Humble Calamity is a large "indoor" bigteam map built for chaos. Despite the map having every vehicle except the scorpion, Revenant and gauss hog, the map has proven to be balanced. The respawns are working well, and the weapon times have been adjusted. The map isn't a super competitive matchmaking map, but instead a bigteam fun-customs map. This map was built using Jordans "glitched" canvas, and uses all 100 huge walls. Weapons: All except fuel rod gun Vehicles: All except Human Tank, Gauss Hog and Rev. Download Map: Humble Calamity Pics: EPIC!
this looks like a really fun BTB map. It doesn't look like it would work as a competitive map, but that's why you put it in here. It looks like there is a ton of stuff going on, making one hectic, fast paced game. One thing though, it seems like there maybe is problem similar to Paradiso: if you don't have a vehicle, you're boned. But it seems like the weapons and the amount of vehicles counters that. Also, what is this glitched canvas you speak of? I might need it for a map that I'm making.
Well, there is a glitch that allows you to double the pieces that are on the map, even if that means you surpass the object limit for that category. Example: Normally allowed 50 walls, but this map has 100 huge walls. No, it doesn't cause any lag as some lame people think, because you still have to pay $ for them out of your budget. So the over-all object limit isn't surpassed much. Anyways, originally on this glitched canvas, there were 100 huge walls and 16 hogs (instead of the max of 8). I would tell you where to download it from, but this site has rules about "advertising" other sites, so I won't. And NO, it's not a mod. Lot's of people have heard about this glitch. It was made accidently by lagging out during a forging game, then when the map was reloaded, everything placed on the map was doubled. I didn't make the canvas, but a freind on another site did. If you want me to put the canvas up on my fileshare, I can, just let me know. Now, as for this map, it doesn't seem like its balanced. But it is. Every-game played on it has been very balanced. And yes, you need a vehicle, but even during 8v8, it was hard to find yourself without one. There's also jetpacks, and a sniper at each base. The map is bigger than most people think as well. Its really hard to judge this map till you actually play on it (or do a walk-through). The bases are actually under the flag spawns, so the spawning and vehicles have ample cover. (except the wraith and falcon, which spawn on the flags level)
Well, if you could provide the link via private message, that would be cool. It would be very helpful in making this map that I'm working on. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually, I found it. It's called Doubleglitch and made by Shadows Spark.
[br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually, I found it. It's called Doubleglitch and made by Shadows Spark.[/QUOTE] thanks ive found it to finaly i can make some of my AWSOME ideas reality! yay [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks ive found it to ! now about your map (i have not played this map) some parts realy look great so im ganna say 8/10 unless the spawns suck than ill have to decrease that to 6.5/10... o well still good map and thanks ive got the glitched map to!
lol, I was only kidding about the name change. Despite me not thinking much of this map, I've never had a person (who's played it) actually complain. It really is a crazy action map. Everytime you spawn, you pretty much end up with a power weapon or vehicle, and that's what makes it balanced. It's probably the least asthetic map I've made for reach, but it actually plays well.