Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 01/14/2011 : 1/14/2011 2:14 PM PST Arena - Enclosed by Kymicals A simple, well-thought out design married with some great structures and interesting sight-lines made this map one of our early playtest favorites. The sentiment did not dissipate as playtest continued apace, even though there was certainly some stiff competition. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Big Team Battle - Abridged by Schmittler 5000 Abridged takes full advantage of Big Team Battle’s staples: vehicle and infantry combat. Add in some well-placed weapons, and you have a recipe for success (and carnage!). Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Capture the Flag - Atonement by Psychosis687 The two opposing bases are difficult to assault, but there are some unique sightlines to help coordinated attackers break an entrenched defense. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Infection - Mansion by SWAS LightningZ This one has to be seen to be believed. A mansion not in name only, this dark complex features all the fixtures and makes for one fun game of Infection. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Invasion - Saucered by Ye5 Invasion was a tight category, with several standouts in contention until the very last moments. In the end, Saucered was not only a fun space to play Invasion within, it also utilized Forge in a really interesting way as each Phase unfolded. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Race – Cobra by Irritab1e B owl Utilizing a large swath of Forge World’s core geometry, Cobra snakes its way around the hills and valleys while Mongoose riders jostle for position. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Team Slayer - Treasury by JoeSki73 Also involved in a tight race, Treasury ultimately stood atop all comers in the Team Slayer categories. A simple, but well-crafted layout coupled with thoughtfully placed weapons and plenty of fun. What do you guys think? Surprised? Sad? Happy? THe race map looks cool...too bad I don't like racing.
I havent played any of these yet, looking forward to it though. Regardless, I have full trust in Bungies decision, no doubt these are great maps
the invasion map was ok i guess but I've seen better here on forge hub. The rest of the maps were average. I feel bad for eveyone here because we worked hard on our maps and random maps were chosen that had no appeal what so ever. sorry guys I feel bad too. I still have faith in forge hub though.
I'm pretty upset at the winners, they seemed to just ignore aesthetics and focus Ailey on gameplay. But the choices weren't too bad.
I too am a bit disappointed. While I'm not going to go out of the limb and say I expected a forge hub map (some of them were posted on here I think), I did expect a higher degree of forging. When I think contest involving thousands of applicants, I think I will see the best combination of aesthetics and gameplay. I expect to see thinking out of the box on a level that really says, "Woah, I didn't think of that.". It just seems that these winner's maps are very.....meh. I'm sure each one of them plays well (they better if they won, I won't be on my xbox all weekend so I won't know for sure) but they all just seem decent and meh. Also I'm surprised in the fact that joeski now has 2 maps selected in to be in MM. That just seems too....I don't know...unfair. It's like whatever he makes is already viewed at Bungie to be better than most other people's stuff. I liked exalted for it's creativity but still.
Im going to wait until I play these maps before I *****, because some of them look promising. I like the look of the Invasion map, and that racetrack is pretty cool, too. Oh, and THANK. GOD. for an infection map built for infection. Although I wish they'd have rolled out more than one for living dead. When are the maps going into matchmaking?
I got to download and play some solo customs on these maps. One thing I have to say is that I am disappointed as everyone to not see some anything visually unique within these maps. Treasury, being my numbah one complaint. But than again gameplay does stomp aesthetics, though it would've been nice to something to help the map stand out amongst the rest of the competition. Atonement, was probably my second favorite, but it did remind me 'a lot' of this map on Forgehub. Linking Time! I've never played too many of Invasion maps before, so I'm probably not the best judge for this category. But some of stuff I've seen in the map Saucered, did make me chuckle and say something like, "That's really clever!" or "Man, I wanted to that.". Saucered seems pretty well balanced and offers some good variety of gameplay. Making Saucered my favorite of the bunch. Now I haven't played the maps, Enclosed, Mansion or Cobra. So I don't have anything to say about them. Props to the creators of these maps for winning a very stiff competition. I was rather curios of this myself. I remember that Bungie said they may or may not have a non-winning category in matchmaking as well.
im surprised that there were that many bad maps, i was kinda under the impression that more than one might make it in for each category... like one would be the winner but maybe there'd be a 2nd and 3rd place that also make it in just for varietys sake. but i guess we all sucked lol. still havent played them but i do agree that judging by looks, they're kinda meh. also this sucks really bad for DTL because his awesome map is also named Abridged.
for all of those saying, judging by looks... can you really judge by one screenshot? I did a solo walkthrough of abridged, it looks like a really interesting design, I canna wait to play it.
