Bent (revball)

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by doobiesnax0420, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    so here it is my second revball map. tried to think out of the box this time and see what i could do to spice things up a bit. now instead of the normal flat playing field ive adapted to a ten degree up hill twards the goal making it an up hill battle the whole game

    heres some pics





    spent a lot of time tweaking the ball return pretty sure were in the clear and i wasnt to hasty on posting this up.

    all feed back is greatly appreciated
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks great. maybe just have the coliseum wall peices even with the grid peices though? maybe show the return system? Am I using to many "?"

    and who was the original inventor of Revball?
  3. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    ill try to get some pics up of the return system soon.... but why take out the extra angle? from my experience it seems to help push that ball to the center more away from the walls. did something happen in game that affected game play? or was that just a question?

    the original creator of the gametype and game mechanics is wheels36

    Edited by merge:

    and no not to many ??? i appreciate the feedback id just like more info on why this was disagreeable... cause that would have been way easier
    #3 doobiesnax0420, Dec 24, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  4. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
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    I really like the idea of making the grids go up ten degrees. It seems it well help defense get the ball further away from their goal.
  5. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    it does... it seems to keep the ball twards mid field a bit more... but one solid shot on the ball can make the ball go all the way up to the goal... making acuracy of your ahots worth more than on a level playing field
  6. xHoBoSNiPeR

    xHoBoSNiPeR Forerunner

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    this looks great, but it's almost impossible to screw up a griff/rev/whateverball map.
    can you pleas tell us about how the scoring system works??
  7. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    this is the one part of the map i didnt create... i dissected wheels36 map splatter dome to make it im pretty sure he explains it all in the original revball post

    i also have to disagree on it being impossible to screw up a revball map especially with this one. by adding the angle to this map i realized i have changed gameplay from your normal revball map and am still waiting to see if people like it as much..

    dont get me wrong tho compared to a multiplayer competitive map where theres alot more thought into spawning and weapon/vehical control this is easy.
  8. darnell

    darnell Forerunner
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    The scoring system i find is quite easy. I recreated it x4 for my hungry hippos game. Basically when the ball goes through the goal and down the slope or whatever it will trigger a mine which will trigger and explosive set as stockpile flag. Having an explosive set as stockpile flag makes the flag spawn on top. However i have had the problem where the flag wasn't spawning for one reason on one map of mine. You can overcome this by making the flag spawn as a hill marker above the explosive. Put the collection zone below the explosive so that the flag will fall in to it and that is it.

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