GUIDE: Forging outside of Tempest

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Titmar, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Forging outside of Tempest​
    By: Titmar & Skisma

    I. How to get out of the map

    II. Known glitches in forge
    a. Gravity Pull
    b. Spawn Points

    III. Known glitches in customs
    a. Gravity Pull
    b. Race
    c. Host Switch
    d. Invisible Barriers

    I. How to get out of the map

    Escaping the limiting boundaries of Tempest is extremely easy, and can be done a number of ways. Fly up to the "elastic" soft barrier in the sky, the one above the laser beam. From here, look above and place an object. What I usually do is place a flat block, and then place a spawn on it. When placing the object, make sure to spawn it above the barrier by looking up, pressing X to bring up the menu, and then spawning the object. Then, raise the object higher than the barrier with RB. Do the same for the spawn point you are placing on top of it. You can also accomplish this by placing a teleporter outside of the barrier as well.

    Once outside of the barrier, you will find that Tempest's terrible restrictive kill boundaries are no longer an issue, and you can now forge with much more space on Tempest!

    However, the downside is that there are a few new glitches you will have to deal with while forging, and in customs.

    II. Known glitches in Forge

    a. Gravity Pull

    There is a constant pull to try and bring you back in the map in certain, but not all, areas above the map.
    The areas known to us where the pull is the strongest is to the left of the towers at a height of 26.9.
    If you are forging in these areas, when you change from monitor to spartan and back, you sometimes will be "sucked down" and be killed.
    It can get a bit annoying, but its no more annoying than having to save and quit every object on a map, right? =P
    You will find after time that you will get used to avoiding accidentally dying in the areas where the pull is strongest.

    b. Spawn points

    Spawn points are affected by the gravity pull. When you place them, you will see them get "sucked back into the map" In order to counter this, all spawn points in your map must be "FIXED" physics. When the map is loaded up in customs, a player will spawn on the fixed point and be "sucked into the map" again, causing them to instantly die upon their spawn. To fix this issue, Skisma and I determined that spawn points can be placed at a height of a 1x1 block above the floor, and set at Fixed. By using these drop spawns instead of regular spawns, the gravity pull death issue in customs is avoided.

    Note: Certain areas are completely messed up and cannot have spawn points at all. Placing spawn points in these areas almost always causes instant death to the player in customs. You will need to test your spawn points to make sure you are not dying on them. Troublesome areas are, as previously mentioned: to the left of the tower at a height of 26.9.

    III. Known glitches in Customs

    a. The Gravity Pull

    As mentioned in the forge section, the gravity pull affects the way players spawn.
    You must use drop spawns in order to safely spawn players into your map.

    The gravity pull also seems to affect Ghosts. Ghosts will sometimes get stuck to the ground and no longer be able to move.
    This pretty much kills the chance to use a ghost effectively in your map. I have not tested if the Revenant is similarly affected.

    b. Race

    The gravity pull affects starting spawns for Race. Race and Rally are unusable. I tried and tried to figure out a way to drop spawn the mongooses but i couldnt think of anything that would work, every time the round starts, whether its a drop spawn or not, the mongoose is stuck to the ground and cannot drive at all.
    This only affects mongoose in Race mode, when the player spawns on the vehicle.
    Having mongoose or warthog regularly place on the map are still usuable by a player who gets into them.

    c. Host Switch

    The worst problem of all the effects of the gravity pull is the effect of host switch. When host switches, all players will get stuck to the ground and have to suicide or be killed to safely respawn. Unfortunately, this means that only casual maps can be produced feasibly when forging outside of tempest. the possibility of this happening depends on the party you are in of course. During our testing, I've had many games where host didnt switch at all, and everything went smoothly like a normal game should. But since that chance of it happening is there, it kinda kills the "true competitive" aspect of any map.

    d. Inivisble Barriers

    Some invisible barriers have been noticed around the tower.
    You can walk through them, but you cannot shoot or throw grenades through them. more info on this when it is available

    We encourage everyone to help add to this guide so we can all unlock all of Tempest's secrets!
    The OP will be updated with any info that anyone can contribute.

    **guide will be updated soon with pictures**
  2. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    wats wrong with inside tempest? utside seems finnicky and unsuitable for nprmal gameplay
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Suppose the idea is more room to create. For people who like to think outside the box on the space they're given this guide virtually doubles what they have to work with.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    the soft kill areas within the normal bounds of the map are extremely limiting.
    the regular geometry of the map often proves to be an obstacle as well.
    by forging outside of the map, you can avoid this problem.

    why not just use forge world?

    1) unique setting
    2) no framerate issues
  5. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I appreciate that you guys posted this (and no one has said thanks yet!). Especially helpful are the gravity pull hotspot coordinates and the tips about spawning there. I'm not sure when I'll be working in this space myself but I look forward to seeing that map you guys are working on up there.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    thanks, there is actually a preview thread for it buried somewhere in here.
    its called "Seabeast" you can check it out if you'd like by using the search feature.
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My first reaction to your question is, "size..."
  8. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I built a full-fledged symmetrical, competitive map outside of Tempest within the first few days of its release, only to find the invisible barrier glitches while playtesting. They broke the map entirely, so Electroshock will unfortunately never see the light of day. >.>

    Also of note is the fact that some of the apparently solid structures of the tower really aren't - you can throw grenades and shoot through them. After I found out about the glitches, I feverishly searched for all of them (hoping I could alter the layout of the map to compensate), but unfortunately there were far too many. Cataloging them all would be a pain!

    Unless someone designs a layout specifically AROUND the flaws of the tower, there will never be a good competitive map up there, sadly. Someone at Bungie failed at properly clipping that tower, big time! It shouldn't have been that hard to merely do one side properly and mirror it.

    Anyways, thanks for the guide! You've done a great job explaining relevant information.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Yes, unfortunately it is true that a truly *competitive* style map cannot be made there,
    but there are still plenty of possibilities that can be done if we have the patience to work around the glitches.

    I'm hoping that we can see some cool stuff come out of it,
    but i dont have faith in the forging community as a whole to be willing to do it,
    since everyone is lazy and used to forge 2.0 now.
  10. Matthew Cenance

    Matthew Cenance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can you sticky (pin?) this thread?
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    im not able to. a mod would have to do it if they find the thread relevant enough.
  12. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I hope this is possible with High Noon, has anyone checked?
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Lolwow super bump. I remember when we discovered this a long time ago Tit. Ah, the good ol' days
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ... You do realize we don't have CEA yet, yes?
  15. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Noxiw - outstanding sig pic. I had to take a double take!

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