Attainment Created by Shad0w Viper Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer Obviously this map isn't being featured because it was created by an admin. Rather this map is being feature because Shad0w Viper is my friend and I'm super corrupt and stuff. Or in actuality it is being featured because it's a super cool and awesome map. Your choice (see we aren't so least I gave you a choice.) Anyway, if you haven't heard of Attainment then you obviously aren't "with it" or "hip" or "super fly". In other words, you're a loser. Or maybe sifting through 25 pages of maps to find it makes you a loser; either way it doesn't really matter because we're here to talk about Attainment. If you haven't played Attainment, that's okay because Bungie has and they loved it, they told me last week at brunch. However, I do recommend you get off your lazy butt and use your thumbs to download Attainment and take it for a spin. This map is personally one of, if not my favorite Halo: Reach map to date. Shad0w's first original, solo creation came off a lot better than I had expected it to (really, I was cringing). However, jokes aside, Attainment did turn out to be one exceptional map. There was just something special about this inversely symmetrical, mostly enclose slayer map of Shad0w's. I've never been able to quite put my finger on it, but something about how this map plays just feels like "Halo" to me, and that's something I feel Reach lacks. Maybe it's the lines of sight that make the Sniper skillful and dominant, or the control points that are just too addictive to not contest, but Attainment just has some special qualities that more maps need to find in themselves. Whether you love him or hate him or (most likely) don't know he exists, Shad0w Viper has made one helluva map with Attainment. As much as it pains me to say it (more so even than that kidney stone), good job buddy! Download Attainment You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
This map truly is a keeper, regardless of whether you're corrupt or not, it plays extremely well and deserves the feature. Great work with this one Shadow.
I'm pissed that I still haven't managed to get a game on this yet. I think I downloaded this map the day it was released. I guess I need to join more custom games While I have yet to play it. This map has definitely been one of my favourite maps to date aesthetics wise in Reach. I've ran around this map by myself several times since it's release. To this day I'm still amazed by how great this map looks. Congrats on the feature Shad0w.
Even before this was finished, and shad0w showed it to me in forge... I knew it was going to be featured on one mere solid fact. That this was his first solo-map. No, but srsly, great work done on this hurr map. Glad you finally man'd-up and did a map by yourself. I always knew you could do it. Great map is great. I dun cur wat ne1 says.
Wow, congratulations on the Feature! This is a Unique and at the same time Amazing Map. As others before me have said, this map does play exremely well and looks very nice. I haven't been on for a week, and all of this stuff on Halo: Reach is such an overwhelming feeling. This map got Featured, in a good way, Community Playlist, FFA Arena, the days I'm not on, something good happens. Anyways congratulations on the Feature!
I remember testing an earlier version of this and being blown away by all the unique touches to the map. You certainly have a way with design. It's a shame the engine couldn't support it, but the map that came out of it is excellent, though a few minor jetpack spots. I figured this would get featured, because it is indeed a great map. Congrats.
I still love how you used a Wall, corner as a railing. Even though I think that's what they're intended for. Great map, this brings you feature count too..?
I remember playing some games on this, and in all honesty whilst we were playing I was left wondering "why does this map get so hyped up all the time".. needless to say, we were playing 5v6 at the time and I thought this because the spawn system was struggling to keep us all in a balanced rotation... However, once we got the numbers down to 4v4... I actually started to like the map.. quite a lot. It does have some great map movement, and it plays a great game of capture the flag. In honesty, It's definately a map I'd enjoy playing in matchmaking (with the correct number of players of course) and I hope bungie (for once) pick some decent maps to hit the big mm.
The only thing that could possibly keep this map from being entered into MM is it's object density (since that seems to be what's disqualifying most maps from being in MM). But it doesn't seem too overly cramped with geometry, and because of it's design you don't see too much of the map at once. So hopefully we'll find this in the MM rotation eventually. I think I can speak for most when I say I have my fingers crossed.
This map has hands down the niest aesthetics I've seen in a while as far as reach maps go, I'll DL later tonight and try and play some games. Very gorgeous map, can't wait.
YouTube - [HD] I take it that Viper drew most of his inspiration from this. Other wise, it is a great map, man. Corrupt or not.
