God, I hate pugs once they're grown up. The only dog that could be worse is a rottweiler. Personal taste, though. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh and Grif, just so you know, I'm pwnin' some of your times in Hot Pursuit >
Haha, I have a pomeranian too. It is really dumb and ****ing annoying at how much it barks, but he's fun to play with at least.
Save 50% on Hacker Evolution on Steam pretty awesome game Save 92% on Indie Mix Pack on Steam good pack, darwinia is really fun and interesting, i played a bit of defcon, and it seems to have a lot of complex potential, even though i didnt play too much buy honestly, hacker is really ****ing fun, the whole concept is really cool
@Steam - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -- $6.80 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -- $5.10 Darksiders -- $9.99 The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut -- $4.99 Assassin's Creed 2 -- $14.99 Dead Rising 2 -- $19.99 Borderlands Game of the Year -- $24.99 (standard edition $9.99, all Borderlands games & DLC 50% off) Super Meat Boy -- $3.75 Wings of Prey -- $5.99 F.E.A.R Complete Pack -- $9.99 Save 50% on Mass Effect games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -- $29.99 (For 5 hoursish)
did you buy all those, or are you just listing all the deals? [br][/br]Edited by merge: **** me, i bought killing floor for $10, now its $5 ughgggggg
Save 50% on Braid on Steam has the best story of any game I have ever played. For five bucks, this game is ****ING AMAZING. Got it in the heavy hitters indie pack for 20 bucks. Everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
Really, buy the serious sam pack, it's like, $5, and you get the original, the second game, and both parts of the HD remake. TOTALLY worth it. Also, this: YouTube - Slaughterhouse Christmas Special - Epic Meal Time
Isn't it ironic that Meg Griffin, one of the ugliest characters on television, is played by Mila Kunis, one of the hottest actresses.
Not a dog. Large rat. If it fits in a purse and is ever considered as an accessory, then it is no longer a dog.