Remake Orbital

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Havok SCO, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    This is my Orbital remake. The structure is pretty spot on and the only changes are weapon placement. This is my first version of the map so I need to finish up with KOTH, CTF, and a few other gametype features. I added the grenade launcher and the concusion rifle with 160 respawn. They might overpower the map with the already menacing rocket launcher and sniper rifle. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    #1 Havok SCO, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  2. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I loved this level, and this is an awesome remake. Its a shame it doesn't work for more gametypes tho, but thats alright you've built yourself an amazing remake, the details are perfect as far as I can see, I'll download for sure and play with friends later.

  3. Van Halen

    Van Halen Forerunner

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    I helped build this map and its awesome. We test played it the other day with a group of friends, and their feedback was the same. Detail is our speciality :)
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I'm extremely happy to see this pop up. This was one of my favorite levels in Halo 3, and I honestly think it could work really well with this game. Hopefully I'll get some customs in on it. Looks like you guys spent a great deal of time on capturing the details.
  5. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    We did. We havn't gotten to play test it but once and we fixed some issues from that day but we really need some feedback to really make this map awesome. I think the only things that really need to be checked and maybe fixed are the spawns, weapon times, and health stations. Once we get all that done we'll add KOTH, CTF, Assault, Oddball, and any other goodie I can think of. Orbital was one of the best objective maps in my opinion.
  6. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    I can't judge definitely, but due to the narrow passage way nature of Orbital, I feel as if the Concussion Rifle and GL should be removed. I hope you have the Spikers, btw..

    I also hope this is better than Subterrial, while I liked the aesthetics for that map, the bases were substaitiatly diff3er\ent.
  7. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    Yeah I'm thinking the GL and CR are too much for this map too and no I didn't put in the spikers since they're not dual wieldable anymore. Should I put them back? As far as the bases go on each side, one is fairly close to the same as H3 version while the other is still being tweaked to fit perfectly. Right now its just in a playable form. There will be a version 2.0 once I get enough feedback on the map.
  8. Van Halen

    Van Halen Forerunner

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    I actually thought the bases weren't TOO important since you just spawn in them and walk out 95% of the time. The more objects you have in a map, the worse the frame-rate lag will be. Alot of people on here make freakin awesome maps, but the frame-rate lag is so bad you cant play them, so whats the point? Our goal was to make an awesome looking, but most importantly, PLAYABLE map. Which ain't easy.

    more input would be greatly appreciated thanks :)
  9. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    Just a heads up we have hit 400 dowloads and my friend just got a new xbox so we should be able to finish up the map b4 to long. We still need some feedback on weapon placement. We'd also like to know what you did and didn't like about the overall apperence of the map.

    Edited by merge:

    Just hit 2000 downloads today. We must have really built something good. Wish we could get more feedback on it though.
    #9 Havok SCO, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Another awesome remake, Havok. I also found some little things here I thought might improve it: in the blue base, one of the ramps seems to have been deleted, (I'm assuming since you still have inclines left. I mean one that would complete the bottom of the elbow staircase in the back of the room. If the was on purpose I would advise adding it since it would improve flow. Also in the same room, the 2x2 inclines that lead up towards the bottom of rocket hall seem a little steep to me for some reason so I thought maybe some other pieces might be better there to make it more gradual. Just little things. Good job!
  11. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    Thanks again for the feedback. The missing piece was on purpose though. IDK why but thats how it was on the original Oribital. You had to jump to get to the ramp. We thought it would look better the other way but just decided to leave it. The upstairs base isn't really finished yet due to the circular stairwell it was hard to capture. We're working on it. Thanks for your feedback though. We have almost 3000 downloads on that map and its not even finished. We plan on finishing it soon.
  12. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    I doubt there could be a better Orbital remake, even though there are only two right now (that I know of). Everything is smooth and with the right scale. I just wish it had more gametypes. (Is it just because you ran out of objects or because you dont know how?) Also, the ramps in the doorway between halls isnt there, it doesnt affect
    gameplay too much, but it would be awesome if it was there. Ah, the memories. I remember my first infection game, it was on this map. Me and my partner back to back against a crate, he gets infected, I take down 3, I get infected.
  13. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    We know how to do gametypes we just never got around to doing it. We plan on updating it as a version 2. We worked hard on getting everything just right we wanted to see what people thought of it with just slayer. Almost 3000 downloads I'd say people really like it.
  14. Van Halen

    Van Halen Forerunner

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    The first time I played the original Orbital it was SWAT and I got an overkill haha, I think it might have been on my friends profile too.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I played this with a party today. It was overall an exceptional remake. I just have two major suggestions to make it the perfect Orbital remake.

    1. the ghost is supposed to be asymmetrical only.

    2. I'd delete the lights. The frame rate is a mildly rough, and getting rid of them would improve it.
  16. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    K will keep that in mind. I thought 2 ghosts seemed like alot but I couldn't remember how they spawned and always forgot to check. The updated version will be better once I get to it. If you liked this map you should check out the Epilogue remake I made.
  17. Van Halen

    Van Halen Forerunner

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    Gimme some credit about making Epilogue K cousin? lol, its ok, you're forgiven.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I believe the ghost was only given to the attacking team, which i believe had the higher base. I do know for a fact that it was asymmetric only though.
  19. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    K, we'll get that fixed. Does anyone have any feedback on the weapon placement? Thats one of the biggest things I want to play with next to adding gametypes and fixing the ghost problem.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I know this will sound stupid, but the spiker spawn next to the glass sail door frame you have is pretty big. You left them out. I know not many used them, but i did, alot. Additionally, I used them as a landmark when traversing. Spiker spawn, see the spikers, know where i am immediately.

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