Till Bukkit is released we are just running off of a Vanilla server. Which everyone enjoys alot actually.
I think you just answered your own question in a quote :/ Camo; your paint skills are indeed, legendary.
Incredible mod. Changes the game so so much. Horses make a huge difference to the game, as do ogres. Havent had a chance to try out minecraft properly since the update, so I havent been able to really check out werewolves. Look epic though.
Part of Mo'creatures... I really want that mod but I think I must be installing something wrong since I keep on getting the blackscreen after installing it. :/
1. Have you got the correct version of minecraft? 2. Have you installed modloader? 3. Have you deleted META-INF? I'm a pro 'I got black screen HALP!' answerer after answering those questions over and over again in the Humans+ thread.
Have too much redstone. Have too much dirt. Spent some dirt making a super epic underwater base. Too much redstone. What do? Any tutorials on building epic things with redstone or something? Already have a doorbell.
I'm still going through and making my home. It's all brick so far. I have a couple of cobblestone towers made as well. I was fortunate to find a spot near a lava pit and the ocean, so my house/castle/whatever, has numerous windows up against water or lava to give some nice views.
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes By my guess, I have another mod that could be breaking the mod and making me get the blackscreen.
I figured out the issue, I've got Mo'Creatures up and running fine. I breed two brown horses and got a Pegasus. Now I do epic things like: 1) Soar around from above searching for clay pockets. Found enough so far for like 5-6 stacks of bricks. 2) I also found 2 dungeons flying around. They were slightly underground on beaches, caved in by sand. 3) After I get a black Pegasus, I'm going to pack up some **** in its inventory, then just fly until I find a better location. But, if I ever die, finding my house might be a bit difficult.
Made my doorbell into a cultist drum track, which gets louder as you get closed the the middle of the room, where there's a pressure plate to ignite torches as lights and play a mad crazy harp solo (as I found out the piano is really a harp )
YouTube - Him. YouTube - Him YouTube - minecraft in a nutshell Does anyone agree with me that Herobrine should be in the game?
Holy god damn mother of ****. You got me. I need a secondary server if anyone knows one that's up right now, and good. It's disappointing that people steal **** when you're not looking on the unprotected servers.