Remake Icy Creek

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by dlimcher, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. dlimcher

    dlimcher Forerunner

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    Icy Creek - Beta v2.2

    Notice: Updated to V2.2

    After I could not find an accurate remake of Beaver Creek, I decided to try to make one myself. Most of the jumps from halo 2 are here, some are a little difficult though (like the one from the wall to the top of Red Base).
    Besides those things the map is pretty accurate. There is some z-fighting though and a little lag, any suggestions?
    In order to maintain accuracy, I timed the distances in halo 2, and then timed it in reach to make up for the spartan speed changes. Keep in mind that this is still a beta version and the only supported gametypes are Slayer, Team Slayer, Swat, and regular CTF.

    Please download and comment.

    Here are some screenshots of the map...

    Looking at Blue base:


    Looking at Red Base:


    Rocket spawn and Ramp:


    Sniper Spawn:


    Inside Base:


    Here is the weapons list for beta:

    Magnum: 3
    Plasma Rifle: 2
    Plasma Pistol: 2
    Assault Rifle: 2
    Sniper Rifle: 1
    Shotgun: 1
    Rocket Launcher: 1
    DMR: 2
    Needlers: 2 (one for each base since no dual wield)

    This Map is meant for Classic Slayer, but can suit other other Slayer Variants.

    I'm still in need of testing and getting support for more gametypes so if interested send a friend request or message to dlimcher on Xbox Live titled Creek.

    Special Thanks to firedrone8 and friends for former testing and tweaking.
    Comments are appreciated, thanks.
    #1 dlimcher, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    Extensive testing right? Be online tommorow so I can add more gametypes alright? and I still have a plethora of friends to join for testing. Good job. on figuring out how to post -_-

    Btw, I think that the first image makes the walkway covers looks attached to the ship. And wheres tha overview pic and all the In-game-testing pics? Show my epic overkill and some actuall gameplay photos. Explain why we have a giant spaceship above the map.
    #2 firedrone8, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  3. Ice Pinata

    Ice Pinata Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It seems like a good map. You could have put the map over water though, so you'd have actual water flowing through that channel in the center.

    Also, what is the huge structure over the map?
  4. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    The huge structure isn't all that huge. It only contains five parts but when you look up at it, it looks awesome. Here is my description "In the Winter, The mighty creek freezes over and requires supervision from an overhead dropship." So basically, it's a ship. And a reson why you can't place it in the water is because the bases have a basemen and they would be flooded, which wouldnt be very nice, would it?

    although It may be possible, but with drastic changes. our explanation for the glass water is that the Creek froze over. maybe later well include a sheild door version.
  5. dlimcher

    dlimcher Forerunner

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    we should probably get rid of the space ship since it doesnt stay true to the original.

    Edited by merge:

    The Map has now been updated: The spaceship has been omitted, and the jumo from the wall to the top of red base has been redone.
    #5 dlimcher, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  6. Blue227

    Blue227 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm... just a thought: you put colliseum walls up over the natural rock surface of the quarry and then you put rock spires up on to cover the open side of the quarry... perhaps you could save money in your v2 by using the quarry wall for your rock wall and using colliseum walls or other building blocks for the other wall.
  7. TwiggyShip

    TwiggyShip Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded and it looks good. I played it with my brother and we spent a few minutes testing it, and I agree, it does play nicely.

    However, you did rule out the possibility of other Beaver Creek remakes. There is a remake called Noble Creek, which has been listed in the Reach Remakes thread on as 100% accurate, and I agree with that statement.

    So, yes, this is a good map and worthy of a download from anybody else, but before posting lines like that it'd be good if you could research first.
  8. dlimcher

    dlimcher Forerunner

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    I have already play tested noble creek... It seemed to me that the proportions of the base walkways were larger than the original which changed the gameplay up a little, but yes i do agree that beside that point noble is accurate. I just wanted to get the proportions as close to the original as possible. On mine I still have to work on the sniper ramp, in the original it has a horizontal curve that hides anyone at the top of the ramp (same as the ramp to the rocket and magnum). I also need to work on the widths and lengths of the areas to the left and right at the back of both bases (seems a little wide, I'll prob have to fire up halo2 again to see the actual distances). Btw thanks for the reply, I really appreciate the Constructive criticism.
  9. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    I like what you did for the water, although i think it would have looked better simply building the level over actual water. But still a good idea
  10. dlimcher

    dlimcher Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment Mr. guiness13, but as firedrone had already said, the bases would then be partially underwater.
  11. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    oh haha, ya that would make sense, sorry i didn't notice. wish they included a river in forgeworld. either way nicely done
  12. The Blaze Jp

    The Blaze Jp Forerunner

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    I did that to accommodate for sprint. Your rock arch could use a little "smoothing" but nice build.
  13. dlimcher

    dlimcher Forerunner

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    oh, ok, I gotcha. I just wanted to stay as close as possible to the original. :)

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