do YOU teabag??? (in halo reach)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by masterpete117, Jul 28, 2010.


do YOU teabag (in halo reach)

  1. yes

    80 vote(s)
  2. no

    51 vote(s)
  1. plasmaeagle

    plasmaeagle Forerunner

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    I only teabag when the guy who killed me teabags me. then I hunt him down and teabag him for the rest of the match =]
  2. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    I generally don't bag, and I especially don't bag chicks. (Bagging dudes is just insulting; bagging chicks is mildly sexist.)

    However, if someone's cheap gameplay tactics really piss me off, then I become an equal-opportunity serial bagger with one target.

    EDIT: There was one time where someone was hiding in a corner near a ridge in Hemorrhage. I jumped on top of his head without him noticing and tried to assassinate from above; it didn't work, and I punched him once. He looks up and goes into Armor Lock, but here's the kicker: the idiot stays in the full duration and I jump away, when he could've just EMP'd me and punched me. I chuck a 'nade; too early, no effect. I chuck another 'nade and it bounces off of him right as he exits Armor Lock, prompting him to jump away (from where he thought it landed) and move right into the blast radius as it goes off. Epic kill for me.

    I don't remember if I bagged the guy. I should've.
    #62 DavidJCobb, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I bag on occasion. Usually only when I get a really hard fought kill or someone on the other team is being a ****. I have also been known to teabag betraying teammates every time they are killed. I feel they deserve the Spartan sack.
  4. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    I teabag incredible kills. Like, if I get a solo triple kill or something, yeah, I'll pull the old sac-to face maneuver. I definitely don't overuse it though, only epic kills, like beating down a guy with a sword or something.
  5. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    I remember one time I was playing with a girl and told her "nice teabag" over a message. She later responed with "I don't know what a teabag is, but if you're talking about the clam trap I pulled off then yes thank you". I don't think I've ever cracked up so hard xD

    I'm mixed, like many people. If a guy has been a real prick about stuff online, then yeah I'll do it. The only problem with teabagging is that I often get picked off when I try to do it in competitive play, so I try to avoid it unless just playing for fun.
  6. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    This is funny, I don't do it and my friend and I have epic arguments nearly every time we play about it.
  7. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
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    Hahahahaha Oh god, I hope you're not being serious
  8. Secnateb

    Secnateb Ancient
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    Nope. No teabagging necessary. The kill speaks for itself. I'd rather spend my time looking for another target or help teammates out.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I only teabag players that try to spawn kill me.
  10. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Tea Bags

    TB's are an etiquette, and should be used generously in proper form. They should be crisp and short with a rythmic dip. Newer players on the loosing side of a battle may find these courtesies an added frustration, mistaking this comradery for humiliation as the assaliant dips the message; I've been there too buddy. Nobody wins em all and the TB reminds us, loosers come in all shapes and sizes. -Just a suggestion, and remember; the best tea bags are the giving kind.
  11. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    well i dont do it for like 10 seconds becuase you will get killed. thats why i only do it for like 2 seconds, just so they get the messsage
  12. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Teabagging is immature and pretty much portrays the fact you are in no way in any mental condition to be able to play games like this (over 17 or not).

    If you're winning, you're winning. Why do you have to prove yourself further? End of story.
    If you're losing, why would you teabag to begin with? Retards.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    The most hilarious teabag is when you're completely outnumbered 4-2, or 8-4, and they teabag you cause they are on a killing spree or something. REALLY? bragging about killing someone on an outnumbered team? ugh
  14. TNort17

    TNort17 Forerunner

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    The only time i teabag is if i keep getting killed by a camper or someone who starts off a gun fight by throwing a grenade at the ground and jumping backwards EVERY time and i finally get them. Thats when i teabag.
  15. El Pollo Loco

    El Pollo Loco Forerunner

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    Though i am slightly ashamed to say so, I do teabag (but only after assassinations).
  16. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    And after armor-locking before someone splatters you with a ghost.

    I kid.

    Although it is fairly frustrating to play a game where power-weapons, vehicles, and player skill are turned against you, everyone's been on the flip side. We have all used the scorpion on Hemorrhage to slaughter the opposing team.

    Crouching over a players already respawning body is, to say the least, childish.
  17. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Ha! Teabagging is great, it's the only way to communicate without a mike!
    I always find myself Teabagging teammates when they are alive and when they respond, you remember those names in matchmaking are human beings. Which is fun (until they follow you around the map, Teabagging).
    As for Teabagging the dead, I only do it as a response. I don't see any reason to do it otherwise.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Can we rename this thread 'People post the stupidest things', please?

    Before you take the moral high ground over a tiny action within a video game, please take a second to consider why you're so quick to assign definite intentions and meaning to an action which equates to nothing more than clicking a stick in and out. Obviously it has pretty undeniable connotations, but it can be done with the intentions of fun just the same as it can be overused by people who are clearly just angry that they're losing etc. It's similar to the principle of trash talk, a pretty accepted convention at, for example, MLG events (within reason, there are penalty points if you take it too far). But at the end of the game, it's also appreciated that not standing up, shaking your opponents' hands and saying GG or something of the like is bad etiquette too. You can do something in game and leave it exactly there, in the game. I partly suspect that responses like this:

    come more from being angered by getting tea bagged than an actual logical approach. Obviously, as I said, it can be taken too far, but so can militant self righteous attitudes, and I personally find the former a lot easier to shrug off when directed at me.

    I mean seriously, in the situation you outlined you focus on the realistic connotations of what you're doing, yet you have more of a problem with the afteract of tea bagging than killing another person? Doesn't the fact that you're drawing enjoyment from the act of killing others make you think that you should possibly reconsider how much emphasis you put on the real world connotations of what you're doing? Please, get some perspective.

    Usrs, bro? Have you ever considered that misguided principles of chivalry are, in themselves, sexist? They deny the right of the female gender to be treated like just another person, and are predicated upon putting women on a pedestal of purity which they neither deserve nor benefit by, other than to make some similarly misguided women feel like special little princesses. This is in terms of the real world, too, which (once again) I would like to make clear is not what is being discussed. If one of the sprites in Halo was an actual 12 year old girl, physically undergoing what is done in game, then yeah I'd probably feel pretty awkward about teabagging, but again I'd feel worse about shooting her in the face. This would also be true if actual people of any gender or age were undergoing what's done in game. But, I'm afraid, they're not. One last time, please get some perspective here people.

    OP: Sometimes, if I do something lolworthy or embarrass someone then I'm partial to the quick singular drop, but then I don't really mind if they return the favour when I get embarrassed.
    #78 Pegasi, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  19. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I think from now on I'll refrain from teabagging and move on to bagdragging (crouchwalk over someone's dead body )
  20. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I bag little kids who scream into the mic, people who I killed after they teabagged my dead body, campers, and a chick whenever her bf is also with her (it pisses him off to laughable extents)

    I didn't teabag much in Halo 3 other than all the times I no-scoped a 5-star general and all the things above. In other words, I teabag nearly every round. So yeah.

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