Community Playlist

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Idk, if you can say anything for Bungie it's that they have conviction in their decisions and don't really rely on validating opinions with what the community thinks. Tbh you can see why, anything they do is gonna illicit serious rage from one group or another.

    Hey, you could be right, I just don't see much precedent for them testing the water with something they themselves are sure isn't up to scratch. Though I'm still with others in hoping that future selections are more varied and balanced.
  2. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    I hope that these maps are the low of the lowest of what Bungie has to offer from the community. I hope they take the time to change the maps either every week or every two weeks so that We can have some Better maps to play; then a gain one a one room with block in the center and two outer rooms would play better than this stuff.
    | |
    | | ͏ | <---better map I think i made my point....
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  3. SlySonikku

    SlySonikku Forerunner

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    I'm going to repost a link someone posted earlier, because people are flipping out for no reason at all:

    These maps are part of the early crop, hence why they have so many issues. As time passes, they will rotate out and we will get maps made later, maps that had more time put into Forging them.

    So yeah.

    Reading this thread has just been embarrasing.
    #83 SlySonikku, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    So basically what myself and a few others have been saying. These are the ones that happen to have passed their performance tests rather than the ones they think are the best. Bungie delivered a broken product in Forge, and they're only taking maps that don't stress their broken game. And they won't just come out and say that most of our maps are too stressful on the engine (because that would be an admission of a broken product), they sit behind their wall of silence pretending that these maps are anything but ****.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    That's good, but there are two fundamental problems with it.

    1. Bungie presents these maps as tested, endorsed, and approved by them. Putting in a lot of sub-par stuff, even billed as "Community," makes them look bad.

    2. Worse though, people will quickly ditch this playlist once they realize all the maps in it are awful and the gameplay experiences are uniformly uninteresting or annoying. In my first or second community game last night, there was a guy perched on the super-high ground picking off my entire team with a DMR. That doesn't inspire me to stick with the playlist. If I'm on this weekend, I certainly won't be playing it. And I'm a fairly level-headed and pragmatic guy who understands that the maps will rotate. If MY reaction is "I won't play this for a while," the average schmuck's reaction will probably be more like "I will never play that again." That kills the playlist and wrecks the whole concept of community content, unless Bungie goes out of their way to find a different way to present it.

    Objectively I think the playlist, as it stands now, is bad. We all agree on that. You're arguing that people are overreacting because they misunderstand how the playlist is being handled. I agree, but I also happen to think that Bungie's handling of it is a bad idea. It should have been more like a regular playlist - they should vet the maps thoroughly, make changes if needed (and contact the authors if appropriate), and only release the best of the best with their imprimatur. Otherwise the very concept becomes self-defeating.
  6. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    You are so right my friend. They were so impressed by what they had done, making a massive forge space, they didnt even realize it was broken. Forge World is just too big to make a sophisticated map that doesnt lag from rendering the entire world. they should've split forge world into different sections. Or at least in half. That would solve so many problems right there. I mean sure you cant have those race maps that drag all across forge world, but most of the good ones only use half or less of forge world anyway. It'd be a sacrifice, but one that would pay dividends for competitive gameplay. It'll never happen though.
    #86 ThrowinDemBows, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  7. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    I was wondering has there been or could there be a list of forgehubbers and their corresponding maps that they submitted so that when they come up we can have more of an idea that they came from our community?
  8. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
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    Why didn't they allow objects in each map like Halo 3. I was quite heartbroken to discover that I had to use forgeworld and notSpire or Boneyard for custom maps. Its funny because Forgeworld was 5 maps and the world artist pulled off a stable build of them merged so they kept it. Just leave it to a community to break things i guess ;)
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Tag search forgehub; forge hub; contest-xx (xx being whatever style map you want; TS, SYMM, INV, etc.) in the Reach file search. That's your best bet.
    #89 squidhands, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    we'll brag to make sure you know =P

    im hoping you're right, but im more worried that the average schmuck will say:
    "oh my F'ing god that map is amazing, i can farm a million kills off people and never die!! i love the community playlist!!!"

