Community Playlist

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Played two whole games yesterday and did fairly well on both.

    Enclosed: No reason to leave the top level. There is plenty of DMR ammo really close by (especially from dead teammates), and a quick hop down will get you a quick-respawning healthpack. I noticed a spawn that has you facing the railing of a bridge rather than in a more sensible forward-moving location, but other than that I didn't notice many issues. A good jetpacker could really dominate, as there doesn't seem to be any good cover. I didn't have many problems with it, though I'm chalking it up to inexperienced players.

    Ziggurat: An insane number of power weapons. 2 Focus Rifles that have a really short timer, Hammer, FRG, Concussion Rifle, The map itself is okay, certainly nothing that would want me to include it into matchmaking. One of my biggest gripes with the map is the bridges. It's a larger problem with many forged maps, but having long stretches of bridges to connect relatively small platform areas is just poor design. There is little to no room to do any strafing, and it just ends up being a who-put-the-shot-first situation. I moved around a lot more on Ziggurat than I did on Enclosed, but it was mainly so I could get to a spot that wasn't a ****ing bridge. I did enjoy using the rapidly respawning Focus Rifle, though. A solid 'meh' from me on this one.

    More thoughts as I play more, but a large majority of you commenters really need to get the stick out of your asses. Comments like "I can and have made better maps than these" just reeks of douchebaggery.
    #41 squidhands, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  2. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Not only is Endzeit Atom/Sanctuary V2, but you can get all the way to the Pillar because he placed no safe zone, only one hard kill slightly above the Coliseum.

    Edited by merge:

    Funny thing about Ziggurat: All weapons are set to default. No ammo changes. Not only that, it has a teleporter only accessible room. Also, it has many Hill Markers with no labels as if the author thought slapping them down made it compatible with KOTH. Also, all of his respawns are random.l
    #42 wi1lywonka, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I saw your thread on Bungie's forums and had to laugh about that.
  4. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    yeah bungie is full of Map making gods, but the people who are picking these maps and maintaining halo aren't the same people that gave you all those awesome maps. They've moved on to "better" things.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That's interesting. Haven't had the chance to check out the map in Forge, so that explains the ridiculous timers on the weapons. Bungie did say, "Unaltered maps made by you, the Halo community"; they weren't kidding.

    I'm really hopeful for this playlist, actually. The community is now going to determine which of the maps (if any) will see some time in regular matchmaking. This is the first batch of the really early entries (which apparently shows), so fingers crossed that we get to see some real gems pop up soon.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I have uploaded screens of most of the maps thanks to myself and ThrowinDemBows.
  7. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Thanks for the screens.

    Having played a good number of games in the playlist now, it's actually kind of refreshing for a change - a bit like Customs with random people.

    I think Endzeit would be one of the more playable, if it wasn't so easy to break the map. The right safe and kill volumes would do the trick. I've yet to have a game on Aspirocity where my teammates haven't quit on me, but I think it's the most clean out of all the maps, but the gameplay has always involved one team dominating the upper level and it's very difficult to make a comeback. Capacitor somewhat reminds me of a Zealot-Midship-Pit hybrid, but there are a lot of very campy spots (particularly the top of both bases), and the lower level is awkward to travel through. Ziggurat is still overloaded with power weapons and needs proper kill barriers to relieve the Jetpack of its dominating abilities.

    If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be either Enclosed or Thrust. Thrust I feel is the only map where anyone without a Jetpack still stands a chance, and it has a nice layout to it. If only that darn Grenade Launcher wasn't fixed!

    I'm interested to see which map gets picked - I have a horrible feeling it's going to be Ziggurat - and I'm interested to see the next rotation of maps, which will hopefully be a better selection.
  8. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I fully agree with this statement! For example: If players can accept maps like Vanilla as playable and fun and fair in custom games, then what is the difference for a community matchmaking playlist even IF it has some frame drop. This isn't the arena/MLG so I don't get why they have to be super stringent about it. Performance had better not be their only deciding factor because we will be stuck with simpleton maps with no atmosphere or identity if that is the case.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    People from forgehub need to cut out the elitist douchebag attitude about this ****.

    I was looking at a thread about this on BNET and someone was sitting there saying things like "bungie should just take the maps from forgehub, forgehub makes the best maps, all these maps suck" etc

    Our members acting like this is one of the reasons that we are looked down on as a dickhole elitist jerk community, despite how much we have tried to not be like that in recent years.
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I'm not saying our maps are better per say, but if the creators had of done a few tests, and modified accordingly, they would be much better. The spawn issues probably would have been fixed, weapon times tweaked, and overall balance fixed.
  11. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I played Ziggurat and some map that starts with C. 'C' would be good if they fixed the spawns and broke up the lines of site. Ziggurat is well made, for the most part, but is loaded with:

    2 Shotguns
    2 Concussions
    2 Focus Rifles
    2 Grenadle Launchers
    2 Plasma Pistols
    1 Grav Hammer
    1 Fuel Rod

    And perhaps more. As there is a Jet-pack only area that I never went to because, I hate the jet-pack. So far I really don't like these maps, and hope there are more, better playing ones, to come. However it's nice to play some new maps.

    I'm mostly looking at the positives, as I agree with Titmar's post above.

