is up and running. Discuss. MAPS: Endzeit Obsidian Aspirocity Capacitor Elevation Enclosed Reverence Thrust Ziggurat
any familiar maps? I haven't played on it yet Edit: Played 1 game so far on a map called Enzeit and first impressions, I'm disappointed in Bungie. Enzeit was pretty much an Atom clone with the objects moved around slightly. It had almost no kill barriers to speak of and it had pretty noticable Z fighting if looked down on the center area. If this was the kind of map Bungie enjoys to play they don't play many custom maps and I'm starting to notice a trend. Sure maps Cage, Asylum, Pinnacle, Atom, Cliffhanger are simple and good for a quick game but they get stale fast and there are too many of these...I hope the others are better, again this is my first impression.
It would be greatly appreciated if those who play the maps can link them for all of us who like to do a forgethrough before playing.
They are all cramped, have bad sight lines, and have some ridiculously overpowering area to rain death upon the rest of the map from.
Every single one ive played is extremely aweful. Steep ramps, Cluttered spaces, awful respawn times on weapons. Not to mention broken kill zones. None of them look good in any way, and all but one that ive seen is in the coliseum. Ive played obsidian,thrust, ziggurat, and capacitor, so i havent seen all of them but i dont see it gettin any better. Epic fail bungie.
I have a feeling that a lot of maps submitted to Forgetacular were DQ'ed due to "performance issues". Genome, the MLG map Ladnil made, failed Bungie's performance tests. Even after Ladnil ensured there wasn't any framerate lag. So it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the more intricate maps that were submitted fell short of Bungie's standards, too. Which would explain why we're seeing simple maps akin to Atom in the rotation.
That's a bit surprising, where did you hear this information from? And this is only the first round of maps being introduced, meaning these are the first maps that they received for testing that passed their standards.
Killa KC's Twitter. Ladnil speaks about it on the MLG forums. Something I just found out that baffles me: this playlist allows only one local player per console. The only reason I can see for this limitation is because of split screen lag. Out of the 500+ maps submitted in the Team Slayer category, could they really not find 9 maps that don't suffer from split screen framerate issues? If the answer to that question is no, why in the hell did they pick such shoddy maps for this playlist?
They haven't gone through all 500+ maps yet, only the first hundred or so that were submitted before the very end of the contest. I'm positive as time progresses, the content should get much better. Well if object density is an issue, there isn't too much that can be done to fix the map. That's more of a design problem overall. Hopefully building the map on Tempest will solve a majority of the problems, although it sucks to have to rebuild an entire map.
I've played on two maps so far - Elevation and Thrust. Here's my feedback on both of them. Elevation: There is very little persuading me from saying this is an outright horrible map. Both the flow and spawns are awful, and there is z-fighting everywhere. A lot of ramps lead up to dead-ends. The area that bugs me the most is the pocket between the side you spawn on and the round bunkers in the middle of the map. The only way out is a gravity lift, and the sniper rifle spawns on a ramped platform with only one way to reach it. Thrust: This map's layout feels like a mix between Wizard and Hang Em High, which is good, but it doesn't play as well as either. Spawns are okay, but I wish there was a front ramp to both bases. There are limited ways to the top, which I'm not particularly keen for, but the real killer of this map is FIXED WEAPONS! The Grenade Launcher has Fixed physics. I don't understand how Bungie could have overlooked this? I'll be playing more and see what the others are like, but so far I'm honestly disappointed.
ok im back after playing all 9 maps. And when you mentioned that Endzeit is basically Atom, you were correct. Endzeit is created by JoeSki, the same person, but modified by someone else. How fail can bungie possibly be to not noticed that somebody just copied a map they put in MM. Last thing i must say to how fail this list is, Enclosed has an initial spawn facing directly into a wall. =/ Dark days are upon us. Also every map is breakable in one way or another, and extremely unbalanced in most cases. Almost everyone of them has a high point that can be easily abused.
Reverence: The map design is incredibly awkward. The "sniper nests" are supposed to act as ramps, but fail. Also, Splazer? The spawns are pretty predictable too. After two people quit on the opposing team, they would either spawn up top or in the "double rooms" down below. They also spawned in my line of sight several times. Enclosed: So far, I think this map has the most potential. There weren't too many spawning issues that I noticed, and the map had decent top-bottom flow. However, I think having Rockets AND Grenade Launcher is too overpowered for this kind of map, so I'd maybe like to see a change of weapons.
Enclosed has the most potential, but not much better than the rest. It is the only one that is cleanly forged, but when you see an initial spawn up against a wall FACING it you got a problem. Not to mention there are a few sections in the map with limited routes, (1 or 2 ways out of a section is awful.)
im disappointed in reading these reactions, but im the most disappointed to hear about Z-fighting in MM... seriously, of all the things that i would have expected bungie to DQ over, that was one of the main ones. im really surprised to hear that theres a lot of z-fighting in them. i havent played any of them yet, just got off work. ill be playing later tonite and ill return to this thread with my opinions once i have, and ill do the pics if no one has done it by then. edit- and after reading the replies to that thread in the MLG forum, im really confused by how drastically simple things apparently have to be... i mean, ive played full 16 player customs with no lag on maps that are much more complicated... and ive also played terribly laggy games on standard bungie mas that arent even on forgeworld... just doesnt add up, seems really weird. the one thing we should all count on before we ***** a huge fit is that bungie said our votes will affect what has a chance at an official playlist and what doesnt. these arent the final winners. these arent the final community maps either. relax, all. edit 2- just played one quick game on Thrust. THRUST: final score - 50-44 the score was balanced, but the gameplay was not. the map had little to no flow at all, and the entire game was just a quick rush to see who could control the top mid. i wouldnt say the map was terrible at all, but it was terribly mediocre. the only thing that had me lol'ing through the entire match was that every time i jetpacked up to the tops of the bases to try to grab the powerup, id be instantly killed by a hard kill barrier. even by the 5th time, when i carefully controlled my height to not jetpack any higher than where the powerup was, as soon as i touched down and grabbed it -- DEAD. LMFAO... i mean, was i doing something wrong? or did Bungie not even bother to test these maps at all...? *scratching my head* ..... we'll see what the others are like. maybe i'll change my mind on this one later as well. trying not to flip the hate switch yet.
I couldn't even finish a game either. Very poor picks. I figured they'd only pick simple platform/bridge maps. Bad: Poor lines of sight Very few kill barriers (you can access rooftops and poo all over people) Power weapons right beside other power weapons Lot's of z-lighting on one of the maps I played One map has me spawn facing a window. Good: I finally have more than one other person on my friend's list playing Halo again!!!!!! If anything, it def. brought back alot of players. I just hope the lame map picks don't discourage these "unfaithfull" players further.
This. For all we know, they are putting out subpar maps just to test the waters and make the final winners seem that much more awesome to play on. It could be a psychological thing.
I really had no hope/expectations for this playlist, so I can't say this is particularly surprising or disappointing to me. However, it still baffles me why Bungie doesn't want to embrace forge maps with intelligent designs and hard work. It seems (despite working so hard to create forge 2.0) that Bungie still wants forge to be for the absolute casual. I don't think there is any way to remedy this.