
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Erupt, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Added a nomination for this. Best of luck dude.
  2. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I think I'm up to like 5 or 6:) And we still need to get a game going, Mr. Schnitzel.. Anyways thanks a lot for the nominations everyone! Please vote for it if it makes it into the next stage!

    Updated Map to v2
    • Fixed CTF plates
    • Made spawns better
    • Other tweaks here and there
    Gametype Updated to v2
    • Changed melee modifier to 75%

    Download here or at the top of the first page
    Download Burn v2
    Download Burn Slayer v2

  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Mmmmm, looks toasty. Very nice design, I think I actually helped test this at one point a while ago, but I'm not sure. I'll give it a DL for sure.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, ohh the irony of 'Toasty' with the map name. lmao And thanks, I kinda just made this little cage then made a hallway, another cage, a hallway, another cage, then connected it all. It kinda came luckily, since it wasn't supposed to be a serious map. And I doubt it, I tested it very little, as the map just came naturally, as I said above. However if you need more custom friends, you can add me.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks very nice erupt, I especially like the loadout cam part. But looking through the video, i'd recommend no more than 4 players. You might be able to fit 6 on the map, but i'm guessing in the video it was a 1v1 (couldn't see names stating otherwise) but the first 2 kills were practically back to back.. which is skill for a 1v1, but becomes too repetitive for 2v2 and increasingly easier for 3v3 etc.. etc... and it just becomes a spawn rape fest.

    Anyway, as far as looks goes, I reckon I'd enjoy this map quite a bit. Once I get my hdmi cable, I'll give it a DL.
  6. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I like the loadout camera too :) And I did mention that its mostly a 1v1/2v2 in the description at one point, which obviously no one but me reads... I don't think the video is fair judgment for that because

    1.) It was my brother, who hadn't played in forever.
    2.) I'm just flat out better than him.

    It was mostly a he runs to me and gets slaughtered kinda game. Not that I wanted to show off my skills or that the gameplay is even, just the jump-ups and what not. I have played a couple 2v2's on this map and it's almost slow paced, IMO. Not too hectic, and I have yet to get a 3v3, for I have trouble getting large parties and never get leader when I do get into them. So, since I felt 2v2 to be relatively slow, I just figured it would work with 3v3, but meh.

    Thanks a lot, I'm still working out a few kinks, so don't make your final judgment yet!

    For example: I got a complaint about a lift not working--

    I think the person just wasn't smart enough to walk directly into the lift, but I gotta please everyone, it's one of my major flaws, so I'm working on fixing that, and some other tweaks.
    #26 Erupt, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  7. EvilT

    EvilT Forerunner

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    great map. The aesthetic works perfectly. My friends and I just tried it out and with 6 people it got pretty hectic, but I don't think its made for that many anyway. 1v1 or 2v2 should work great.

    Also, lifts worked fine for us
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, the map's limit is 6, for sure. It was supposed to be a 1v1, too, so it's surprising it holds any more than 2-4.

    And the lift was the on that took you up to grenade launcher spawn- they said they nicked the side of the placed where they were supposed to land and fell into the pit. I don't know how it does that and none of the others do because they all are set the same height is comparison to what they're landing platform's height is. And the distance they travel is the same.
    #28 Erupt, Jan 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011
  9. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi hi i'm erupt. I really enjoyed this map, it's the first map I've played with a filter that doesn't make me want to throw up, and the bottomless pits were a nice touch. Although maybe you should cover them with a special surface so that players know they're unaccessible. The little ledges you could climb onto were a nice touch and led for some pro moments, and the map flowed well with few awkward transitions. The custom gametype was also nice, thank god there wasn't a suicide penalty. :p
  10. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I've had people go the entire game without noticing that there even was a filter, it mostly goes unnoticed. And I think the fact that there's no way out of them means that your supposed to avoid them, plus the default coliseum floors are the ones with kill barriers on them, so basically is covered with a "special surface."

    The ledges were added in because I didn't like the outter walls being the default coliseum walls, so I covered them with what items I had left, just happening to be bridges, creating the ledges.

    And yeah, lol, I made sure to drop any suicide penalties, otherwise I would get even more complaints about the death pits...


    Updated thread
    Which means...

    • Updated pictures with borders
    • Updated "title" with an edited-out picture
    • Added a list of the gametype's effects

    Version 2.1 Now Available
    Which means...

    • Better spawns
    • Better lifts
    • Fixed Z-fighting
    Download Now

    Gametype Updated
    Which Means...

    • 110% Jump Height instead of 125%

    #30 Erupt, Jan 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  11. Hydro

    Hydro Forerunner

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    I just played the new version with you and its nice to not to get spawn killed/walk off right after you spawn at that one spawn... Or have the lift fail and fall off. I still fell off my fair share of times though, but thats just because I suck... lol
    #31 Hydro, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  12. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I got lots of complaints about that spawn so it's been moved. And I still don't know what everyone was talking about with the lifts failing but I angled it up a few degrees more so it shouldn't be a problem now. Anyways, thanks!
  13. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Burn is a competitive, one-vs-one slayer map set in the eerie coliseum, which adds to the darker theme. The two players duel on high railings, small p and simple walkways. These three map styles add interest in play, but fail to excite the player to want more.

