I totally forgot about the Focus Rifle. I do quite love it in close-combat. Not too fond of it in high-range, using it as a sniper, though. I've always sucked at tracking targets. I view it as a mid-tier weapon, much more than a power weapon though. For me, a power weapon has the ability to kill in one shot without requiring much skill.
I stupidly forgot about the DMR. I think my brain just blocked out the BR cause i hate it so much. i didn't even think to put it there. as for the plasma pistol... its pretty much the same? I don't notice a difference and as for my number one, I gotta go with the plasma repeater. I always replace the AR with it any chance I get, and it sounds like a blaster out of star wars or something. It feels like what the plasma rifle should feel like
I like the needle rifle most because it's much more accurate than the DMR. The grenade launcher is cool and it's satisfying when you get a kill with it. The percussion rifle is way too easy to use against spartans and too hard against elites. Plasma launcher sucks. Focus rifle sucks. Plasma repeater is okay I guess.
You suck. Truth. It's actually better to keep blasting them with it than go for the beatdown IMO. Kill time from no shields seems about the same as the pistol at full spam (body shots obviously) but faster on shields to offset the low speed of the bursts. Love the new PP, most of all when someone is so confused that you're tearing them apart with one that they can't work out how to react quick enough. The more I think about it, the more I love the wider weapon balance and set up of Reach. It seems the closest to classic H:CE beefy balance, apart from the single thing that they nerfed disproportionately in basic precision weaponary. Still, at least I can enjoy all the different directions they've taken it in with the new weapons.
No, I use it a lot, and I did in H3 as well. I remember beating nearly every weapon with a well timed overcharge... feels the same. unless you mean just firing single shots from it works better now? that i could believe, it was WEAK in h3. I'll try that Besides, if we included old weapons that play different I'd have to include the rocket launcher, mag, etc. looks like overall its grenade launcher is the fave
While i chose grenade launcher for my vote, i do have to say my favorite weapon in Reach is the magnum. It doesn't really count as a new weapon, but they did change it up a bit and it's now infinitely more badass. Anytime i play regular slayer i instantly switch to the pistol. I don't remember it being so trusty in halo 2 or 3, but it never lets me down. close third place goes to the needle rifle. Love that thing, it's fun to take a break from caring about timing and just going all out on the trigger until people explode.
grenade launcher by far, its probably one of the most versatile weapons in the game, plus its just fun. gets me kills like mad, disables vehicles and destroys most in a few shots, and it makes assist challenges much easier with the emp also most of the matchmaking community seems to hate it, so it usually is available for me to grab the focus rifle was my favourite in beta, but now it feels useless if better weapons are available. its like a weaker sniper rifle that gives away your position
I have to disagree. It's been nerfed since the beta in terms of the way you'd expect to use it, and in that sense having as the 'Covenant Sniper' is kinda misleading since it isn't so effective in that role as in others. At range it should be used as an assist machine, if you're calling out and have a team mate with a solid DMR then you can kill an entire team spread over the whole map in a shockingly small amount of time. If you want to use it as a solo weapon, particularly in FFA, just get in closer range with it. It decimates as a mid/close range spray weapon and is thoroughly disorientating to have used on you, only making it easier to outgun people with ARs and even DMRs. Combine it with a decent strafe/jump timing and you're lethal. True it does give you away, but you've gotta be fast, aware and generally skilful to use it effectively. And frankly I like that, just like what you said with the GL, it's nice to have people pass right by it because they don't know how to use it, and when someone who does picks it up people don't really know what to do about it. I need to start a campaign to get people to love the FR, people don't realise how badass it is just because of the misleading image of a Sniper equivalent.
Grenade launcher,without a doubt. For me its really easy to use, but when others use it, they don't do as well...
interesting, i remember thats why i loved it in beta so much. i honestly havent tried using it in close/mid range since then, just because i assumed that the nerf had made it inferior to other weapons at that range. ill have to test it out
You can easily make a kill before it overheats at close range, like seriously easily. I've no idea whether that's due to damage drop off at range or just lower autoaim making it harder to land the necessary amount of damage past a certain range, but I really notice the difference when using it as a rush weapon. I guess it was easier for me to adjust since I'm used to using the regular Sniper as a closer range weapon, but I never understood why people seem so reluctant to use the FR in that way.
Exactly what I do, its the equivalent of a Sentinel Beam imo, which absolutely SLAYED every time it was use. I love the FR <3
Exactly. That was the problem with the sentinel beam tbh, it raped overly hard. The FR is a fixed sentinel beam if you ask me, with a nice double scope thrown in for good measure.
The grenade launchers "delay" function is really fun to play around with. It is also very good for a secondary weapon in rocket race as you can slow them down to pass them and get the checkpoint.
Plasma launcher for sure!! Its soooo much fun! I hate that they took out the 3 round burst BR though..... Its alot harder to say "GET OUT DMR'd BK!!!" >
Grenade Launcher, all the way. I love the feeling of accomplishment anytime you one shot someone with it. I love that most people ignore it, so it's always there for me. I love trying to make progressively weirder shots with it as my time in Reach goes on. Ready... Linked... BOOM. Actually, I think the weapon sandbox is Reach's greatest strength. Each weapon has its own little niche, so it feels good to master each one. Also, in general, I think the skill and feedback cycle are better in Reach. For example, while the BR definitely took skill to use, sometimes it was difficult to tell whether you weren't leading your targets correctly, or whether you were lagging, or whether you were just getting unlucky with your spread that day. I feel like with the DMR, when I'm missing my shots, there are clear steps I can take to improve my game, and that makes the core gameplay much more engaging.