Remake Prisoner

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Psychosis687, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Map Description
    If anyone could remember back to the days of old, when Halo: CE was the only game anyone really played on the Original X-Box, there was a map that went by the name of "Prisoner". Through LAN Parties, and eventually through the internet by ways of Halo PC, Prisoner could be fought with larger parties of 6, 8, or even 16 players. Now, we may all relive those days once more, and share our experiences with the more newer gamers that may stray our paths.

    The layout of Prisoner was made solely by memory, with the help of Halo PC for the different weapon sets and some of the Objective placements. Rails were added to the walkways to help keep people from accidentally falling off (and because it saved resources). If anyone flies too high in a Jet Pack, Prisoner will warn you to lower back down. But, if you continue, the map will stop you, and you will not like it.

    This map is actually enjoyable with 4 players, and I'm sure it would be as enjoyable with more people.

    Supported Gametypes
    Weapon Sets










    Download here: Prisoner
    #1 Psychosis687, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  2. Bl0odshadow

    Bl0odshadow Forerunner

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    Brilliant post formatting. I haven't actually played prisoner before, but the way you presented it here and the pictures you took have me satisfied that it will be a good remake. well done there!
  3. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    I remember playing Prisoner on Halo: CE, and the few remakes I seen in Halo 3. None of them really brought back the original feeling. And, before making this version of Prisoner, I wasn't ever satisfied with any of them, so I made mine. The Walkways may have railings, and the Ground Floor may be covered in Grass, but I think it adds to the map, personally.
  4. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I was able to download this map and played a couple of games on it. I must say that it definitely "feels" Prisoner-ey, but there are enough changes that I wouldn't necessarily consider it a remake. Perhaps "reimagination" as others like to call their spiritual successors to some of the classic maps of the past.

    IMHO the railings really make this map different. Falling from a great height is supposed to be dangerous, and since fall damage was brought back for Reach, this should play even closer to the original than anything made in Halo 3. I even fired up Halo: CE for old time's sake to spot any differences, and well, your map gets the important parts right, but again I have to say it's more of a reimagination.

    I hope this doesn't sound too harsh. In my playthrough of a couple of slayer games it definitely held its own and there were numerous fun moments. I just hesitate in calling it a "remake." Semantics, sure. But this is just my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Perhaps I'll take a stab at reimagining Prisoner, or if I'm lucky, get closer to a remake, hahaha. :)

    Cheers, mate. And keep up the good work, fellow forger.
  5. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    I couldn't really do much with how different the fall damage between Halo: CE and Halo: Reach is. And, the term "remake", well... yeah... I couldn't make the bridges be upside-down without hurting the aesthetics of the map. I had to use the bridges because almost every other normal block was used up.
  6. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    SOLEY opinion but aesthetic or not - the way the non-inverted bridge affects gameplay is too high not to have done it in this case..
  7. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    I downloaded this map and walked around it and I must say that this is one of my favorite prisoner remakes yet.

    I made my own remake of Prisoner just so I could have a good rockets only map for lan parties. It lagged like hell! I think using the grass for the ground will help performance in this case.

    True, the railings on the bridges change the dynamic a bit but it looks much better than having a trillion of 5x1 and 3x1 bricks for walkways like the typical prisoner remakes have. I'm not knocking other remakes that use these by the way, it's just a personal opinion that I don't like how the skin for them is designed to be used in that mannor. Wish bungie gave us plain grey planks instead of what we have. :(
  8. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Again, with the railings, it's a resource and aesthetics issue. There wasn't enough resources with Blocks or Walls, so I had to use the Bridges. And, in using the Bridges, I had to leave them as they are now, or have them either poking out of a ceiling or not looking right.
  9. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    i agree with a dumb cat ^. this is definitely not what most would consider a remake. but it does look like a pretty solid rehashing of what made prisoner great, so i give you props there.

    if you wanted to, heres a way that you could use normal blocks for the platforms without running out of pieces. you could use the bridges for the walls. this way you could get rid of the railings and go for a more authentic prisoner experience, if you still want this to be a remake. also i might suggest a different name... convict? imprisoned?

    sorry for the criticism (at least it was contructive tho. not anything like tHiS M4p suXXXXXXX /troll). this looks like it would be pretty fun :)
  10. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Honestly, I really can't. I have 0 Bridges, 7 Blocks, 0 Decorations, and 1 Door/Wall/Windows left. If I changed some walls to bridges, I'd have to use decorations to cover up holes, and an extra bridge to cover the other side. But, the railings don't detract from the gameplay at all. I played 2 games of Team Slayer and a CTF game on here, last night, and it flowed and played wonderfully...

