Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Apr 14, 2010.
I watched Tron: Legacy and wished I was... in a Wilde.
giant fish*
Someone play reach with meh
whale's a mammal? :S
I'm a mammal I think
How dare you write "it's a mammal I think" on the Internet. On the INTERNET for crying out loud.
I'm a man, baby.
and you just fell into the troll pit.
I will learn from the trolls, and use their teachings to grift pass-byers out of gold coins.
and stop goats from crossing bridges?
CK Trolls.
Looks like I'm about to get around 15" of snow.
I got a little bit of it last night... maybe like an inch?
My dog keeps throwing up, poor guy. I need to run by the vet tomorrow.
You should take your dog with you.
No more christmas hat
My pug is pretty damn awesome
My dog has the same colour fur, he's just a few time larger than yours.