I'd Like To Promote Your Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Oli The G, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    As a large youtube and video editing enthusiast, I know that it can be hard to get your creation lots of love, especially when it often should be up there in lights.

    My youtube channel is very much on the up now (40 subs in the last 2 weeks) and I have over 100 subscribers.

    Whilst I know that my youtube channel hasnt blossomed yet, I would like to offer you a place to get your creation shown a bit more.

    I can go through from a basic run through (say, for a puzzle map) like this:

    YouTube - HALLWAY Walkthrough

    to a fully edited video, like this: (this is my map)

    YouTube - Halo Reach - QUIDDTICH TWO!!

    What i'd like to do is help get your name out there, and in return, my channel will be helped to continue to grow.

    Its basically help me help you.

    I ask for no money at all, just a thank you, and for you to put the video up on your forgehub post.

    I am working on a prioroty system of first come first served.

    HOWEVER, puzzle maps will be put ahead of other maps as they only require a run through.

    To submit your map, just fill in this quick form:

    Map Name:
    Custom Gametype?
    Why You Would Like It Featured:

    Download Link/s:

    If you are submitting a puzzle map, fill in the same form, but if I agree to do it, then I politely ask that you send me a written walk through to work off.
    Thank you
    #1 Oli The G, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've seen a bunch of these kinds of posts, and they all seem to end up crumbling due to the sheer amount of people who want videos of their map. So as a forewarning, good luck, and try to focus a set time every week or something where you work on the maps to keep up with demand.

    Anyway, I have a couple that I would like some videos of. The first one is finished, the second one need some tweaking. I don't have download links up, but I'll post the other information and update my post when they're up.

    Map Name: Il Cappio Di Roma
    Custom Gametype?: There is one, it's set up for juggernaut. The map is based off of the AC Brotherhood multiplayer. Everyone looks alike, so you need to determine who is the juggernaut and kill them. Not sure exactly what you're looking for in this category. The gametype is called Credo Sanguioso.
    Description: Well on top of the things I stated above, there are certain paths and jumps that require precision and/or a keen eye to utilize. There's a teleporter system and hidden weapons.
    Why You Would Like It Featured: Well I posted a map preview and it didn't get any notice, so I'm hoping a video can bring out this idea, which I don't believe has been done before.

    Download Link/s:
    Canceled, needs too much fixing to be done right now.

    Map Name: The Generators
    Custom Gametype?: Yes, it's set up for infection, the gametype is called Re-animation.
    Description: Basically this is infection with an objective. More than just safe havens, that is. The humans are placed in a contained area, with three paths leading from it. Each path contains a generator at the end of it. Once all three are open, the humans can get to the end.
    Why You Would Like It Featured: This is my most treasured map that I've ever made. I've never seen the idea used before, and it plays incredibly well. Unlike a lot of games, you need to use teamwork on both sides for success. I would prefer that this map get posted over the other one if you'll only do one.

    Download Link/s:
    The Generators

    So do you actually play through a game on these maps? If so, with who? Do you invite us to test it so that you can get footage, or do you use other people?
    #2 Plasma Blades, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  3. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Yahtzee Yahoo

    Custom Gametype? Yes, it's a mini game

    Description: King of the hill where one team is inside the hill standings on dice. The other team is outside shooting grenade launchers to try and knock them out of the hill. There's more to it, so you should check the thread out.

    Why You Would Like It Featured: In my opinion it is one of my best maps I've made, but it really didn't get recognized as such.

    Download Link/s: Here's the original thread. I'd suggest reading it first..

    thanks a bunch.
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    from the looks of it Ill do the generators, but I want to confer with the other person who helps me run the channel.

    We will talk a bit more about the video via PM once ive had a look through it, gained some initial ideas, and test out the gameplay.

    Won't be long.

    Again, your map is not set in definate stone yet, somebody else could come along...

    (oh yes, and I think if I can ill make this a bi-weekly thing, no guarentees though!)
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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  6. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Hi, thanks for helping out the forge community, like blades said I imagine you'll get heaps of applications and I hope you just choose the ones you like and keep making videos. I'm putting my map up here for consideration a bit early, its pretty much finished but I will be posting it on forgehub in about a week or so after I submit it to the testers guild.

