Prisoner 117 of The Mothership

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by blockhead573, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Ancient
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    It seemed like every other night, when you wake up to find your room brighter than ever possible, you know there is no way it could be daytime, at least not yet. You're confused, you have no clue what it could be, then darkness...

    You come to, thinking it was all a dream, it isn't. In a matter of moments, you have become one of a select few, what could possibly have happened?

    You were abducted and taken on board your captors mothership, to be further studied. You notice a dead prisoner in the cell diagonal from you. If you want to live, you have to do everything in your power to make it to the captains room, and pilot the ship home.


    This is you, and around you, your cell.


    This is how you don't want to end up, dead and made out of cones.


    This is a view of the air vents that provide you with your oxygen, and pathways around the ship.


    This is another view of the same ventilation system.

    The rest is up to you to explore, good luck I hope you make it home to share the stories.

    Download Gametype: Prisoner 117

    Download Map: The Mothership

    Download Tutorial: The Mothership Tutorial
  2. peril1337

    peril1337 Forerunner

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    You really need to put a thumbnail, won't get many views without it. I'll try this soon.
  3. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not to be cocky, but they will when the see the author. lol jk. you're probably right, but i don't really like the whole thumbnail aspect, and my other puzzle map got plenty of views without one.
  4. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha i just downloaded this. i guess this is why you were asking me earlier about making a puzzle lol i can see that your in the mood again.

    edit: i just got to the part where you get past the explosive thing pictured on the right of the last screenshot. I moved it, and then i got stuck. So I decided to melee it to move it and it killed me. That's the farthest I've gotten so far but it's awesome! Everybody download this map if you haven't already!!

    This actually inspired me to make another puzzle map. And the one that I was working on that I told you about yesterday was actually the same concept now that I looked at it today (escaping from a covenant cruiser). Thanks, I guess haha :)
    #4 Frozenghost001, Jan 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011

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