Is it me or have I only seen 2 maps on tempest? It's a pretty cool map! In fact I'm planning one that makes the towers into...never mind. don't want people stealing my ideas. Anyway I believe it is because it there aren't many good canvases out there. I took it upon my self to make a canvas. I checked through every list and made sure that the max of all of them were at 0 which would mean there are none of them on the map. Now there are no kill zones (except hard-coded ones) no objectives, no weapons, no 'nades, no vehicles, no editable geometry, and no spawns. Here it is : Halo Reach : File Details
It actually has nothing to do with having a canvas. In fact, in Reach it's utterly self-destructive to use a canvas map because your name shows up as the author and they simply edited it. I honestly think the reason we haven't seen many Tempest maps is because, whether people bash the living hell outta it or not, people just aren't done with Forge World. There's still so much potential there and since people can essentially do everything on Forge World that they can on Tempest with less limitations, they just prefer the former.
I don't use Tempest because of how ****ed up the brightness is on it. I have to play on max brightness for every map but on Tempest, I have to lower it to the default and it's really just a chore to do it. And the invisible walls are really stupid.
I really like it. The water looks cool, and my current project and alot of my future projects will be on it
Honestly bungie should fix that canvas problem... But really? They're brightness problems on tempest? On my LCD I notice nothing different when it comes to brightness.... And yes the water is cool. I love tempest and wanna see if my idea will ever work on it. I love alot of stuff on tempest except driftwood should be destructible.
People don't use canvases because then the 'created by' slot goes to someone else. I'd rather make my own canvas and have it look like my map.
I started a couple of projects on Tempest but swiftly got bored with and/or abandoned them. There's a number of problems and restrictions: - Harder to use the map's natural geometry as the basis for a unique map build. Forge World offers a lot more variety of natural geometry and there's much less restriction from invisible walls and kill zones. - Said invisible walls and kill zones also make it a bit harder to build a floating map, though that's easily the best way to build on Tempest. - Not everybody has the DLC so it's harder to play and test Tempest-based maps. - Object palette is so similar to Forge World that it doesn't inspire a lot of new ideas. - Budget is of course lower. I was really hoping when the map pack came out that I'd be doing a lot of forging on Tempest, but for the reasons listed above I've retreated back to Forge World pretty quickly. I may eventually build one or two things on Tempest, but then again I may not.
Unless you have a clear cut plan to make something using Tempest's geometery there is very little point in using it. The budget is lower and the the map is more confined. It offers very little which forge world does not.
It does have one main advantage - reduced screen lag. It's possible to make smoothly performing maps on Forge World of course, but it can be tricky if your map is ambitious. Tempest actually makes it hard to make a map with frame rate issues. The trade off is that it's hugely restrictive.
I really havn't encountered any of those problems with tempest. The DLC one is understandable but the others have never happened to me. The budget's only 25% lower. I made a sweet team slayer map on an offline account which I've transferred to my online account. It only cost half my budget and still played well. I wish I could put it up but my file share is full.
I think the two main objections are the lighting and the more limited palette of objects to work with. Those are what I have heard others mention, but there may be other reasons. My only objection is the size and the fact that what little space there is on the canvas is already partly consumed (in the middle no less) by a structure I don't want in my map. I suppose you could make a small map on it, but you would be struggling to work around the parts of the map (e.g.- structures) that you don't want in your map. Why would anyone want to struggle with Tempest when Forge World has a lot more options to make forging easy?