Ideas for a new halo game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chaos Z999, Jan 2, 2011.

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  1. Chaos Z999

    Chaos Z999 Forerunner

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    If anyone has ideas for a new halo game, feel free to post them.
    Ideas I have:
    Option A: # Halo games intertwined together. Halo Orbit, Halo Eclipse, and Halo Lone Wolf.
    The story line of all of them is that somehow the covenant are back with new leaders, new prophets. It was a lie that there was only 3. And the Elites weren't on the himan side, only about 1/4 were. The covenant leaders told all the highest ranked elite generals who they knew they could trust to go along with it. So that way they could get inside the UNSC and attack from within and eliminate them. But they were counter attacked by new Spartan IV spartans that were ekpt a secret as well. So now it's back to old times, except there are still some Elites on the UNSC side. The UNSC found Masterchief 10 years later and issued him to command a Spartan strike force.
    Halo Eclipse: The player is Masterchief (Except the 2nd 3rd and 4th palyers, they're just spartans.[they are like noble six who looks just like their chosen character])
    Halo Orbit: The player is the newest member of Orbit team (It's essentially similar to Halo Reach to be honest.) and there are 6 other spartans in this team
    Halo Lone Wolf: The player is the first successful Spartam IV(characters armor is what the player chose as their's) and he works alone without other spartans(except on some levels)
    In all games, there are some levels where the games sometimes are the same level, just different veiw points(Ex: Eclipse team and Orbit team are both commaned to eliminate covenant forces. so instead of just the players team, the sparan team and Master Chief are their at the same time.)
    But during the events of the games, the UNSC finds forerunner artifacts like temples or bases.(And there would be new forerunner vehicles only in those levels, and forge.)
    Forge mode would have more options for structures, decorations, buildings, etc.
    Their would be more armory options like all new armor, all the old armor, can choose what helmet attachments you want on any helmet, wrist and utility armor on both sides, maybe even once the player reaches the highest rank possible, you can overlap armor(like choosing two left shoulder armor permutaions and both would occupy the same space without reprocussions. The firefight voice would also be used in the capaign. A lot more armor effects life exploding after you die (or at least catching on fire)
    After completing campaign on a certain difficulty,the player could then beable to play a free play mode, where they can play as Elites if they wanted,they could use the custom skulls(Red, Blue, Yellow)

    more ideas will be added later
    #1 Chaos Z999, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    None of the Above.

    Don't make a new Halo. It's done. Keep it like this. I don't want some other company coming in to make some crappy experience I'd rather get from Bungie.
  3. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    A game from the Elites' point of view, maybe 343 will do something right.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Very much disagree.

    I think 343 will do a much better job with future Halo games than Bungie did with their recent installments. I do enjoy the new content and improvements Bungie has done to Reach but the new gameplay mechanics that cater more to the non competitive community ruin most of the experience for me (Blame Sage...). To be honest I've kind of lost my faith in Bungie :/

    I still enjoy the Halo story(though Reach's was subpar IMO) and considering the fact that 343's got a bunch of veterans and fresh talent working for them, I trust they'll do a good job with the franchise.

    None of the above.

    Blue Team story pl0x.
    #4 Rifte, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I agree with this statement. The current Halo universe is so vast that the wholesale canon changes you propose are uneccesary and would lower the quality of everything Bungie and Nyland have created.

    In terms of a new game I would like to see a Halo Wars 2 and a ghosts of onyx game
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    DAM YOU!!!! I WAS GONNA DO THIS!!!! jk i had lots of ides:
    reach from the point of veiw of elites or chief or both!
    halo 4: search for chief
    a game about the arbiter as a ship master
  7. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i'd like another halo wars with more units.
  8. King Cobra 53

    King Cobra 53 Forerunner

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    ok very nice but id like a game where there was 3 campaigns one from the sparten view. One from the Elite view. and one telling the story of the forunners. In forge you have no budget, no item limit, and every vehicle from halo:ce[even the modded ones] and every halo after that. have deeper editing like being able to make custom paints for vehicles and objects and deeper player creation like creating costum armor custom emblems and costum pain patterns firefight voices go into multiplayer as well as able to play costum games as grunts, brutes, jakals, hunters, prophets, marines, odsts, andbe able to make levels with weather like rain [the rivers would flood] ,snow the snow would build up, also id like to see flyable cruisers in space and umm........oh yea be able to alter terrain and water levels.