    Map Name: Demonball Arena
    Custom Gametype? Demonball - similar to grifball
    Description: Grifball with evade, sprint, jetpack, grenade launchers and speed played in a huge bowl with mancannons and ramps
    Why You Would Like It Featured: To try and get it out there more and also because I'm enjoying this map and want it to be the best it can. Pictures don't really do the game justice because it's so large it makes the players tiny. I imagine the frenetic action and chaos of the gameplay might make for a good video, something like a cheesy action movie trailer with some old school metal or something. But that's my idea for it, if you were to choose my map (in a week or two) I wouldn't try to influence your creativity unless you wanted some feedback.

    Download Link/s:
    Demonball Arena:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Demonball v2:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Demonball rendered film: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Forgehub Map Preview: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...demonball-v2-grifball-inspired-halosport.html

    Good luck with the channel, a guy made a vid of one of my other maps and it's now at over 20,000 views! So yeah youtube is a great place to promote maps, I got heaps of downloads... and it's not even one of my favourite maps lol. edit: checked out your channel, top ten moments of Epic is amazing, some of the funniest things I've ever seen in Halo I was ****ing LMAO
    #6 Scalpel Technique, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map Name: Fool's Gold
    Custom Gametype?: Perhaps only have jetpacks available for AA's (unsure)
    Description: a map based on a mining shaft that was flooded at the bottom, is very vertically based and is all orange. Another thing to note is that it isn't done just yet, however the only thing left is to do spawning.

    Why I'd Like it featured: because, to be honest, most of my other maps don't garner the attention that I think they deserve, this may be due to a lack of a video, I am unsure. However, today when I showed somebody this map he said that it definitely should be in matchmaking, and was in his top 10 favorite maps on reach. I honestly don't know if its that good, but I like it and would like to see it get more attention than the rest of my creations.

    Map Preview Thread: Link

    If you are even remotely interested let me know and Ill show it to you in reach so you can get a better look, the pictures are somewhat bad.
    #7 Aschur, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  8. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Whoops, sorry I missed that!!

    Well, what I do is if its a puzzle map or something, I will just do a run through tutorial with the required amount of players.

    If its a different map, such as yours, then I would try and get as many people I could to just play a game of it. Not to test it and go into every single nook and cranny, but just to play it, and see what they think of it.

    Afterwards, I save the game, look at little bits of footage, and decide what kind of thing I want to do (e.g include a fly through, show mayhem happening, show a bit more of the story, decide on type of soundtrack, etc)

    Anybody I can get to play it is good enough. From pro's to noobs. I have a lot of friends who play lots and lots of custom games, so often I find myself in charge of a party. I put the map on, and see what happens. Quidditch 2 was made out of one single game session (1 game and 1 game ONLY) It depends. For slayer I might do a couple or so.

    Anyway, could you hook me up with a link for your map and gametype please? (the generators map)

    Hope that helped!!
  9. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    So would you like us to be in the games? Since we know the map? Or would you like to have everyone playing play as if they're new to the map?
    And what about music? I noticed that you had music on one of the videos. Is that an option, and if so who chooses the background sound?
    Other than that I believe all my other questions were sufficiently answered in your last post.
    I'll try to get the link up tonight. The gametype is still a little iffy, would you rather me just post it now, or test the gametype for flaws and imperfections?
  10. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And then you go and post two maps, without download links, and no real intention to make the guy's life who's doing this any easier.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your wonderful contribution to this post. Nicely done. Bravo.
    And my intention was that, since I did not have the maps, he wouldn't have to do them immediately.

    However, I have put the links in my file share, though I'm still working on getting them to show up. I'm trying again now.

    Got 'em up.
    The Generators

    I'll put these in the original post as well. I believe everything with the map and gametype are working fine, I checked everything out earlier today. If not, send me a message either here or on XBL about it and I'll fix it up.
    #11 Plasma Blades, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  12. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (I'm sorry to the thread creator for disturbing the essence of the topic, and I'll be out after this)

    Plasma, I don't really know you, and you seem like a nice guy, but it just seems extremely asinine doing what you did. You try and explain to him how his thread is most likely going to fail, and then you have the nerve to contribute to it.