    It only seems like when people are saying this isn't a real remake, it's because of the railings, and maybe the grass. :/

    Those other names... I didn't like the sound of any of them, and I tried looking for synonyms, too.
  11. SnoopALoop21

    SnoopALoop21 Forerunner

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    Should have flipped the bridges....gameplay is always more important than aesthetics in a competitive map. It looks like you put alot of effort into this map and you did a really nice job with it, but those railings really hurt the map's flow.
    #11 SnoopALoop21, Dec 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  12. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    The gameplay is perfectly fine. I played 3 games on it last night, and the 7 people in those games loved it.
  13. SnoopALoop21

    SnoopALoop21 Forerunner

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    I'm sure that it plays really well...just trying to help you out.
  14. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    I'm sorry if I came off wrong. Just... everyone keeps going on about the railings, when there's nothing I could really do about it, and it doesn't hurt gameplay at all.

  15. SnoopALoop21

    SnoopALoop21 Forerunner

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    Don't be sorry you were just defending your point of view. I didn't see all those other comments until now and i'm sure thats annoying to read the same criticism over and over. So that would be my bad. Besides who cares what other people think? You made the map exactly how you wanted and it looks damn good. Remakes will always get more criticism because people want them to be the exact same as the original, which is impossible with the limits of forge.
  16. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Yeah, but we can get really close, if we try hard enough...

  17. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    but thats sorta the problem, sorry to say. there is too much changed on this map for it to really be a "remake" of prisoner. No matter how well the map plays with the railings, for better or for worse, it does change the flow of the map to the point that it isnt prisoner anymore. its something new entirely
  18. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    No, it doesn't make it "not be Prisoner anymore" or "something new entirely". And, the flow of the map isn't changed much, at all. Every game I've played with people, on this map, the players have said that it plays just like the original map.

    Also, the term "remake" is of semantic use in terms of any Halo map, throughout the series. There have been no "true remakes", even across games in the series. Battle Creek and Beaver Creek weren't true to each other, as things were changed. Blood Gulch, Coagulation, Valhalla, and Hemorrhage had differences, as well. Lockout and Blackout had changes also. Derelict and Desolation. Midship and Heretic.
  19. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    yes, i realize that none of the "remakes" have been 100% remakes. there have always been slight alterations to how the map plays, due partly to an upgraded engine or new weapons/abilities. but the way the map plays at its core has almost always remained largely the same. a big part of the original prisoner to me is that you had to be really careful on those bridges or you would fall off and most likely die. thats why prisoner never really worked as a remake on halo 3, due to lack of fall damage. now that fall damage is back, we have the resources to recreate the map near perfectly, such as what has been done with midship>heretic or battle creek> beaver creek. they will not be identical, by any means, nor can we expect them to be, but they will function as close to the original as we can make them.

    what im trying to point out is that the railings sort of take away from the traditional prisoner playstyle and experience. youre free to disagree with me, but, to me at least, the risk vs reward of taking a shorcut through the middle and risking falling off or taking the long way around through the hallways is no longer there, as 90% of the risk of going out on those bridges is gone. it just makes travelling through the map a little too easy. plus, it also kinda messes with sightlines between floors...

    sorry if im sounding like an ass. i hope you see where im coming from and why i dont really consider this a true remake, so much as a re-imagining. im not saying its a bad map. im not saying that at all. im just pointing out that its just not quite as close to the original to be termed a "remake"
  20. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    The fall damage crap wouldn't matter, anyway. In Halo: CE, you could fall from the 2 or 3rd Floor and die. In Reach, you don't die, you take a small amount of shield damage.

    Also, you could never consider a forged map a "true remake", anyway... ever. If anything, from that thought and argument, the label for any Remake map should be "Re-imagination".


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