    I know this is a tall order but still id like to see it
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    If you think 343 is going to cater to the hardcore more than Bungie then you are fooling yourself. 343 is solely owned by Microsoft, which based on their comments about their dedication to Kinect, they seem to be drifting farther and farther away from the hardcore.
  10. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Maybe after Halo 3, the elites are still in a war with the brutes, and you play as the arbiter. Humans come as allies, but there are still a shitload of brutes. IDK that might suck fighting just brutes.

    Or have Halo 4 where master chief lands, and Jorge conveniently was at the same planet because of the slipspace jump (In commentary it is said Jorge could still be alive). Ass kickery ensues.

    TBH though I just want to kick ass with spartans and odst's
  11. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    that would be bad ass. and you have a point about jorge
    about your idea the first levels would brutes but then the end levels would be about the remaining flood on the brutes home planet and the last level your the arbiter in a glassing ship and you have to glass a whole crap load of flood :D
  12. Chaos Z999

    Chaos Z999 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I was actually thinking about having a free play campaign where the player could play as spartans or elites. And the weather, I was more thinking along the lines of it not affecting the environment, just looks like it raining, snowing, and or thundering. Asfor the vehicle painting, I was just thinking about the team color/ color chosen in forge would affect every vehicle like the mongoose (Even scorpians, warhogs, banshees, wraiths, ect.. would changetheir color)
  13. SpartanA95

    SpartanA95 Forerunner

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    My idea

    Me and my freinds were talking bout halo one day, and i pitched this idea: What would it be like to fight in the grunt uprisings?" Most of my freinds thought that it would make for a good game. Further thought lead onto ideads like:
    1: You would play as an elite. (obviously)
    2: There would be more than just your standard grunts, stuff like the grunt equvelent of a brute cheiftan, local fauna, etc.
    3:You would always go into battle with whole teams of other elites.
    4: You would always bee out numbered. (Talking like 1:100)
    Just some stuff alot of freinds, and myself. would like to see. But don't mess with the armor system to much.
    [This doesn't mean that custom games would always be played with elites. just make elites the default.]
  14. FireBirdXV22

    FireBirdXV22 Forerunner

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    Me I've been a great fan of halo followed it everwhere it went even after Halo Odst. You know what i learned most of the creators are running out of ideas and sold the game to microsoft . that idea was a mistake.
    Any number of you people here want to make your ideas come true... anyone want to play as any number of npc . . . we need to warp halo design it into a forging pit where you can edit not only your creation but say edit a warthog to have giant tires or make a motorcycle mongoose, why do people have to Jtag and Mod to do this Give the people a way to make firefight , campaign , custom games. it ends into infinite possibilities and if we run back to halo 2 graphics we can upload our own creations and the maker of the game can make a fortune selling updates new cars new types of water to spawn . for god sakes let us spawn clones not as importance but it would make the greatest scenery .
    this could easily be made user friendly i love how forging on reach worked but one of our BIGGEST complaints is the build limit i say remove that limit and replace it with a warning tell us if we have enough things to lag the game. the best part is the maker of the game can put creations up for download like lets say .. a assult rifle that shoots scorpions it could be charged for 10 MC points but if people are that lazy they will buy anything you throw out there just because they can. that is my idea for a new halo game. to turn it into a forging dock to use new textures to edit things that change everything and to give us more power over terrain and doodads ... would it kill you to let us spawn our trees and our grass the game doesn't need good graphics to be good just make it fun and give us the power to design the rest
    please dont forget to allow us to play as custom units jackals brutes grunts hunters... best way to make it simple is to set it up with the spawning as in Respawn Point Player 1 Hunter... best thing is you might be able to use everything from halo 2 and just add too it and it will fit into the cycle when anniversary comes out .

    **one light idea to**
    dedicated servers and a way to join other players open custom games.

    to allow its flame to die out and be reborn brighter than ever.

    Edited by merge:

    Oh yeah this might involve making it possible to use the flood and use dead bodies or clones as hosts... would be an awesome custom game...
    #14 FireBirdXV22, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  15. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I want a Halo:ODST 2.
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Any continuation of the Halo saga is a horrible idea. Period.

    Let sleeping dogs lie, let sleeping gods die.
  17. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    343 Industries says hi
  18. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And I'll say it again, any continuation of the halo saga is a horrible idea. That includes the already started Halo 4.
  19. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Its horrible because?
  20. BigWillMcD

    BigWillMcD Forerunner

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    so do i but 343 needs to expand the games past masterchief
    what about some infiltration missions where (you can go wherever to an extent) to destroy covenant shipyards and such?
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