Struck Harmonious

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Inferi, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Struck Harmonious is a symmetrical style map, a project Ive been working on for quite some while. It is my first map in Reach... and second scratch map overall, which is the primary reason Ive spent about 60-ish hours of work on it. ​

    This map has roots back in my Halo 3 forge days, where I started and scrapped numerous, countless maps... and when Reach hit, I had trouble comprehending the tools available to me, so I decided that I would give new life to a scrapped idea, and thus Crucifix was born.​

    When the Forgetacular contest was announced, I decided this would be my submission, but I quickly realized the religous connotations attached to the name of my map might negatively affect it as a submission... so I renamed it. I wanted a memorable name that would reflect my map, and not one that seemed to be pulled out of a dictionary... I have so many maps which I have no recollection of downloading or even playing because of their names just blending into my list. Wrapping up, I submitted an earlier version of this map to Forgetacular, but over time, I came up with a redesign for it in my dreams, and the final, last version of many different incarnations was born. ​

    So, please download and give my map a spin. Any feedback, negative or otherwise, would be great, because Im still honestly new to this kind of thing.​


    Recommended Gametypes

    Struck Harmonious plays best with either two four-man teams, or up to 8 player FFA. Primary gametypes are slayer and one-flag. Yes, one flag, despite being symmetrical. I have not yet found a way to split flag capture and spawn points, and I feel the split of these two objectives would encourage players to move between levels more effectively rather than strictly limiting the play arena to either the top or lower levels. ​

    Other viable gametypes include:
    • Oddball ​
    • Multi-flag ​
    • Infection ​
    • Safe Havens ​
    • Stockpile​










    Weapons (for clarity's sake)
    Plasma Launcher
    Energy Sword
    Shotgun x2
    DMR x4
    Needle Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Repeater x2 (mislabed as plasma rifle in pic)
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Health Pack x4​
    #1 Inferi, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  2. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is one of the cooler maps in the coliseum that I've seen. The architecture and lighting effects work well together. The weapon spawns look good, but I'm not sure why you went for plasma launcher on a map like this with so much cover. I would have chosen the rocket but otherwise no complaints. Also the bottom floor is designed in such a way that it isn't a death trap like in some multi level maps. Nice job inferi.
  3. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    The reason behind the plasma launcher is my personal fear of people abusing jet packs, the tiered layout of the map makes jet packs a very difficult thing to balance correctly. The plasma launchers lock on function makes quick work of people trying to jet pack between levels.
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think a certain picture might be mislabeled...

  5. pbilly881

    pbilly881 Forerunner

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    i like what you did with the pictures, how you hilighted the guns or whatever and listed there respawn time. looks like a cool map
  6. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    @Confused Flamingo Yes, I mislabled a Plasma Repeater as a Plasma Rifle :( I didnt notice until too late

    @pbilly881 Thanks, I wanted to put my photoshop skills to good use :p
    #6 Inferi, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm looks interesting. Nice use of objects to create an interesting design. Weapon placement seems legit. I cant really say anything about the gameplay at the moment as that would require a play test, but I can tell that as long the spawn system is working, this looks like it would play pretty well!

    Also I like what you did with the pictures. I do a lot of graphics as well and theres nothing like adding a little something to spice your map post.

    p.s: We talked in the lolbox the other day and I said I was newbie, but I wasn't, and then you linked me to this map and now its revived!
  8. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Thanks for the post! I cant say much for the spawns, Im not very experienced with them, seeing as this is my first fullscale map, but I think I did a decent job. Theyve held up in playtests pretty well so far.
    And ya, I figured you werent new after looking at your profile, but I decided to play the oblivious part to get back at you ;)
  9. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    This is a strange place. Great use of color throughout to create not only a memorable map, but clearly outline areas. Nice, clean, open - this is a great place to get dirty. You have hidden aesthetics, brilliant. I still have more games to play here this before I can remark on the gameplay, so far so good though. I like that this map makes you want to play again; it gets familiar fast.
    #9 vesicles, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  10. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Yeah, when I first started working on this map, about within a week of launch, I was kind of pissed at the way Bungie designed Reaches maps... a lot of them, such as Countdown and Sword Base, have really complex and twisting layouts, making it hard to quickly come up with a mental map of the layout. So I decided to design a layout that harkens back to old school Halo map design, with maps such as Sanctuary/Asylum as inspiration. Simple, clean maps. Of coures, over time, I have grown to love all of Reaches maps. Except Reflection. :mad:
  11. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Know what, this map plays very well. Combat always seems to gravitate to the lift side and the upper catwalks, but the spawning keeps it in motion - pushing the action to the opposite side and down. This map has a flow of its own. You did a good thing putting the sword where you did - it becomes a light to the moths and helps consolidate the action - around the lifts it gets hot, however enough of the map gets used that this isnt a one trick pony. The lines of sight from opposite lift side are useful for precision weapons but not dominating. Really good, I find myself dying equally across the map (so what; most of my friends are better than I am). The Plasma Launcher is alot more fun than Rocks, IMO, it gives you a bit more time to react and makes for much bigger laughs. If I had one wish for this map it would be just a smidgeon more mobility from the bottom floor up to the 'sides'. I dont know how that would change things, the 'front to backish' paths do a good job of creating flow, I just feel like getting up from below alot and I dont use Jetpacks often.( Of course no-one doesnt want the high ground.) After playing a quite a few games I'm giving this map an 'F' for Fun. Good work man.
  12. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Thanks! Im glad you enjoyed playing on it, I really am. I was actually afraid the swords location might be a little overpowered, seeing as its a lift away from being in the middle of a close-quarters hot zone. But I guess testing proves me wrong :D I did place it there to egg player movement down a bit, though.
  13. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    wow, not only is that a grade A map, the post is extremely well done which is very important to me. This map has incredible aesthetics as well as a very interesting design. It has very clever use of objects and the attention to detail is very nice.

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