Double exp 1v1 or maybe like team bungie favorites(different games played on all of the bungie favorite maps) or fiesta forge weekend, with random forge-maps from one person in the party's file share-though some of those maps are so bad that i don't even think i want to play that =-)
Funny, I just almost played this on Standoff on the Team Snipers Double XP Weekend.. Agreed here, but only when we get more maps made on it.
Now that I think about it, what else could they possily add to Duble EXP that didn't suck? Grifball and Team Snipers and SWAT are cool, but now SWAT is ranked... (I am a 43)
How did posting your SWAT rank contribute to this thread at all? Congrats on getting a 43 in a garbage playlist that takes zero skill. I haven't had a chance to play Team Snipers, but I hope the majority of the maps played are smaller once because slow sniping on big maps makes me so mad because it turns into a Call of Duty see-them-first-you-get-the-kill type thing for the most part. Team Lasers is included too for all the people asking about it.