Zenith Right above it. ________________________________________________________________________ Gametypes Zenith is a mid-sized 4v4 map, made for mostly MLG gametypes (i.e. MLG Territories, MLG Flag.) Its set up for (In normal, not MLG terms) 3plots, Neutral Assault, Multi-Flag CTF, Stockpile, Headhunter, Oddball, KoTH and of course, Slayer. ________________________________________________________________________ Layout It's the kind of symmetric that Sanctuary/Asylum is, but I don't know the technical term for that. The map is set half in the Island area, half in the Coastline area. It almost perfectly splits the map in half, luckily. Most of the red side of the map is labeled as Coastline, and the blue half is labeled and Island. ________________________________________________________________________ Idea The idea came form a Gears of War 2 map, that I could not bring myself to recall the name of. With the catwalk over top mid, and the circular platform under that, that was surrounded by water. If this reminds anyone of the map name please post here and tell me. ________________________________________________________________________ Pictures Here is a view of bottom mid. Also the Loadout Camera. ________________________________________________________________________ - A view of Blue Spawn from under the catwalk. It is symmetrical to Red Spawn. ________________________________________________________________________ - A view of "Gold" Side. It is symmetrical to Purple Side. However, Orange spawns here, not "Gold." Any comments are appreciated. Also, comment if you would like to test.
In pic one, that column has some serious density, and that could result in some framerate lag. Other than that, looks very nice
Alright, from the pictures, this map looks nice and clean. But can I ask, how much Budget do you have left? I see this map playing well with Slayer and CTF. I really love the first picture, the middle support beam or so looks really nice. Good Luck with your map.
I think you wanted to use this picture for the third image Code: http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m579/HiImErupt/reach_11637475_Full.jpg I like most of what I have seen so far, but why are there antennas sticking out of the wall like that; any reason, to change movement or such?
I only used 12 items on that column, and the map has zero screen lag, so no need to worry about that. Actually, I made sure of no screen lag, that was goal #1 in this map. Thanks. And I dont know Exactly what my budget is, but it should be around the range of $3,000-$4,000. And along with CTF and Slayer, I'm hoping the map turns out well for 3plots, which is what I designed it for. Anyways, thank you. Thanks for the heads up. But how did you find me on photobucket? haha. And I must say, it was very nice of you to go through all that. Well, as I said it's based off of a GoW2 map, and that map had pipes and such, which is what those are supposed to look like. EDIT: Fixed
You say a Gears map with the catwalks, perhaps you were referring to Stasis? That was one of my favorites. btw, this is another great shot. ;D
YES! Stasis. Thank you very much. Did the map remind you of it at all? I originally had a NexGen Nova to try to get it to the right dark, but Nyte told me to remove it. And thank you for leaving only one screenshot to be a surprise -.- This is a PREVIEW, remember...
Lol, just giving the people what they want. And yes, I'm getting a somewhat of a Stasis vibe from what I'm seeing. Of course a full overview would definitely help, but that'll have to wait.
Well if you would like to test it msg me or add me or something. Also, I'd like to see you get the gameplay video off of my computer! :O lol.
Right clicked you image, copied image url, deleted the image part after your username and changed *****.site.com with www...etc., and looked at your albums. Mostly, this isn't one of the easier ways, but its one I could think of at the snap o my finger. You can use it to find all of my images if you do the same, along with anybody else that uses photobucket, and maybe other image hosting sites, since they(the sites) need to keep things organized. Oh, they are pipes! I haven't played God of War so I wouldn't know. It seems they would hinder movement too much to me, might want to keep that in mind. If they do, maybe move them over 1 unit or so if they do, as jumping, though not much, could make that an annoyance.
Haha, I meant Gears Of War 2. Sorry for the confusion. They don't seem to cause any problems, but I do need to make them look nicer, and perhaps move them over. Also, I won't be on for awhile, everyone, family celebrations and what not.
I'm really excited for this map, im interested to see how the gameplay goes from one game to the other. I also think the round pillar is awesome, I would have ended up just putting a square one. You might try replacing the antennae with the column piece instead, and just use the same method for roundness. It will make its purpose more obvious, and i think be generally more pleasing visually. I would love to play test it some time, that way I can take a better look at it.
Well, this map is in the TG, so if you care enough you can download it there. However it will have many more changes in it's future.
I played a bit of 1v1 with a friend on this. Mostly joking around, but I found some stuff that was problematic.
Thanks a lot, although I did put soft kill zones on that ledge.. they must have dissappeared. I will change a few of those movent/confinment problems as well. The weapons too. Thanks again! Edit: I fixed most of these. All but one or two of your movement issues.