Here is my first ever uploaded map titled, " Battalion ". Really, don't ask me about the name. ANYWAY, this is a symmetrical floating map. It's good for 2-8 players and plays Team Slayer and Multi Flag. WEAPONS: x2 Snipers, located in the sniper nests in opposite corners. x2 Shotguns, located in the tunnels. x1 Energy Sword, located in the middle. x2 Turrets, located at each end. Give me any tips or suggestions please! If I messed up on ANYTHING in the uploading process, please don't freak out. Remember, I'm a noobie to Forgehub. I mean, I've been here before, and downloaded some maps, but I just made an account. EDIT: Thanks Redemption, your a life saver.
All you need is really a few pictures. People won't pay much interest or even spend a second on this if you don't have some. You have to imbed the pictures, but if you don't know what that means, go here:
Looks like a good warmup map to play with friends, since its basically just a shootout with no cover Not bad for a first attempt make sure that you add more cover and maybe make it a little larger next time, even for 1 v 1
Pretty funny because it actually started out as a warmup map For a v2 I was thinking about doubling the size of the map and adding a few vehicles.
It is very bland. There is nothing happening on this map that looks particularly enticing or unique. There is no interesting aesthetic style occurring on this map, nor is there any real structures on it. Have you considered where player's can spawn? It will descend to spawn killing if one team controls top centre where they can see the entirety of the opposing team's side. Of course, that presupposes you have placed respawn zones to prevent one team spawning on the other side of the map. It is a very crude construction. About the only good thing about it I can say is...there's plenty of room to move about in and no annoyingly narrow catwalks.