Santa's Lair YouTube - Halo Reach Racetrack: Santa's Lair This awesome swirling racetrack was made by FlotownHockey. This is a Christmas map made for the unique occasion of Christmas. The story behind this map is that Santa is running late on delivering all of his presents. It's up to you, the other racers, and the remaining snowmen to help Santa deliver the left over presents. This track can hold up to 14 people. This map contains some really cheerful and noticable Christmas themes. Some of which you may recognize as Santa's workshop, snowmen, Santa's sleigh, Santa's nine reindeer (including Rudolph), and even a massive Christmas tree with presents! Get some friends in a game and have once in a lifetime race around Santa's Lair! Santa's Christmas Tree
I gotta say, I'm not a big fan of race maps, but this map looks sick. It brings out the "Holiday Spirit". The racetrack seems very smooth, the aesthetics are pretty cool and creative. Lol, Rock, Smalls as Reindeers? Adding an overshield to the front of the rock making it Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer? That was pretty cool. Where the Capture Plates snowmen?
really nice racetrack, it looks really fun to play but I don't like how you did that christmas tree, it just doesn't feel like, you know, a tree... and isn't this the song from the cola commercial? and btw, merry christmas !
Thanks dude! And yea, the capture plates were snowmen [br][/br]Edited by merge: yea, some people don't like the tree, but I ran out of money on the map and yea the song is from the cola commercial.- Merry Christmas
I like that you made a lot of tight curves on a track suspended over all-killing water. It allows skilled racers to use the insides of those curves to their advantage, while less skilled players would likely fall off from trying that. It also means that your reactions have to be pretty fast to avoid falling off in general. Those are the traits I look forward to in a Race map. Congratulations. I also noticed that all the major aesthetics are viewable from the actual racetrack. You don't have to risk the lead (or your life) just to look at snowmen throwing snowballs. Good job, Flotown, this is one of the better tracks I've seen in a while.
Thanks dude, that means a lot! I'll make sure to build tracks like this, if not better, in the future