    You post two maps, not even with download links, saying, I'll get around to it. Firstly, you had the nerve to compose the age old spam post containing basically "Here's my post, I'm reserving this, wait for me." And then you give him two maps. Perhaps I'm not as tech savvy in regards to video making, but two videos require a good deal of time to complete.

    Also, don't be such a prick, the post that I quoted had just as much information regarding this thread, download links concerned, as mine did.
    #12 Youtuber, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I noticed in the second video you have a song by the classic crime Gravedigging? It's cool to find another fan, they're not a very well known group but they're music is awesome. Bravo on your music taste :D

    Map Name:
    Deo Emerola
    Custom Gametype? Nope :)
    Description: A competitive map featuring a rock gardan planted in front of each base with a water covering. A tunnel has been carved through the center structure where the rocket launcher rests on a support.
    Why You Would Like It Featured: I've had a fair share of success as a Halo 3 forger, I know my stuff in terms of map design, so on. As for forging that's fair game towards anyone who can pick up a controller. This being my first Reach map I've heard a lot of compliments as to how far above standards this map is, yet when it was released it didn't seem to get the attention I believe it deserved. Do I mind? Perhaps a bit, but I'm not losing sleep over it; however you offered a window where as you say you can promote it, and I have no issue with that. If it's not chosen, it's no chip off my block, but I figured it's worth a shot :) My signature has a link to the thread.

    Download Link/s:
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    #13 MultiLockOn, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  14. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for all your support on this.

    as for song choice, I go with what I feel is best for the video.

    On my edited videos I like the feel of something crazy and exciting happening all the time, and I try to convey that within the music. As a musician, I know what is required in a soundtrack to make it perfect.

    You can have some input into the song choice, you can suggest me ones, but ultimatly it will be up to me, because the reason I make videos is because I enjoy them, and I only enjoy them when I have control over what I work with.

    Anyway, thanks for the links, its no problem, I havent been able to take control of any customs recently anyway!

    Ill be in touch when I get the gameplay
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pretty cool what you're doing here. As for myself, I only have one map I'm looking to promote. Info below.

    Map Name: Amalgam
    Gametype: MLG Oddball or MLG Team Slayer
    Description: Asymmetrical arena map for MLG play.
    Why You Would Like It Featured: To further promote this map, especially to those outside the forge community.

    Download Link/s: HERE

    Thanks a ton.
  16. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    once again, thanks very much, subs are appreciated.

    Just a quick update, ive got footage of generators, and a bit (not quite enough yet though) of yahtzee yahoo.
  17. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Alright, that sounds fine. The suggestion I was going to make was Fever Dream by Tyler Bates.
    As a side-note, for improvement purposes, was there anything that you think could be improved with my map, considering how you gave it a trial run?
  18. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: VELODROME
    Custom Gametype? N/A
    Description: A mid-size map with a destructible skybridge that can be viewed/activated from a majority of the rest of the map. If you want the rocket launcher, you need to realize you may not make it out of the skybridge alive with them.

    Why You Would Like It Featured: I'd love to see a well edited video of the skybridge being activated and sending someone falling just as they grab the rockets. I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of response to the map. I think I understand what happened. I submitted it in the Forgetacular contest without initially posting it on Forgehub. It was downloaded well over 1,100 times pretty quickly. A short time later I posted the final, improved version on Forgehub. The new version has only received over 100 downloads and there weren't as many comments as I was hoping to see. I imagine most people had already tried out the early version and weren't interested in checking out a thread about a map they had already tried out.

    Anyway, I think the map is very aesthetically pleasing and would look really good in a well-edited movie form.

    Download Link/s: Forgehub thread

    Download Velodrome Map Here.
    #18 leegeorgeton, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  19. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the feedback I got was too long for a human kill, and that humans shouldnt be able to pick up weapons.

    thats pretty much it.

    after doing footage, I will regretably bring your map slightly back on the agenda. I think I will do the destructible bridge one, then yahoo, then yours.

  20. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No worries, no deadline here. I'm assuming it was the sword that was the biggest problem when humans picked up weapons?
    But yeah, I still have some editing to do on the map, fixing problems such as those and stuff. Since I don't have too much time to work on it, it'll take a while, probably a month or two. So don't sweat it, I can wait.

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