The UPDATE to the map is actually for the better. The middle of the map is updated to no rocks, Bridge has been put into the map, Boxes near the Taco Shack are now there. ALSO ALL GAME MODES ARE PLAYABLE, [Except invasion, TT, and Race] I Did NOT update the pictures to the newer version of the map. (sorry) ___________________________________________________ Halo 3: Longshore Ah... Longshore...What can I say about Longshore... Mhh.. ITS REALLY HARD TO MAKE!!!!! This "remake" took me about 2 days to make. (counting the fact I was being LAZY as hell putting it off for about 14 hours) I will let everyone know. The ONLY bad-ish part of the map is "The boiler room." YOU'LL see. In the end I was REALLY happy of how the map came out. Base 1 (The MOST Accurate part of the map!) Base 2 TACO SHACK!!! Middle Pole area... or something Place where closest to WATER... ? Hope you enjoy!
This is great! I always loved this map in Halo 3, However the original map had a sunset atmosphere to it and I think you could replicate it with the orange filter. Great remake tho, I'm honored to be first comment.
I'm pretty sure those boxes had a pretty important purpose; cover. The map needed them in Halo 3, because it was too open otherwise. Not sure if this is true for reach though, might want to test that out; it could be game breaking. Also: NO DINGIES! GAHH!
Yeah, I knew the boxes were important but, I decided that the taco shack area wasn't too big. So if you have sprint then your good. BUT... if you have anything else. you better BE GOOD.
I was gonna make this but im too lazy. good job on it anyway except i dont remember the boxes around the pole area being so close, maybe you can move a few over to the taco shack
Thanks for the good feedback Yeah, im not gonna' lie to ya. to make maps like this size. You need to start off good right away and have patience.
I remember Longshore having railing along the sides of the dock but, other than that this looks to be a good remake, good job. P.S. wheres Fronk?
As much as I would have LOVED to add railing, Sadly I don't have the money nor' the object count. Fronk is dead!!! D:
I think I was right, Stopex--this just doesn't look right all grey and stuffs. I'm still going to wait for a human forge world where you can place those large crates.
If your object limit and budget is used up you really should try to free some up. You could replace the "crates" from H3 with simple block pieces as a cheap alternative. It really is too open at the moment. Other than that the main bases look pretty good.
It seems accurate, but there isnt much in the way for aesthetics. Its kind of ugly And I gotta say, you're a fast worker. Im still on my first map, yet you can push a big map like this in a matter of a few days.
Yeah, to bad you cant color coliseum walls to have rust on it or something to make it look less grey..
Nice work. I'm also planning to remake longshore after the holidays. I'm not able to dl yours right now but from the pics it looks like you've done a fine job. I'm still trying to figure out how to make a large remake like this look more colorful without having to use non-functional aesthetic pieces.
Yeah, I dont think theres actually a way to make the map more colorful, without an effect of course. Good Luck to ya if you decide to start the Longshore Remake.
The updated version of this map makes this SO MUCH Better! The Taco Shack actually HAS BOXES! COVER! Yay! Good use of the tunnel braces to represent boxes to walk through. I Loved Longshore as a Big team CTF. 5/5 !
Thanks for the feedback, Yeah I had to really dig through the map and find stuff to delete. It was DIFFICULT!
I HIGHLY 'dout Bungie will ever integrate "Human forge world where you can place those large crates." Bungie doesn't listen to the community very often when it comes to "adding stuff that people suggest"