    EDIT: I just played Reverence and I liked it, he had some good ideas. The sniper nests as stairways was quite inventive, IMO. However It had instances of some bad screen lag on gold side/splazer spawn. (seriously? splazer? lol)
    #51 Erupt, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I do kinda agree with this. It's one thing to expect more from the members within this forum and another thing to shove it in the face of people when posting outside this community.

    I have to admit is was a little disappointed when I read that post on Bungie's forums.
  13. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have read map threads with comments in the same light as these. This thread is blown out of proportion because people can't grasp why these maps are on matchmaking.

    They were submitted to the contest just like everyone elses so they have an equal right to the server. These maps are not being rated for potential winners. Bungie has already done...doing that behind the scenes.

    I played them, didn't enjoy them and now I will eagerly wait for the next batch. It's quite brilliant bait for us forgers. We are always gonna see if the next batch is sink or swim knowhatimsayin?

    Besides the winners of the contest get thrown in the REAL playlists: TS, BTB, Living Dead, etc.
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    It's one thing to be like that within our own community and another thing to say we're better than this **** outside the community. We're like that because we like to think we hold ourselves to a higher standard. There's no need to throw our beliefs in other forger's faces and making comments, like what Titmar pointed out, in other forums.
  15. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Totally agreed.

    Having a community this big is tough to deal with. The map Aspirocity was actually posted here so I find it funny that when people say they want Forgehub maps in MM they actually got their wish lol.
  16. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I couldn't agree more. Voicing opinions is fine in principle, though the form in which they are presented is something any poster should be mindful of. But resorting to the self satisfied attitude that Bungie should just relinquish control of their own MM choices to a community that isn't even close to unified within itself is beyond a joke. I just hope Bungie realised the fallacy that posts like this show within themselves, in that said poster's assumptions that 'Forgehub' actual means anything definite in terms of unity and guaranteed quality are flawed, and that therefore blaming Forgehub as a unified body for these attitudes makes little sense. That shouldn't, however, stop people on here making every effort to instil a bit more universal respect in posting attitudes and a more responsible attitude to banding the FH name about like it's yours to use as you wish.

    Anyone who reads my posts in this forum will know what I've got no right to talk about criticising Bungie's decisions with any disdain, but even past considerations of how you frame and form points like these, using the name 'Forgehub' like you have any more right to it as a definitive claim than the person who made the map you're criticising is irresponsible and frankly inconsiderate towards those who are more likely to suffer for it. This should have been demonstrated enough with the whole H3 MM/Shishka debacle.

    The fact is that 'our maps' means very little in itself. The quality on FH varies to an extent pretty much exactly in line with the variation in the forge community as a whole, simply because we're the go to site for posting forge maps. To act like 'us' means anything when the likelihood is that any given forge map you bash has been posted here, or is no worse than a plethora of other maps which have been posted here, is senseless.
    #57 Pegasi, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    yea i was skimming through that thread earlier...
    confirms what we assumed. somewhat good news.

    i have to agree with some of the other posts in there though...
    basically they are saying its our own fault if the maps suck,
    but if they are good and people want to keep them, then bungie takes dibs.

    also i understand that it would have been unreasonable and against the whole idea of it being "community" if bungie had editted the maps before going into the list... but really, if they had spent 5-10 minutes in FORGE, not even playing the map, just looking at it, they could have repaired the majority of the game breaking issues that are present in all the maps.

    anyways, it does suck that this first batch is pretty crappy, lets all just stop playing them and hope the next batch is better.

    im hoping they update each batch of maps to the playlist on a weekly basis.
    i'd hate to have to wait a month just to play another ten shitty maps =(

    edit- simultaneous post, lol

    and yes, i agree with what Pegasi is saying. There is no "us." We are not any better.
    Most of the maps on this forum are just as shitty as these 10 are.
    #58 Titmar, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Let me be clear: I am in no way saying that Bungie should put maps which they know to be technically deficient in a key sense in to MM. I don't know enough about the game working to know what their tests are, but slimming down the pool of maps which they are able to consider isn't really in their interests. The point I was making was that perhaps they should have considered just how prohibitive forging an interesting design is in the canvas they're given us. I still feel a little hard done by that Bungie still let the principle of something being flashy and 'look what we did' impact upon the process designing Forge World at the cost of those who are actually going to use it. And I pretty much only drop in to Forge to alter weapon sets etc., I can't imagine how much more hard done I'd feel if I was one of the many skilled designers who only realised after release that the simple process of forging may be easier than H3, but the larger goal of working towards an interesting and functional design is, if anything, much harder, apparently for the sake of a Vidoc which will net some extra sales with people who will likely drop in to Forge once then never bother again.

    But just to reiterate, I am not saying Bungie should abandon their technical standards at this stage, it was more a lament at decisions already made. In this sense, the only thing we can hope for is a canvas (and object set, I know Tempest is much better but it shouldn't be better for forging than Forge World, hopefully we see a sandbox-esaque second canvas at some future stage) which allows for function as well as any form which the hardware limits will allow.
  20. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    And I double agree with this. No need to complain about the maps if your map is just as bad and the biggest word you know is aesthetics (HATE this word cause of this site) Bungie probably doesn't even look on here period.

    Yet, there are some really good maps, built with love, that need to be seen and given a shot by bungie. We need to find a better way to draw them attention!!!!!

    A couple of those released maps on the playlist can be fixed into decent maps too.

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