Like I said, I forgot what to call them. Just because I used the wrong name does not make the post irrelevant to the topic. Now I'm going to use the Forge Hub rules to prove my point: Now take a look at these rules. People are breaking these and the people enforcing them are breaking them.
Unfortunately for you argument..what you quoted largely applies to the map forum. These peoples maps that are being judged in this thread are not being posted on a bashed. Nor is being upset by what won all that unconstructive. If that were the case, half the Forgotten Treasure II thread would have been infracted. People are entitled to their opinions, whether or not they are unfounded. These people haven't gone onto each specific map's thread (which I'm not positive any are posted on our site) and bashed their maps. In that case, you would be completely right and they would be infracted.
Also combs....your "point" seems to be very general. Numerous people on here have refuted your claims and have pointed out specific evidence as to why the winning maps, and not a lot of people are saying they sucked so where that came from I don't know, are not all that impressive or have minor problems that could have been addressed. So I don't know if you are speaking about everyone who has ever given a critique of a map or specifically in this thread but we get it. The winnings maps appear to be generally fine and might even be fun. The main criticism is the fact that all the winning maps just seem to be very bland and have minor problems that should have been found in playtesting but apparently weren't. We are just disappointed that after 2 months of submission, and almost 2 months of waiting for a result, the results were neither imaginative nor particularly well forged. You also seem to be ignoring the mod's telling you to continue this discussion in private...and for that you will soon be infracted for offtopicness so...I'd edit my posts if I were you.
I'm not saying they should be infracted but the community announcement wanted to get rid of that exact attitude. If that's the case, steps have to be taken right from the start. If it's condoned here then it's not gonna stop people from going to other sites with the same attitude. The announcement said to not use Forge Hub's name yet this thread seems to have a general consensus that many of the Forge Hub maps were better but not chosen. It even boiled down to conspiracy theories. It doesn't matter if there were better maps. State why you were disappointed by the winners rather than "this map sucks, Forge Hub has better maps." It's gonna paint a bad picture on this site. Obviously, this doesn't apply to everyone but those people claiming that the maps are inferior to Forge Hub are the people likely to say that other places. If it wants to be stopped outside, it first has to be stopped inside. I've said what I've had to say, I'll stop now. said what you needed to say 4 times without changing what you just had to get the last word. No one in this thread, and you can search it for quotes if you want, is saying ForgeHub maps are better, you are assuming that is what they meant. Assuming is bad. Elitism is saying, I could have made a better map as elitism is an egocentric viewpoint. No one has stated that. People are allowed their opinions of what they think is fun or good or not based on the hundreds of maps the community has probably played on. The "conspiracy theories" in which it was 1 person posting it...who has since deleted all his posts...was not based in absolute fact of them knowing that and the people who mentioned it said as much. I merely said it was strange for JoeSki to win technically twice, which is a valid opinion. As far as constructive criticism goes, THIS IS A DISCUSSION FORUM, if you want well formulated constructive criticisms go to the competitive map sections, this thread is for discussion. We are discussing how we feel. If you want us to give point by point explanations about what would have made those maps better, fine we will do that. Don't raise the war flag on an entire forum because of the views on a discussion thread don't see eye to eye with you. ANYWHO.... I personally think Enclosed is the best of the meh maps because of how cleanly forged it was and how it plays relatively well with few camp spots. (bottom is still pretty campy though)
PacMonster, I'm not even talking to you. Did you even take the time to read all of my posts. It sounds like you didn't. And Forgehub is mentioned a lot here so I don't know what you're talking about... Please just stop.
We played the Race map and Treasury not too long ago. I really didn't particularly hate either of them. The race map was very good actually. It was smooth, had some difficult turns, and plenty of room to roam. Treasury had no spawn issues (THANK GOD) and had a kind of interesting layout. The only problem I saw was that there were some rooms that looked like they could have been camped. Camping can be eliminated with some good teamwork though.
Cobra is excellent. I definitely enjoyed my race on it. All of the features on Mansion are pretty nifty. I enjoyed exploring it as an aesthetic map, but I'd agree with Sarge about camping locations. There are an awful lot of rooms with only one entrance, especially for an infection map. We'll see though, once it goes into matchmaking. Zombies with evade can be pretty hard to hit, but then, I'm terrible with the shotgun
No, you are wrong... This is the best track EVAH!!! <-Arboretum By the way, it is not my track... just to let you know I am not promoting myself...
I just told you it is NOT my track... but you can always check *cough* my maps *cough*...*signature*cough*
It appears to be a waste of time to even bother refuting your apparently-irrefutable viewpoints. Regardless, I told you to take it to VMs. If you post here to the same effect you have been, you're going to get infracted, final warning. That includes commenting on this post.