  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Sadly, that is another very real possibility. :D I guess that would sustain the playlist, then!
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    More likely, which will turn it into a credit/commendation boosting playlist..which will likely have them do something stupid like turn off credits or commendations in that playlist..which will kill it even if it is legitimate. Hopefully they'll realize that the maps they picked are the problem and not community maps in general..but who know honestly.
  13. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    This is stated matter-of-factly, but how could he know this unless he knew someone doing the testing? I really hope this is a guess, I'm only asking because if it is true, I believe all the forgers in the world's dream of having cool forge maps in a permanent playlist is dead forever. Another case of damn, Bungie so close and yet so far. I dont know, maybe it's just a forgeworld thing. I think if creative people like good forgers were forced to make maps this simple for them to be viable, most would say "thanks but no thanks, I'm not that desperate". I'm still hoping though. At first I was bit secretive about my little antisocial hobby, but I don't care anymore - I love forging and playing on good forge maps and I'd love it even more if we could play em in MM. Not getting what you want, I can take that, but getting so close to it and then some technical flaw messes up everything, it's depressing. It happened to Halo 2 - we used to have an awesome time, everyone had mics and tactics and lots of people online, then standbys and superbounces made it so frustrating I just stopped playing till halo 3 came out. BTW I've been having a ball with Reach ever since I got my hands on it, there's just so many things to do, having good forgemaps in mm would be the cherry on top.
    #93 Scalpel Technique, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I actually saw a thread in Optimatch called 'These community maps are what I thought the default Reach maps would be'. I opened it hoping for a sarcastic tint, but it was nothing but praise for these 'balanced symmetrical arenas which promote Halo's strengths' or something to that effect.

    However, there were loads of threads saying the exact opposite, just as many from B.netters (or at least people I didn't even close to recognise from here and who didn't mention FH at all) as from those pulling the Forgehub card. The principle of a big but passionate community is well demonstrated with Halo, there are people who will cry to the death, or at least a fault, (and tbh I have to include myself in this sour bunch a reasonable amount of the time) for balance etc., even at the cost of variety, and then there are those who simply latch on to anything that they can exploit for a single game and makes them think they're good. If Halo was a girl, the former would scream commitment from the first date and scare her away, the latter would treat her to a one night stand, and a disappointing one at that. Who Bungie chooses to listen to in terms of the loudest voices right now is up to them, but I hope ms. Halo's late night ice cream session yields the more common retrospective conclusion that commitment, no matter how stressful, is commitment all the same.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I'm probably being overly cynical, and I did not have direct communication with Bungie on the subject, but I have had a map that I know was tested by Bungie (for the MLG playlist) and it failed. Bungie pointed at object density as the major cause. And Genome, while not completely plain, is not exactly the pinnacle of object density or visual complexity either.

    So I look at my map which failed, and I look at these maps which succeeded, and it says to me that these are the kinds of maps that are capable of succeeding. It says to me that Reach forge was far more ambitious than the 360 is capable of handling, and Bungie was too infatuated with their massive forge world idea to make the sacrifices needed to prevent these issues.
  16. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Holy overreaction batman! While most of the maps in the playlist were very poor choices, I felt there were a few gems. Endzeit, while having a similar design to atom plays pretty damn well in my opinion. It's got good flow and sight lines and I haven't had any bad player spawns of weapon spawns. Aspirocracy is also a good map IMO. The middle has an awesome design and the weapon choice is very balanced. Spawns could be clean up though. Also note that I haven't played capacitor or endocrine so you comment on those. The rest are either poorly designed or have major balance issues (bar enclosed, which has good designs but very questionable weapons and spawns). We should also keep in mind that this isn't to show for what's to come. Bungie was most likely pressured by the fans (yes, us) to get this contest wrapped up. Just compare these maps to the excellent submissions in the BTB category, and you'll see that there is hope for the better.
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    considering what Ladnil has said, i fear even more for the BTB category.

    the BTB maps that get in will probably be just different arrangements of defauly building pieces scattered across the gulch / montana / alaska and voila. /sad
  18. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Not really. Bungie has consistently pointed at density as being the thing they're trying to avoid. As large as BTB maps are, they should actually be just fine in that department. Everyone here and at MLG has been constantly going on about frame rate and objects on screen being the problem, when Bungie is apparently looking instead at density alone.
  19. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Hate to stray away from the arguement above me... but Thrust has some z-fighting issues... and I swear to god I can reach that overshield. Almost...there... >:p Fun map though
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    That basically means a lack of anything remotely close to a legit map. We'll be stuck with skeleton maps for the remainder of forgeworld at least. There is honestly very little a forger can do to reconcile their issue.

    However, I still fail to see how a map can perform fine in customs and still cause them issues. I mean, it's still 8 or so connections getting together and they could be very incompatible connections. If Bungie is matching people up with a more problematic connection issue than customs could have then the issue is with the MM system and not so much the maps or forge. However, this is me talking about of my ass because I really don't know too much about it.

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