I don't want to call them bad maps...because if I do than that would really depress me about Bungie's decision. I want to hope they all play great. I am though still disappointed in the initial impression they give off. I mean the CTF map looks like 30 or so others that I have seen in that area....How did it weigh better in Bungie's eyes than similar maps? I guess like I said in my post above that I was really expecting a wow factor in the maps that won and didn't get it.
yes i'm sure they spun a wheel and chose them at random, regardless of design or appeal. that makes a whole lot of sense. jesus.
The entire contest was a fraud. The contest was completely subjective and everybody that won the contest was affiliated with bungie in some way. The winners were all apart of forge groups on b.net and were ranked really high in those groups. They also were friends with news reporters and were forge group leaders on b.net. this contest was a complete joke and unfair to every real forger here on forge hub. Outrageous [br][/br]Edited by merge: haha they kicked out over 1000 maps they didn't even open. Have you looked around forge hub before? Are you blind? there is no way they looked at all the maps and if they did they picked their friends maps instead of good ones. How can you not see this?
I can sense a disturbance in the force....It's happening in this thread....In an attempt to nullify the onslaught of posts that erupted in the community playlist thread over this EXACT KIND OF STATEMENT I just want to say please go to pm and discuss that kind of opinion....or write a blog about it....or think it really hard. Let's keep this thread strictly on topic to the maps that won, how they play, and your opinion of the forgetacular contest as a whole. As soon as the forge hub maps = ultimate awesome sauce discussion starts this thread will asplode.
I'm feeling like a conspiracy theorist, that's how. And for the record, I haven't played the map or anything, so for all I know it might be the deserving winner. But from where I'm standing it seems questionable that the same person who received the honor of being the first community map maker added to matchmaking for a map that wasn't very good would also win the big contest. Also, I double checked Twin's assertion that every winner was associated with a group on Bungie.net that Bungie likes, and frankly it's not true, or at least there's no evidence that it's true. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Not completely. I double checked your assertion that all of the winners are somehow linked to Bungie, and it's just not true. I accept that Atom got in via that method, but these winners can't be painted with that brush of conspiracy.
To be frank, Treasury sucked. I've seen it, checked it in forge (a good while ago when that ass had the never to post at MLG) and hated it. As the majority of winners are from b.net forge groups, I'm honestly not surprised. I expected this would be the result in the end... Especially after hearing yesterday that Joeski was a winner. What a shame. :/
I know for a fact that 4 of the winners are known Forge Group Members that belong to “the tool box,” “the work place,” and “forever forgers.” I'm still researching the other so called “winners.” I exaggerated when I said, "all" but they could know the judges personally. lets face it the maps suck
Well, I'm not ready to go into full-on rage mode or start talking about a secret conspiracy involving shadow corporations and the man behind the man. However, I am definitely disappointed. I was hoping to behold some perfect synergy of design, looks, and originality, but my optimism was misplaced. There were so many submissions, and the winners are... well, just OK. Some of my first impressions: Treasury- Another attempt to recapture the magic of Lockout. It might play decently, but I have a feeling people will inevitably gravitate towards camping in the bases after an initial rush for power weapons. Atonement- This one looks better for Slayer than CTF, honestly. One team gets the sword and maybe a flag cap, then camps in their base, five feet away from the ONE entrance to the flag area, and completely protected from dmr fire. Armor Lock seals the deal: 15 minutes of boredom and frustration for the team that got behind at the beginning. Abridged- This map is really big, probably way too much so for its own good. The middle area is interesting, but players on foot will feel really useless if they get trapped in their own bases in between vehicle respawns, since the plasma launcher spawns in the open and the field to the middle is too dangerous to cross on foot.