    The use of height variation throughout Burn keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting, and the pathways make each game fair. The variety of ways to traverse the map, such as the man cannon, ladder and the simple walkways keep the gameplay from becoming too stale. Burn, for a one-vs-one map, feels somewhat packed with weaponry. Consisting of a rocket launcher, sniper rifle, grenade launcher and a custom powerup, the player never fails to have something powerful in their hands. The grenade and rocket launcher never respawn after the first use, so the map only feels crammed at the start of the match. *Due to the gametype accompanied with the map, Burn Slayer, the custom powerup adds an overshield to the player, which works very well in terms of gameplay. The wide array of weaponry to choose from makes the experience on Burn fast and exciting.

    Burn does not separate itself from all of the other typical competitive creations. It has a simple layout, and never strays from the unordinary. No risks are taken in the design, creating a layout just shy of boring. The layout leaves the players feeling the need for something more.

    Overall, Burn is great map to play one-vs-one games on. With this in mind, Burn could do more when it comes to the layout. Though, with solid spawning and an interesting weapon set, their is no reason for an avid competitive player to not try out Burn.



    Issues arise when the layout of Burn is tested. The design does not aid the player in finding their opponent. The game just becomes a big chase, as it is easy to run away by dropping down a level and then taking a lift right back up. Little enjoyment is put forward with this style of gameplay.

    Due to the nature of Burn being a one-vs-one map, spawning is and should be impeccable. Not a single time does the player spawn in the line of sight of his opponent. Spawning in Burn is perfectly done. The variety of weaponry enhances the excitement of playing a game on Burn. The powerful weapons bring much fun to the whole experience.

    As a whole, Burn boasts great spawns and weapon choice, but is lacking when it comes to the layout. The design seems to encourage running all over the map to find the opponent.



    In terms of escapability, Burn is solid. There aren't any areas that allow the player to escape. The map still has areas that the player can reach that prove to be somewhat unfairly advantageous. These areas can be used to gain height on their opponent, but do not prove to be terribly game altering.



    The most noticeable aesthetic feature on Burn is the prominent red theme. The red ambient light sets a darker tone while playing on on the map, that is brought out through the use of FXs. FX on Burn proved not to be much of a gameplay issue unlike many other maps.

    Aside from the creative use of the FX, not much else was done in terms of aesthetics. Some items were used creatively, such as the bridges for walls. The death pits, while not entirely original, were well made. Other than these simple aesthetics, nothing looked amazing.

    Overall Burn is forged very cleanly and is extremely smooth. No z-fighting was present nor were objects unaligned. While things were nice and smooth, nothing looked absolutely astounding.



    Not much is brought to the table when it come to the originality of Burn. Some of the objects are used in creative ways, but many things in Burn have been done before in other maps, such as the death pits.

    Burn uses a darker, red theme. Burn's FXs are an uncommon theme few maps have used. This theme is presented cleanly and does not hinder the gameplay. Some ways of traversing the map, such as the man cannon and the ladder, add some original flair to the map. Even so, Burn fails to have much that makes it stand out from other maps with it's style.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    [/floatleft]6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30
    6 x 3.0 = 18
    out of 30
    7 x 1.5 = 11
    out of 15
    5 x 1.5 = 7.5
    out of 15
    5 x 1.0 = 5
    out of 10

  14. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I cannot say enough about this map. It may be small, but it looks wonderful and it looks wonderfully laid out. I am looking forward to playing on it with friends. THIS IS A KEEPER.

    I would also like to feature your map in an article I am going to write soon, unless you object...

    Also, in case you are interested, I forged through your map and looked at your spawning. You have some respawn points in the open (direct line of fire from across the map) that are inside a weak zone. Those zones are to tell the spawn engine that the points are favored, and to treat them more like they have a team mate to help prevent spawn killing. In other words, the points need to be in a protective area, not in the open. Not all points in the weak zone are in protective areas, but some are.

    Also, the CTF respawn zones are meaningless, as the map is covered with an all encompassing neutral respawn zone. Team/CTF/Bomb respawn zones are to ensure that only the correct team can respawn near the flag or bomb pad. But with the neutral respawn zone covering the entire map, any team can respawn anywhere. I would simply remove the neutral respawn zone, as it really doesn't seem to be needed for anything and is just getting in the way of you flag respawn strategy.

    I plan to fix those things in the map for the copy I have, because I really like this map. It is very well designed in both aesthetics and in paths, and it uses the Forge World palette extremely well.

    I would not consider what the testers guild says about aesthetics. Wait for my article and you will see why I think you did a stand up job on aesthetics.
    #34 MrGreenWithAGun, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011

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