i wish i had enough money and opportunity to go sky diving somewhere nice. i might try going travelling this summer if i can get the £££
this post was a test to see what youtube vid i had on clipboard. [br][/br]Edited by merge: YouTube - Eliza Doolittle - "Baby" (Justin Bieber) at Selfridges
I can't wait to go skydiving. A lot of people I've asked always seem to be unsure about it, but I've never had any doubts that it's something I really want to and will do someday.
So, my dream last night consisted of me and a few friends sitting in a Chilis Restaurant. Then, Jeff Bridges walks in a says "I need a badass!" I raise my hand and he recruits me for something. I then go through a montage of training similar to Rocky's training. Later, we walk into a bank and Jeff Bridges laughs at the security sign before we walk in. He then holds some weird looking gun to the manager's head and says to let us in. Another man pulls a gun from behind his back and fires it at Jeff Bridges. Nothing comes out of the gun, but the man flies back through the wall behind him and cops come running in through the hole he created. Me and Bridges proceed to the bank vault room closing the door behind us. Just before we reach where the money is stashed, he says "You're not needed anymore, kid." and suddenly a nondescript fat kid is following him as a his new recruit. I'm extremely sad and angry. When Bridges and the kid make it to the safe, there's a puzzle on the front that is similar to a Pac-man board. I can solve it from where I stand, but they can't. I decide to wait them out and allow the police to kill us all in order to teach Jeff Bridges a lesson. What does this mean?
Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit Oh, and Shat your dream obviously means you are to one day meet Jeff Bridges and he will be your best friend ever and you will go on an epic bank robbery scheme and the only one to defeat you are fat people and The Goddamn Batman.
my dream was that i met matt bellamy, then i turned back and then forward to see that it was actually my brother, but then he didnt even notice me before i tapped matt bellamy, so i wasnt mistaken, but someone swapped them.