thanks for the feedback the elevators "flaws" actually help say you are being chased set off an elevator and get out of the way or take cover behind the box
The planning that went into this map is very evident. I wonder though, what would the map play out like with more of those awesome elevators?
good question it would need a biger map for starters i might make a one with more elevators i dont know im working on a switch activated shooting range for weapons training (i suck with sniping) but that could be my next project
yeah u always are fighting for the top floor the hole in the floor makes it really hard to defend the top floor
I suppose you could add the teleporter nodes or weapon holders in the air to make the elevator go up straight. But other than that it is very good.
very very cool looking i like the layout og the floors and good weapon placing cant wait to get some intense action on here 5/5
I will give this a four out of five now that people have learned how to make elevators there seems to be an increase of maps using them now so i would try and focus more on detial, interlocking, geomerging and originality/Uniqity if you want people to impress people.
Really cool. I like how you put so many places for cover. It could be neatened up a bit but it still looks great. Keep up the good work.