Tower of Emollitus

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DeStarfighter, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    This is the second map in the Emollitus series

    Tower of Emollitus - Experts believe that this old facility once was a power source to run the mythic city of Emollitus. The destruction of this once prosperous city have been traced to this very building. Proceed with caution. 4 – 8 players.

    The map is set up for slayer gametypes and objective gametypes as crazyking and oddball. But I will update it with more soon.

    An excellent jetpack map

















    Be sure to keep an eye out for the last map of the Emollitus serie.
    #1 DeStarfighter, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  2. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Beautiful map! I LOVE IT! I look forward to the update because CTF looks like it would be fun and hectic on this map./ When I get home I will play this with my friends. God job!
  3. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    So as far as i can tell by the BRIGHT pictures, lol, This looks GREAT! it looks well made and thought out. i love the water paths, and how you only use the middle when you meet the enemy at the bottom. I do have a few concerns though.

    1.The level is bright, i think it'd work better as a regular map.
    2.There could be a lot of camping going on in the bottom middle
    3.There doesn't seem to be much open space for fighting. Seem more like a lot of up and down fighting (I'm just not a big fan of that type, lol.)
  4. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the comment ^^

    I´m currently making 3 maps and trying to give them a distinctive style. I thought it looked better with the fx:s, it is slightly brighter but it doesn’t effect the game in a bad way.

    The camping in the middle have not been a problem during the playtests the bigger part of the battle takes place in the area outside the middle room so it wouldn’t gain you much to camp there anyway.

    As for the open space, the whole map is kind of like an open space for fighting and with the jetpack there is even more ways to go around.

    If you would like to give the map a second chance you can join me for a game later :)
    Just add DeStarfighter.

    Appreciate the feedback
  5. ConcentricThree

    ConcentricThree Forerunner

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    This map is original, different and most importantly fun. I wasn't too sure about its game play. I think (although there are jet packs around to pick up) that specifically jet pack is a must although there are jet packs around to pick up, because its a very upright and tight map.

    Not too sure about the weapons but after playing abit I think the use of the focus rifles is also a fun add to the game.

    One more thing whilst I remember is you need to change some of the weapons back to Normal after you've placed them because at the moment they are just fixing in mid air once a player dies / drops the weapon for example the grav hammer.

    Overall a unique and fun map nice one man!
  6. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Absolutely I'm down, can't today. i can tomorrow though, I have the same name as on here
  7. RoflCat

    RoflCat Forerunner

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    Like what the others said, a very nice well designed map, i love the centerpeice you made, looks like you could have some hectic vertical gameplay there. Im just wondering, why is it so bright, is there a special FX on or is it just the natural light, either way, it looks pretty.
  8. Filjah

    Filjah Ancient
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    The name is what caught my attention.
    That just sounds cool.
    Unfortunately I do not have 4 players to test maps with.
    In fact, I don't have 3.
    I don't even have 2 most the time.
    There are so many maps I just want to test out, but can't because they are BTB maps or are for like 6 people.
    The map, though, looks awesome. I don't know if I like the vertical battle idea, mostly because if you control the top, you generally control the map itself.
  9. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, you could add me and I’ll help you test some maps. (GT the same as name here)

    The middle piece and the fact that every level is equally far out from the walls prevents players on the top to have too much overview of the map.

    I guess people are a little doubtful on the vertical idea, but the play tests have been very smooth.

    But I appreciate the feedback :)

    Edited by merge:

    thanks for the coment ^^

    happy to hear you liked it. I used two Fx:s to make the effekt. Purple + Nova
    #9 DeStarfighter, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I suggest using purple+orange or next gen+juicy. Nova is too bright to have a good competitive match on (this is in the competitive section, after all.)

    Considering this is a jetpack-oriented map, I couldn't go download it. I like the aesthetics and all, but the brightness and multileveled combat can cause games to be overly hectic. Again, since this map is mainly focused around the use of jetpacks, I would never get any custom games in. The people on my friends list probably wouldn't like it. I typically find myself playing with people like Fritzster. Fritzster is more of a competitive pre-MLG player. I might download this later on if you can make enough improvements, but right now I could not see myself playing a custom game on this.
  11. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well as I said in earlier posts I prefer the slightly brighter look the Fx:s give the map.
    I guess people have different taste.

    thanks for the feedback. // DeStarfighter
  12. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    I don’t care if anybody don’t like this map, I love it! Still I can relate to those who are unaccustomed to the effects and the vertical layout.
    But I have to say I admire you originality and the map plays excellent.

    Hope to see alot of maps from you!
    Keep it going :)
    #12 Crummy, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the aesthetics, I love the fx and I love vertical gameplay maps. All the people saying they dislike it because gameplay looks too vertical, its because they're just soft.
    This map does look awesome, no doubt about that. I will download this and try and get a game on it.
    One issue, and Im sure my answer will be resolved once I get a game on it, but how many ways are there to reach the top? If there are only 1 or 2 then whoever is at the top is going to have the biggest domination (i know about this, I have made a map which focuses on vertical gameplay and if you dont have enough paths to the top it becomes very overpowered up there).
  14. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. It’s a relief to hear that not everybody is repulsed by the idea of a vertical game :p
    I usually think that all feedback is great, but comments like this is by far the best.

    To answer your question:
    There are two ways to get from bottom level to the second. And two other ways to get from the second to the third level
    And from the top there is two ways to get directly to the bottom. But with jetpacks you can come and go as you like.

    Please tell me your thoughts about it after you tested it ^^

    // DeStarfighter
  15. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    IIIII Loooooove iiiit! :D cant stop playing this map, and cant wait for the update.
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I managed to get a 4 player free for all today and here is my feedback:

    Again, I love vertical gameplay and was pleased to see that this map kept that promise. The aesthetics and the fx you have used are an awesome addition to the map. There was no part of the map which looked ugly or out of placed.
    Gameplay wise, it was a pretty decent. The top was never overpowered and the lower grounds were never underpowered. There was a nice flow throughout the game and never once did I feel too exposed or too hidden. You also had just the right amount of weapons for the map.

    That overshield is extremely annoying to get and is nearly worthless as the trek back down uses up about half of the overshield. I would suggest instead simply placing a soft kill zone above that playable area down there so that you cant venture up into the tower and camp.
    The gravity hammer was annoying to grab as you had to jump at the right spot to be able to grab it.
    I crouched in one of the submerged tunnels and died because it was too far underwater.
    Its is a tad small and probably would not support 8 players.

    Overall it was fun map to play on. The fx which, despite everyone elses opinion, did not impede on visibility or the gameplay and made it awesome to look at (one of the people I played with thought it was on tempest because of the lighting).

    Good work, I should go try out your other map now :D

    p.s: I should join the testers guild... cbf
  17. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hi, and thanks again for great feedback.
    I will try to fix these problems. Maybe the hammer could be standing up from the water instead and a soft kill zone there is a good Idea.
    I think the map could work for 8 players if there is a 4 vs 4 match. But I have to test it some more.
    and I simply just have to put the floors in the tunnel a tan higher.

    What gametypes do you think would fit this map? Other then the ones I already set up.
  18. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    Loved the map but I felt like the walkways were a little too small. It makes straffing to irritating since you just hit the wall or railing. I think overall though its a well made map.
  19. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I guess i could test to make the walkways a little wider and see how it looks :) dont know until I try.

    thanks for the comment
  20. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very impressive looking map...Great job

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