A map that seems to be built by foruners long ago. How they got it to stay completely stable is still a mystery. Weapons on Map Human Assault Rifle x1 DMR x3 Magnum x1 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Frag Grenade x5 Covenant Concussion Rifle x1 Energy Sword x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Focus Rifle x1 Needle Rifle x1 Needler x1 Plasma Launcher x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Plamsa Repeater x1 Plasma Grenade x7 Screenshots
Put some embedded pictures or the mods will close this thread in 24 hours and put a more better description too...
I put a picture but I didn't work, and I'm trying to go back and edit it but it doesn't let me edit the picture link. And will they really close it down if it doesn't have a good discription?
They will close it down if it doesn't have at least one picture. You can have as crappy a name or description as you want, just don't expect much attention. honestly, the map has a "neat"(in terms of cool or nifty or w/e, not clean-just specifying) look but is really wide open making it pretty advantagous for a camper or anyone with any percision weapon for that matter. It doesn't look like its actually fun to play, just to look at. As a quick description, it sort of looks like you just threw down a bunch of bridges and buildings and didn't bother trying to think of a name. It's definitly not "teh besht map ebah!!!!!11." Also the description is sort of lame. I don't mean to insult you, but it's my opinion, and I don't feed around the bush or suar coat things. If you get through the demoralizing part of my post, then you reach the advisory part: I suggest you add more things in the middle, make people want to go out into the middle, otherwise everyone is running around in circles. Add railings, otherwise one gernade will send someone plummeting to their watery grave. Add more cover, I mentioned the advantage to percision weapon users, break their line of fire, make the guy with the sword or hammer who probably has sprint have to run through obstacles to get to their target, as opposed to just run straight up and hit them. I make my maps extremely intricate, with 6 different ways to go as soon as you spawn, so maybe thats just me for wanting to see more obstacles and pathways. I think you could do a lot better with this map, because this looks like it didn't take much work.
I honestly don't see how that can support 16 players without turning into a giant mess of spawn kills. It's far too small.
I didn't think it would ether, but when I tryed it, it actualy went well. The biggest problem is if one team gets both snipers. It might have been because the game went well but I don't see the problem, if you don't like playing it with 16 people then don't. Sorry by the way I can't think of a way to say it nicer lol. [br][/br]Edited by merge: atualy the map took 12 hours of making and 3 hours of testing to get it right. Did you try the map or just look at the pics? Don't take anything I say to hart and pleas excuse the spelling. The map is made for more than 7 people and I say that because if you play it with less the guy with the sniper is going to probley be a pain. But if you pay attention to the map it's suppost to be for persioson wepons and they are all over the map. Plus there's alot of ways to get around the map. But if your looking for a good 4v4 map I'm trying to get some CPU time this weekend and I'm going to put reach base on here. And your critsizm doesn't bother me because it helps me make better maps. And if you did try the map out thanks and I hope my next map is better for you.