hello this is my first infection map i hope you will like it, there are two parts from the village of Nurn, the part in the valley and the part on the rock. now that the infected came and destroyed the village in the valley, the villagers on the rock chopped down the bridge so the infected wouldn't be able to get to them. but... the infected were given the strenght to climb the rock. so now, nobody is save... the main building outside: the main building inside: ( no camoing cause there is a window on your left ) the graveyard (zombie spawn) the tower ( with one mag sniper. its very dangerous because you have to cross zombie spawn place ) the storage( might find something in there ) house xP and as last the radio tower: thanks for watching the thread and i hope you give this a Dl ps: dont come to close to the edges (kill)
Ok firstly dude, you need to work on your English now to the map. I like the idea of having zombies spawing in a little graveyard and having a tower with a fairly powerful weapon but you must cross the zombie spawn to go through
OK, his english wasn't even that bad, and you use only one period, just two huge run on sentences. hipocryte. Now, to the map. I am not so clear about what the area in the first picture is for, try to make that more clear. Other than that, this is a really well done infection map. The whole idea of zombies spawning in a grave yard is smart, and making the sniper hard to get is a good idea. I don't really have any criticism, other than to maybe add more forging for aesthetics, and added gameplay.
sorry for the english xD the little village is just for the asthestics and so is the bridge ( no screenshot ) thanks for your feedback, ihope to learn ho to inprove my map
hmmm... I didn't know we were having an english class here. Well, if it is an english class... LEB, you spelled hypocrite wrong, thats 5 points off, now you have a 95. LOL. m'kay seriously, i ah, concur (sorry i'm still trying to get that out of my system) with what the other people are sayin an' stuff. also, could you give us a hint 'bout what's in storage, or are you just messing with us?
The pointless argument about grammar is over. Anymore comments not focused towards the map will be infracted. You have been warned.
there is a sanbag passway on the left( its very small ) 3 dmr's 1 plasma launcher and a lot of crates you can hide behind. ps: dont f*ck with my grammar xP
its ony one run on, the first sentence is fine anyways, I played it with a few friends and it was aright, definatly not my favorite infection map. Its too generic, an abandoned town? How many times have we seen this? srry, next time add something that makes it unique. But i will definately keep it a play it as a change of pace
Looks like fun, as well as well constructed (No grammatical pun intended back there) being well balanced. Downloads for you!