Observatory 2.0 This is an UPDATED VERSION of the first map I have tried to forge. I find with some maps I come across it is difficult to understand where you are on the map because everything looks so similar. I've been working on trying to remove this problem by adding aesthetics that help you know where you are. I've played on this map a few times with my friends but would love some advice on where to go from here, things I've done right and things I can improve on. I'm still very new to forging but I hope you like it. Weapons On Map: 1x Sniper Rifle-60 sec. 1x Sword-60 sec. 1x Fuel Rod-60 sec. 3x DMR-30 sec. 3x Needle Rifle-30 sec. 2x AR-30 sec. 1x Needler-30 sec. 1x Plasma Repeater-30 sec. 3x Pistol- 30 sec. 8 Plasma Grenades 5 Frag Grenades Over View Observation Tower Central Room Balcony & Man Cannon Steps & Trees Tunnel Lift Cave Outside Elbow Entrance to Balcony Download: Observatory 2.0
lol Here I am browsing forge hub at 6 in the morning and I find this If your Xbox stays fixed you should take the roof off the map to get some overhead shots.
So I like the map, kinda reminds me of some other one I once saw lol. What you did with the water is very cool and the window and outside area also makes for some unique atmosphere. From the overview the layout seems good but you should include a weapon list. Also, some of the colosseum walls seem a bit bare and if you have budget left you should add a bit more to them.
Great Map! definitely like how you used the scenery of Forge World in the map with trees and a pond. Very creative
Awesome with the tree's and water and all that. Should be great because of all the forge stuff surround tree's and water. Very unique too.
I really like what you did to make each part of the map unique, so you always know where you are. The glass hallway is pretty sick and so is what you did with the rocks on the teleporters. Those trees on the pseudo cliff had me confused for a minute while I tried to guess when you built that room. All in all this looks solid, and this is staying on my HHD for a long time, especially with the 1000 item limit.
Ya, but you have to realize that a lot of maps "look like other maps we have seen". That doesn't mean this map is not worth a download. What I am trying to say is that unless someone has a unique idea (really unique) then it will look similar to some other map we have seen. Reach Forge has allowed us to focus on the map rather than the "how to construct" and that has unleashed a lot of maps for people to consider. I thought my graveyard map was unique, until I did a search for other maps submitted to the forgetacular infection category. It surprised me...
I believe what A Silent Emu is refering to is his map called Crystal Summit Observatory which has obvious similarities with my map like the name and the large window on the map that looks out at the waterfall. Both great maps I may add.
Very impressive aesthetics on the map...very unique somehow too...Ive seen many maps in these kind of areas with these kind of looks but you have done something different to give it originality and Im impressed with what you did...although you could add some more structures to the area to the far right from what I saw in the overview...
Hey guys, thanks for the feed back I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm don't really know how long it took me cause I would sort of work on it and forget about it for a week and than think of a cool idea and add it and so forth. And for that far right area, i tried so many different things to add something to it and nothing seemed to work that well. If you have any suggestions as to what I should do with that corner let me know!