Author: Zow Jr Map Name: Mario 25th theme Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Small Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Plumber Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: PLUMBER SLAYER Sup Forge Hub members? Zow Jr here. This is a map created for a gametype in honor of 25 years of Super Mario Brothers! Mario has been my favorite character for a long time. His video games flickered up my passion for video games, which led to Halo, which all led up to this. The gametype allows players enhanced speed, jump, bottomless clip weapons. There are five characters you can choose from, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Choose wisely. Mario Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Energy Sword Armor Ability: Jet Pack 2 Frag grenades Super Mario is a high flying, fireball launching, BAMFing Plumber with a taste for all things linguini. He can use his wing cap to fly over the heads of the competition, and launch his fireballs to burn them up. Or he can just punch them if they get to close. +(Good against) Warios, Bowsers =(equal against) Marios -(bad against) Yoshis, Luigis Weapons: Fuel Rod Gun, Energy Sword Armor Ability: Active Camo 2 plasma Grenades Luigi is a stealth asset crossed with a skinny green plumber that can kick some ass when he needs to. Luigi's fireballs are stronger than Mario's and travel in a less pronounced arc. But they are slower and easy to dodge and reflect. His camo can confuse and panic other players so he can move in for the kill. Of course he better be ready for some fireworks. + Marios, Yoshis = Luigis - Bowsers, Warios Wario Weapons: Concussion rifle, Gravity Hammer Armor Ability: Armor Lock Wario is a true powerhouse if there ever was one. His powerful swing shrugs aside any resistance, and his Metal form laughs at even the most powerful attacks. Unfortunately, he's a tad slow. + Luigis, Yoshis = Warios - Bowsers, Marios Yoshi Weapons: Plasma Pistol, Sniper Rifle Armor ability: Sprint Yoshi is a Dino that you really don't want to ride on. His powerful egg throw can shred defenses, and his tongue can reach long distances to pick off the enemies without a sweat. + Marios, Bowsers = Yoshis - Luigis, Warios Bowser (THis character is hidden unless otherwise set) Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Plasma Launcher Armor ability: none Bowser is a big mean, fire spitting dragon with a taste for violence and plumbers, well done. His red fire can blow away anything at close to medium range, while his blue fire can track anything just a little further away. + Luigis, Warios = Bowsers - Marios, Yoshis Now that you have seen the characters you can play as, onto the map. Believe it or not, this map takes place on a GIANT MARIO!!!!!!! This arena was specifically designed for this game. It has varying height levels and a powerup that makes for amazing gameplay. Did you really just see that? Yeah, you fight on this. You see the resemblence? In the middle of this map, there is a ? Block, That dispenses a Starman at 117 seconds (don't hit it before then, or else), Which makes you INVINCIBLE! While invincible, you run faster, jump higher, and basically, you plain RAPE! Kill what you can within 15 seconds, then don't run around so much anymore. All this combines for a super fun, addicting, mind boggling, Mario-esque minigame! Enjoy! And don't forget to DL! (Click the pics) DOWNLOAD PLUMBER SLAYER! DOWNLOAD MARIO 25th ARENA!
Wow, I really love the whole concept. I can tell you put a good amount of time thinking what weapons would better suit each character. Personally Luigi's my favorite. I completely rofled when I saw the map. It was really a creative idea and it played extremely well. In a sum of words this map and game does really lives up to the Mario games.
Why thank you good sir. I was unsure at first whether to give Mario a COncussion Rifle. But I felt the Grenade launcher was more on point.
Everything looks good; can't wait to try. On a not-so-light note, I am dissapoint with the lack of Waluigi. :l
And I am disappoint with the lack of more classes. I was planning on having Waluigi, but one, not enough classes. Two, Dunno what to do with him. If I could get suggestion, I could make V2 with him in it.
This makes sonic arena, well, just not as good as this. This is awesome, I was totally expecting Luigi to have needles but I also wasn't expecting this below me. Now, those lines want to make me puke in 30 directions at once. But to the map, friggen amazing dude. Can't believe you had never told me this, probably because I will be like "OH EM JAY, MARIO AGAIN?". Lol but Im quite impressed, especially with the map, first I was like what giant mar... holy crap...
Ya I changed that so plex delete that part before everyone thinks I am Fail. Yeah when it comes to Mario, boundaries are limitless.
I must say, this looks like loads of fun, Zow. The cool loadouts coupled with the map aesthetics(friggin' awesome, by the way) seems like a prescription for coolness. I'd download, but bungie's being really screwy for me. Finally seems to be working. DL'd.
Just geeked out for 3 hours straight on some system link (lame I know dont have a router chill) this game is amazing YOSHI FTW!!!!!!
I was just introduced to this game by a friend, and it was pretty fun. We had a party of 6 people playing. The different classes definitely did work well together. The only thing I would say would be to have the raised sections of the platforms a little high so the sniper can't see everybody all the time. But great job none the less.
As long as two people are after the sniper, it will be fine but thanks for pointing that out. Glad you enjoyed it.
I can't wait to test it out this is a visionary idea. The concept of puting other players from other games is a great idea. I do feel that before I test it will be an explosive power wepon fight. Just explosions and death. Mabey you could give yoshis a DMR instead?
hey man, this map looks awesome and i would dl it, but the link to the gametype doesn't work, could you please fix that? thx.
I like that you put this up in the Review Hub for Reviewing. Im pleased to inform you that you will have your review by June 4th. We are having our newest Members Review this map together, and I am very interested to see what they think if it.
To restate what others have been saying, the gametype link is not working. The map looks really cool aesthetically and I really want to try it out with the true gametype.