in the middle with a lot of maps, but none of them really worked out too well.
  14. Rabid Phox 830

    Rabid Phox 830 Forerunner

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    This map is pretty good, but a little too open. It plays really well for swat and snipers though. It should also play pretty well with koth.
    The aesthetics aren't amazing, but they are pretty good. This is one of the better maps that I've seen on here.
  15. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Snipers and SWAT are two of my favorite gametypes, so this map is one of my favorites that I've made.
  16. HardcoreTriple

    HardcoreTriple Forerunner

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    Looks good, excellent work with the bridge and detail. So many maps on here don't let the pieces fit together naturally so everything looks clumpy. Can't wait to try this one out.

    III PH03NIX III Forerunner

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    one way you could make the fusion coils above the bridge more effective is if you made them fall on the bridge once some sort of explosive trigger was activated such as a land mine. This trick uses another explosive with fixed physics as a holder for the normal physics explosives that spawn quicker. I've seen a few people who use this technique, so if you don't get what i'm talking about check out the map Hydro.
  18. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    I gotta disagree here - the floor helps break up the gray-ness. Also, the bridge adds some very nice flavor to what would be an otherwise bland layout.

    The comment on the weapon selection was pretty accurate too - a needler could work well with your large open spaces, while being not too effective in the close quarters. Perhaps an interesting counterpoint to the shotgun?

    All in all, good map!
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this map earlier with a party of 8 people as part of the TGIF bi-weekly event.

    It's quite a good map and I like the bridge. However, quite a bit of the map needs re-working so it can promote good map flow. There wasn't a lot of player movement and no one went on the lower level at all. When someone actually announced that (in the game) we realised there was ANOTHER level below that.
    It seemed an incredible waste of budget because no one used it. I think to fix this, you could redesign the bases so that the it's on the same level as the middle so there's 2 levels above it and one below.
  20. Royal Kiba

    Royal Kiba Forerunner

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    look really good and plays well but could use a little bit of frags laying around or a plasma pistol but overall very well created uniquely.

    And when you walking around the bridges seem a little jumpy makes it seem as though your lagging a little.

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