Hey guys, I've been watching this new youtube channel called: Halo Reach Tutor. In my opinion, this guy is very knowledageable upon all of the tricks in Halo reach. Including some I haven't considered possible before. Well, here's his 100thvideo. YouTube - Halo Reach Multiplayer Gameplay Commentary Tips Running Riot on Asylum Here's a video he did on Pinnacle for Swat. YouTube - Halo Reach Multiplayer Gameplay Commentary SWAT Tips Pinnacle This is one of the spotlight videos he showcases. (There's no-scopes and a perfection, what more could you want) YouTube - Halo Reach Gameplay Spotlight FEARME4IAMD3ATH Rampage Perfection
Yeah, I noticed that as well. He mentions alot in his videos that he really feels bad for betraying his teammates, but he always says that it just happens from time to time. Note: I think I'll add another one of his videos to further show off what he does.
i could have done without watching that. (the first vid) honestly his gaemplay was boring, he wasnt even a very good sniper at all. and his whole blah blah blah about life and comparing it to a halo match made me want to punch him in the face. i didnt come here for your shitty philosophy, buddy.
I made it through about a minute of the first video before asking myself, how is Halo anything like real life? Then I answered, nothing and stopped watching. Of course, only watching the first minute wouldn't truly qualify me to tear it to bits. So I watched the rest of it. My god was my instinct right in not watching it in the first place. The first video displays somewhat campy tactics (mainly at the beginning) to which I just laughed. Secondly, if you're going to add commentary to a video, I like to think it's supposed to be interesting and keep the person watching the video interested. Like Titmar already stated, his useless blabbering about "Hey! Chores are just like Halo", got boring instantly. I would recommend replacing "tips and tricks" with "common sense".
Well, perhaps the videos I have shown you guys weren't his best. But he has shown some great tips spreading across several maps in Halo Reach and shows off some spotlight gameplay that people send to him. It's true, but at least he knows and confesses this a lot. He said that he has a sensitivity of 3. He mainly built this series for new upcoming players in Halo Reach who don't have that much "common sense". So yes, in a way, you are correct. Then you will laugh to your hearts content if you ever played against me in Halo Reach. Besides what would you expect from a sniper to do, rush into battle with everybody throwing grenades and spamming their assault rifles, with absolutely no way of countering? I realize you all have you're complaints about Halo Reach Tutor, but I haven't seen a series like this on youtube that attempts to teach the new comers everything about Halo Reach. From the Sniper Rifle and DMR that can destroy the Scorpion Tank (aim for the treads, this tatic take a long time though) to the basic map layout, which route to take and where to defend. I changed some of the videos I posted with some more satisfying gameplay with less life lessons. Thank you for the comments, I should've posted these videos in the first place.
First of all How does this help? Second of all most, if not all, people have common sense Thirdly there is a counter to EVERYTHING. Grenade spammer? Armour lock or Jet-pack Sniper? Sneak past with Hologram, camo or counter-snipe Camper? Grenades CQB guy? DMR Rusher? Plasma 'nades I could go on for a while. Any newbie could figure these out in a day or two! Heck in CoD I just chose perks that I thought would help me counter common tactics. Every game is like rock-paper-scissors Everything is good against something. You just have to use it right and know how to counter. This tutor is kinda useless.
I'm like the finer things in life, only people with class appreciate me. Dizzyman572, thanks for posting these videos for me. That's really awesome of you and I'd love to repay the favor sometime. I'm glad you enjoy my videos so much you are sharing them with other people. Unfortunately some people have no class and can't appreciate the finer things in life like my videos. Always remember that those who don't celebrate the success of others will never be successful themselves. People who only know how to tear things down will never create anything outstanding themselves. I know you are going to do great things in life and I'll bet you are already doing great things on the battlefield in Reach. I'll see you around sometime, thanks for watching and sharing!
How are your videos "the finer things in life?" That makes no sense. Chill out with that post above. For posting your videos you assume he'll do well in life? lol. Some people just don't think your vids help, don't take it personally.