I haven't played on this in a good while, but I'd have to say its a fairly enjoyable map to game on. There are a few frame rate drops here and there, particularly when at the initial spawns looking towards center, as well as around the sword spawn area and the outside catwalks. The sword is extremely powerful on this map as well. Not being a fan of swords as is, the close quarters nature of this map really breaks it IMO. The top mid structure only has two avenues of approach on each side, one of which being a lift... Its fairly easy to camp top mid because of this. Doesn't really flow to well. It also doesn't help that you can get stuck in the lift if you walk into it from the top. The outside I fail to see much reason to go to aside from in Oddball games, and in that case the corner rooms become ridiculously over powered and camp-able with a solid team of 4. Sure you can run out there in a slayer game for the concussion rifle... But who honestly uses those anyhow? The map is littered with power weapons. Seriously dude, two snipes, rockets, sword, two concussion rifles... On this small a map? Hell, I'm surprised there isn't a shotty and grenade launcher as well. I really don't agree with many of the pieces used in forging this map either. Bridge diagonals, bridge xl's, walk way covers, and struts and railings galore are sure to make this a rough map for frame rate. For a map this size you should have a lot more that $600 left over on your budget. I'd highly recommend going back in and simplifying a lot of the pieces used to cut back on frame rate issues. Over all, its a pretty decent map. It's not amazing by all means, but it is playable and enjoyable. The frame rate spikes can break it, but for the most part they're not bad. I honestly have to say though, this is not feature quality... Not unless features are going to be a more common posting on this forum anyways.
Omg I love you! Thanks a lot for the positive feedback guys, it means a lot. Oh and at SecretSchnitzel all I can say is lol.
ive played the map once, back when it got posted. i enjoyed it, i liked the flow of movement on it. however, despite poking fun at supposed corruptness in the post, it still seems to me that this was bad timing / bad form to feature a map by a colored member. The community is all bitchy enough as it is... I'm not saying its not worthy, just in my opinion, something else should have gone first to appease the weiners. plenty are deserving out there.
The sword is probably the most powerful weapon, true, but it's fairly easy to negate. The other power weapons do a good job of preventing its wrath, especially the concussion rifle, which blasts enemies back, preventing the sword lunge. There are three avenues of approach to each side's top-bridge, the ramp, the lift, and the bridge. Not only that, but the room is also grenadable from the windows which overlook the outside regions. It's not a powerful spot by any means, so long as people know what they're doing. Not to mention, no power weapons spawn in that area. The side rooms make excellent spawn locations, and like I said before, the concussion rifle is an excellent counter to the sword. Not to mention, those elbows are fantastic flag routes if you want to avoid the chaos indoors. And yes, those particular areas are powerful in oddball, but don't forget that we have grenades. Anyone deciding to camp in a small room will be obliterated. This is where I become a little more agitated. Bungie gives us objects, so we use them. Shad0w isn't to blame for Reach's crappy frame-rate, and even if particular objects create more stress on the engine, unless they are the DIRECT cause of frame-rate issues on THIS particular map, then they aren't a problem. Of the ones you listed, the railings by the lift exits are the only ones which seem to be any sort of instigator (The line of sight across sword). And really, frame-rate drops are way overblown. One thing that really concerns me nowadays: Forgers are far too obsessed with having well-designed map instead of a fun one. Granted, a map should be well-designed as well. But, this is a GAME. It's supposed to be FUN. And Shad0w seems to have discovered that tiny bits of frame-rate drop, lots of power weapons, along with an excellent design = Fun. A feature thread is meant to compliment a map, and nothing but. It's supposed to make the map sound like it's the greatest map ever, and that is to be expected. If you want actual information on the map, go back to the original thread, or read the comments. The feature write-up isn't meant to accurately describe the map, just to be an entertaining read to help convince others to download it. Where in his post did he say that. Tell me where. Take a picture, send it to me, or just shut up, honestly. Now for my opinion. I've tested this map A LOT. Enough to know every little thing like the back of my pale hand. Unfortunately, I doubt this map will make the matchmaking cut, due to object density, but I hope that bungie at least informs you that object density was its ONLY major issue, and hopefully they ask you to amend some of the bits of framerate lag, and maybe, just maybe, it'll get in. And despite every game I've played on this map, it doesn't get old. Only more distinguished. Its minute features only become ever-more apparent with each hectically awesome game of 5v5 slayer. I love this map, Shad0w, I really do. If only I could've gotten a chance to inform you on some of the tiny issues in a forge session before it had been featured.
I have never said nor implied anything by me is feature quality at anytime. Your comment is extremely uncalled for. This map is good, but his has flaws. It's enjoyable, but its nothing particularly special. Personally, I'd say Blockade is much more worthy of a feature than this. And as far as anything by me goes, I could care less if any of it gets featured. I'm not here to kiss ass and get my name recognized, I'm here to make maps and help others. If my critiques come off too blunt, grow thicker skin. Its pretty pathetic when anything I say gets tossed out the window because you think I'm bashing for the sake of bashing. I could give a rats ass about any of that. I have no bias against any map because of authorship.