Ok, since I'm on a new mission to try and improve as many of the maps that came with Halo: Reach as possible, I've been working on a couple. I've finished my Hemorrhage remake, and am moving on to Asylum. Now, much as I dislike MLG, the center ring that MLG uses in their version of Asylum works a hell of a lot better than the one Bungie has. However, in trying to recreate it, I've run into a major issue. I cannot get the Block, 3x3s to be level with the Circular Ramps, Large. Somehow MLG got them to be, but I simply cannot. While you can effectively walk over them without much issue, they would definitely catch grenades and such. Even the smallest .1 adjustment makes them slip past each other. Its really bad and really annoying. And I can't figure out how to fix it? Anyone know how they did it, or how to fix it?
Hold down the right thumbstick and you can go into super-fine editing mode. Using that you should be able to get it perfect.
^^^ He means left thumbstick What I like to do is use the left/right bumpers to get the object as close to where you want it to be, then ya hit the bumper, and quickly tap the "A" button to release the object. Takes a bit of practice to get down perfectly, but once you do it'll be well worth it.
Yeah... I meant left >.> You can also do it by getting directly over the object you are holding, and the two of them compound for doubly fine-tuning. Rifte's tap method works really well, its my personal favorite.
Getiting directly over the object you are holding... Wait, so if you're looking down as far as you can whilst holding the object it moves as slow as when the left stick is held in? And compounds if you hold in the left stick too, awesome! I'll give it a go, I'm so pissed I didn't know about the left bumper thing and my map is 90% finished - its not in the forge menu, and I didn't see it anywhere on forgehub till two days ago. This needs to be more widely known, now I've got the hang of it, I can back it up by saying that it gives you complete mastery of nudging an objects height to where you want it. What I do is get it close by using the tap method without the left stick, then fine tune it with taps with the left stick down and bam, done in about 10-20 seconds. This was my one problem with halo Reach, now if we could just get some good maps in the community playlist