A Super Mario 64 Remake .:FOR MAXIMUM NOSTALGIA, LISTEN TO THIS WHILE READING:. Princess Peach's Secret Slide Music I've been wanting to do a legit remake of a past level. This was the first that came to mind. It should be noted that it can be played on either slayer or race. Just depends on whether you feel nostalgic or competitive. IF YOU CHOOSE SLAYER: You will start inside the room where you before the level and must jump through the appropriate window (If you are one of the sorry chaps who have never played Super Mario 64, its the one on the right.) Then you can choose your vehicle of choice. IF YOU CHOOSE RACE: You will start in the initial room and do what you always do. Either way is fine, but I prefer the nostalgia route and go through slayer. The level is a near exact remake down to the lanterns (landmines) on the walls. At the end of the level, if you remain in your vehicle as you go into the room, you will be transported back to the top. If you jump out, you can go into the star room and collect your prize. I hope this level brings up as much nostalgia for you as it did me. PICTURES Critique and Comment! 谢谢!
lol I was rocking out to the music while reading and look at the pictures. Took me way back. I guessing that 1 lap in Race mode is when you get transported back to the top?
amazing, you should do mariokart maps now I for one would love to see a tick tock clock I loved Mario 64, I actually can't believe I forgot that this game came out on DS, i need to get it