Clock tower

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by I Flatulated, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I made this with the idea that it is realy annoying for me to find 8 or more players that dont make me want to MUTE them, just so I can get a custome game going. This is a pretty small map, small enough for 1 vs 1 yet very fun with up to 8 players, well very hectic if u like that. It's extremly asthetically pleasing with the large clock on the outside, and the intricate gear work on the inside. There is plenty of scaffolding for working on the gears of the clock or kicking your friends butts from up obove. There are 2 dmrs, 2 pistles, and 2 frags in the piles of u.s.n.c crates and other stuff that the covanant shoved into the corners to make room for there crates and wepons.

    • 1 sword
    • 2 dmrs
    • 2 pistles
    • 1 needler
    • 1 needle rifle
    • 1 shotgun
    • 1 spicker
    • 2 plasma pistles
    • 4 frags
    • 8 plasma grenades








  2. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    First impression was oh my god, this is amazing! I wish I could say more amazing things about it except it has everything. Too many fantastic features that I cant name them all. I have to say first clock picture was epic! And when I got to the pictures inside, like the gears and everything, wow! This map is truly a download for me and I would love to tell you this looks like a possible "Featured" map for me.
  3. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    First off I'd like to thank everyone for the positive feedback I cant tell you how good it feels that you guys like the way my map looks. All the time I put into this realy pays off when I see that other people will enjoy my creation.
    Ohh and all I was saying in the begining of the post was, that I realy just wanted to make a small map,because it's hard to find 8 or more people that I enjoy playing with, that are all online at the same time.
  4. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    This is epic my friend. My only question would be how is the frame rate on this map? With so many objects needing to be rendered all the time, I imagine there must be some drop.
  5. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I'm not positive what frame rate issuse entale, but having so many peices put together like the gears looks alot better than I thought in game play, because while in forge they looked petty glitchy. Though I would apriciate it if you would down load the map, and let me know if there are any of these problems. If you know what they affect. I also dont know what you mean by "there must be some drop"???
    #5 I Flatulated, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
  6. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Awesome ! But, your number "4"... that's IV not IIII.

    But very well done and very nice !

    Good job !
  7. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its a very nice aesthetic map, I would not consider this competitive the layout is too cramped and busy. Also it lags very severely due to z-fighting aka that annoying flickering texture you get on overlapping parts. Use the L3 button to use fine tuning to fix that and it wont lag as much.
  8. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    yes it does seem to be petty glitchy and I will move the pieces so they dont move around in such an annoying manner. I disagree about the map being to cramped and busy because as you might have noticed in my discription that I made for 1 vs 1 ,and I said that it is very hectic for up to 8 players.
  9. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What I mean by busy is that all the overhead gears distract you from the battle, and there are some excess railings that end up getting in your way. I think the lighting effects are also a bit distracting.
  10. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I believe that you are easly distracted. If you weren't staring at the amazingly awsome gears that I forged you would not be walking into railings. I'm also very sorry that the lighting is so cool. :)
    #10 I Flatulated, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  11. Blue227

    Blue227 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is that the NAC Emblem at the peak of the church/clock tower?
  12. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I made the for on the clock tower with a IIII because the numbers start to go upside down after 3:00pm so I did some reserch before and while I was making the clocktower, that is when I saw many clocks made with the 4:00 being IIII insead of IV so it wouldn't be confusing, and look like VI upsidedown. many clocks are made this way.Though you are correct IV is the corect roman numeral for the number 4.
    I dont know what a nac emblem is, so no its not, well I did not meen for it to be anyway. Its just a cross. Whats a nac emblem????
    #12 I Flatulated, Dec 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  13. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    I could care about the playability I just like big, different and well done, and this is certainly that. Man the alignments must have been brain twisting, kudos on your patience factor. Aesthetic for sure but probably fun to play on for something different from the standard comp map. Looking forward to what you come up with next. Haven't seen many maps so far I wanted to download and study the makings of, but his is one.
    #13 lllROCKlll, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  14. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    acctualy most of the smaller gears were very easy to put together quickly. All I did was turn my rotation snap to 30 degrees and put 3, 2x2,3x3 or 4x4 building blocks together and spun them until the looked right. Though there is one gear, the largest one that was very tedious and took alot of my patients. I beileive that the large one was contructed of about 20 3x3 blocks.
  15. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    This is a great concept, but the map has some framerate issues. Would the gears look almost as good if you deleted 1/3 to 1/2 of the rotated pieces used to make them? I think the coincident surfaces of so many pieces using a shared plane (z fighting) is bringing the framerate down.
  16. AMac

    AMac Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    He's right you know, it doesn't serve as a very good competitive map. There aren't very many good Lines of Sight and the map as a whole does not flow very well. I experienced significant frame rate lag. You should probably consider removing the lights as well as trying to mess with the blocks a bit to fix it. I believe it would be much better suited in the casual section at the very least, if not aesthetic.

    You should also not be so arrogant about your map when he's simply trying to offer you some suggestions; the only way you're going to get better is to learn and to get tips from more experienced map-makers.

    Here's some more advice: If you want to get your map noticed and get downloads, put some time into your post. Edit the photos a little bit, give a good description describing the layout of the map, the weapons, a little bit about gameplay, how the testing sessions went, changes you might have made... theist goes on. Also, spelling and grammar is a huge part of it as well. If things aren't spelled correctly and it is awkward to read, most people will not download your map because it appears you reallydon't care about it. Run your post through a spell checker before you post, or simply use a browser like Firefox that has spell check built in.
  17. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I have done everything you guys said to do to fix this maps framerate issuses. Getting rid of the lighting and moving the blocks to make the gears less lagy made no difference that I saw. Its simply to many pieces to close together. I cant take pieces out because the gears will look bad. they consist of 3 blocks taking one makes them looklike stars taking 2 will leave them with one block which looks nothing like a gear. I have seen a few 1 vs 1 maps in the compeditive section that is why I thought that my map belonged here? maybe they do belong in the casual section idk? Does this map belong in another section?
    I dont meen to sound arrogant but it seemed like he set him self ip for that one to me. Saying " the railing get in the way" and, "the gears above are distracting" anyway I can be rude and I do apoligise for that comment.
    I'm not good with computers, so my threads have been improving slowly.I use photo bucket so I cant resize pics much larger or they get very pixelated and there are very few edit option. Today I spent nearly 4 hours puting a video on a thread, and it has no music." I suck"
    #17 I Flatulated, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  18. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    I guess I should have been more specific in my post about the good patience factor. I meant your alignment of the gears so they would mesh with the other gears and in respect to the walls positions so it all fit together. Making the gears thing was still pretty cool.
  19. Saizyn

    Saizyn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this map last night with Flat and some other folks, and it actually played very well. There were some frame rate issues when explosions occurred, and when running around in the center area, but otherwise they were not something that killed gameplay. It did, however, slow things down a bit. So... 4 or 5 players should be safe on this to FFA, or 2v2 team (which I don't believe its properly set up for, not sure though). Mostly, its just cool as hell to look at and run around in.

    Two Thumbs up mate.
  20. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I'm glad you liked the way the map plays. It is set up for teams 2v2 or up to 4v4 though it is small for 4v4. I only set it up for 4v4 because some one requested 4v4 stock pile so its set up for stp as well. Its pretty fun to play but extremely hectic, and crazy.

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