UNSC Spirt of Fire

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by lll chaos lll, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. lll chaos lll

    lll chaos lll Forerunner

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    My first map on Forge hub. This isn't my first ship I've ever built, but it is my current crown jewel of my Forged ships. This Massive ship has an equally big interior. About 90% of whats visible from the outside has an interior space. You may notice a few things that are incomplete, like the mess hall and barracks. This is b/c i used up my budget getting this far. The good news is that to spite lack of budget, the Spirit of Fire is about 98% of what i set out to do. I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Any budget managing tips that you have so i can finish this thing would be welcome. Hope you enjoy it as much i i did building it. I'm currently working on a playbale version of it. This could take me awhile b/c i kinda burned myself out building the Fire for 8 straight hours. I'll repost once i have the kinks worked out.

    Side view:

    Back to front with Falcon:

    Bridge Computer screen:

    Hanger with Falcon Leaving:

    View from the Island:


    Mess Hall:

    Bottom view front to back:
    #1 lll chaos lll, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  2. zack2014

    zack2014 Forerunner

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    Wait, UNSC Spirit of Fire that actually looks like it? OMG YOU GET A COOKIE!!!

    It does look quite nice from the outside, but some more interior pix would be nice!
  3. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I saw this on bungie.net.

    It really is a nice map, It actually resembles the Spirit of Fire.
    The inside is surprisingly good, although in some areas like the engines and bottom of the ship really got skimped on detail.
  4. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Although you took some major larger piece short cuts on the hull, I am definitly happy that this ship was finally forged. Ship it self is massive, but remember the bigger you push your work the less resourses you have left for the detail. Regardless I congradulate you on this accomplishment!

    #4 xSoGx Grim, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  5. lll chaos lll

    lll chaos lll Forerunner

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    as requested, heres another shot of the inside. This is half of the cryo room

    Edited by merge:

    LOL standby for a Quick fix to the map. Above the Mess hall i used a 5x5 block instead of a 4x4, looks a tad odd. if you dont want to redownload it. then use edit coordinates and aline a 4x4 flat block on "Width" at 43.0. Also thank you Grim for the compliment. My main goal was to build the biggest ship with the biggest inerior, and spirit of fire seemed like a perfect fit.

    Heres a shot to best match the pic provided by grim
    #5 lll chaos lll, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  6. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks fantastic. Quite possibly a reason for me to get on my Xbox. I was eventually going to attempt making this but it seems that yours being the fabulous work of art that it is, I'm content.

  7. lll chaos lll

    lll chaos lll Forerunner

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    you def should get on xbox and check it out. Theres more that i havent put pictures up of.
  8. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    This doesnt look to bad and its the first spirit of fire Ive seen, so well done for that :)
    as for your budget, go over the whole ship as many times as you can, look for items that arnt needed, in some places 1 item can do the job of two or three if you think about it, which items are really needed. I went over my Pillar of Autumn map countless times, swaping blocks and removing things/ adding things ect. in the end I managed to make 3 or 4 more rooms and corridoors, just by doing this!
  9. lll chaos lll

    lll chaos lll Forerunner

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    Yea i already downloaded you Autumn. First Autumn ive seen that the outside and the inside closely match the real deal. I was very excited to see that, so much so i went and played halo 1 right after that lol. yea ill give mine a couple runs to see what i can find
  10. PoorCaboose

    PoorCaboose Forerunner

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    I'm in the process of writing a machinima. I've been looking for a good sized ship and this seems like it. Do you mind if I use it in case I do make the machinima?
  11. lll chaos lll

    lll chaos lll Forerunner

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    I have no problem with you using my map so long as you give me credit for making it.

    Edited by merge:

    I went back and took a good hard look at the Fire. I was able to clear up some budget so i can finish the interior, and i decided to redo the bridge. Well really the whole front third of the ship.
    #11 lll chaos lll, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  12. Dethslayer7

    Dethslayer7 Forerunner

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    Great job. Keep working on. More detail on the engines would be better for maybe a v2?

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